My brother just confessed to me that he's in love with me, what do i do? (140)

37 Name: For All Needs : 2007-05-05 20:03 ID:QauG6c+Z

... ... I was gone for one day and it looks like I missed so much >_> wow. Well little missy I hope you find what's in your heart and I know you came to this site for an honest oppinion. I'm sorry that we were argueing on your thread it was childish I will admit... So yeah again I'm sorry. As for my oppinion I'd say you shouldn't supress it, that could be bad for not only your brain but as well as for your heart. Maybe you could try relieveing your stress stress somehow? A good way is to tire yourself out. I'm a big fan of DDR you should give it a try turn all that stress into energy! I find this very effective and it calms you down. Or just try to have fun, get your mind off the situation and enjoy life to the fullest! XD Lets take our worries and throw them to the wind!

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