help... please? (29)

1 Name: her_other_half : 2008-01-12 01:21 ID:RtVHYCtS

Well... I'm a freshmen at a high school. Most of the freshmen girls (about 40-50% of them) go out with upperclassmen, making it hard on the freshmen guys to get girlfriends. And part of the girls that don't go out with upperclassmen go out with guys in other classes. Our school is kinda big so then we have multiple teachers for core classes (math, history, science, language arts) and we are put together differently. Like I'm with a group of people everyday for the core classes and electives are different. But the girls usually only date guys in other core groups.

So to get to the real deal here, I like a girl that usually doesn't go out with guys (I think for the most part) and I thinks she might kinda like me. But at the same time most of the things I say to her she kinda gives me this face like if I'm weird or something. The thing that I know for sure is that right now I'm not labeled as a friend to her because she knows like very,very,very little about me. How can I try to get her to notice me, like me, consider me?

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-12 01:27 ID:Heaven

Well, in order to get to the friend level you'll need to get more points on her heart meter. After you get so many, you'll probably be able to unlock the events you want.

For instance, is she on the student council? Maybe you can ask to help her out every now and then. After a while her heart meter will probably go up.

But be careful to choose the right things to say. Right responses can increase her heart meter, but some wrong responses can dramatically decrease it.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-12 01:36 ID:5W586uQM

Just ask her out and get it over with before you get in over your head.

4 Name: her_other_half : 2008-01-12 01:50 ID:RtVHYCtS

>>2 Your right.
No she is not in Student Council. I have her in my core classes, but not math (I have a kinda whacked schedule due to unfortunate events).
I can't find time to talk to her because we walk every other way from each other for the next class. I think in biology I can talk to her because the teacher is not strict but not that easy, we can move our chairs around since we use tables.
I can't find the right thing to talk to her about. All I truly know about her is that she's in band, she's the best in class (we have alot of projects and all of her's were amazing, no one could compare to hers, she always gets the most and best compliments from everyone), and she's a very calm and nice person.
I didn't know earlier but I have the same lunch as she does, should I use this opportunity?
>>3 If I ask her out she will freak out, I'm sure about it.
I think I should flirt a little, I don't get in over my head. I'm almost a stranger to her.

Thank you!! Though I need more help ^^^

5 Name: her_other_half : 2008-01-12 02:02 ID:RtVHYCtS

>>2 Your right.
No she is not in Student Council. I have her in my core classes, but not math (I have a kinda whacked schedule due to unfortunate events).
I can't find time to talk to her because we walk every other way from each other for the next class. I think in biology I can talk to her because the teacher is not strict but not that easy, we can move our chairs around since we use tables.
I can't find the right thing to talk to her about. All I truly know about her is that she's in band, she's the best in class (we have alot of projects and all of her's were amazing, no one could compare to hers, she always gets the most and best compliments from everyone), and she's a very calm and nice person.
I didn't know earlier but I have the same lunch as she does, should I use this opportunity?
>>3 If I ask her out she will freak out, I'm sure about it.
I think I should flirt a little, I don't get in over my head. I'm almost a stranger to her.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-12 03:05 ID:PKwI6apz

>>1 s your a lesbian? thats fucking cool. lesbians are awesome

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-12 04:37 ID:5W586uQM

Alright, flirt, then ask her out.
Don't put it off more than a few weeks or you could regret it.

If she rejects you, then at least you've tried and can look elsewhere.
It might hurt to now, but it gets easier with experience, and you're going to need experience.

And I don't she'll 'freak out' unless your name is Brian Peppers.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-12 08:19 ID:94vQIsvP

You are really complicating things, its really not that hard. You say see doesn't know who you are, I believe that, I don't believe she "kinda likes you," if she doesn't know you, how can she like you?

Just start talking to her. Ask her when and where ever you get a chance, and do it as soon as possible and don't hesitate when you do it. When you see her, ask her how her day/weekend/etc was. And keep the mentality you are just asking to find out how her day /weekend/etc was. Simple. From there ask her about her day, tell a little bit about yours when she asks, embellish any story a bit to make it more funny

Don't start flirting right away, just get to know her better. If you can open your mouth to her, then you can make some jokes, a neg or two, but just show her how you are a fun and cool person.

Just have fun, be relaxed and don't sweat it too much. Talking a girl is not the hard part. Asking her out isn't the part. The hard part is finding time in between school, work and other random shit to make room for her. You know you found the one when she fits perfectly with your life.

9 Name: her_other_half : 2008-01-12 14:57 ID:3EIXYBvF

>>6 im a guy.

>>7 yeah, i think she just might be shocked to figure out that i like her without any flirting or any indication of any kind.

>>8 i know talking to a girl is not hard i talk to them more than guys. yeah finding time is tha hard part i have realized that. I dont have a job so... that's a little easier but i am in a band and we practice a little sometimes. at that last sentence, wow... so well said and worded. thanks!! but i might need more help will update on monday afterschool

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-12 16:07 ID:Aecss0hQ

>>2 is definitely wrong.

what's the use becoming friends?
better skip that stage or it 'll get hard xD
once you're in the friend-zone, she'll never expect you being in love with her, since you are friends!

just flirt with her and you'll soon whether she likes it or not.
Once falling in love, it will be harder yeah. just don't think about being rejected or she thinks you are insecure. the least thing they want is an insecure boy.

good day sir :-)

11 Name: her_other_half : 2008-01-12 16:30 ID:JwBWc4Dn

>>10 thank you sir, your right they dont want an insecure guy. im not close to the friend-zone im in the acquaintance zone or i-barely-know-much-about-you zone. lulz.
Yes i will try (flirt) and see what happens.

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-12 17:00 ID:p13rDnCO

High school is trickier since the girls are so fickle. Best advice: strike up friendly, light hearted conversations. Two things girls LOVE to talk about: themselves and other people. Get her home number (you can accept the cell number if she balks) as soon as possible. Do it when you're in that sweet spot between "total stranger" and "friend"

Then ask her out over the phone three to five days later. I know its harder for freshmen without cars and you have to go through your parents, but try to do at least ONE traditional date. If things seem positive and her body language gives you the green light, move in for a quick kiss.

You think getting a date is hard in high school, hanging onto a girl is even worse! But that's for another thread

13 Name: her_other_half : 2008-01-12 17:05 ID:JwBWc4Dn

Well I've had longggggg relationships before and they got serious so they were severed. But I might ask for her cell, that's if she has one, but I have no clue how to talk on the phone with a girl. I only talk to my sis, cousin (shes like 20 or something but we talk like family), and my best friend. The relationships I had before I talked on the phone for hours but htis girl was deep into me, i wasnt though. I already have her on my myspace friends list since I added just about everyone in my core classes after I met them. I haven't tried to talk to her through their, should I? I rather talk in person, because if I mess up then I know, through phone you never know what they are thinking cause you dont see them.

14 Name: her_other_half : 2008-01-12 17:06 ID:JwBWc4Dn

Wait at the first sentence it was only relationship it got to far (not fooling around, she just got to attached).

15 Post deleted.

16 Name: her_other_half : 2008-01-12 17:10 ID:JwBWc4Dn

>>15 what the heck is wrong with you thats not me, the OP! Look at the ID's.

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-12 20:15 ID:5W586uQM

> I've had longggggg relationships before

How long a relationship could you have possibly had if you are a freshman in high school?

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-12 21:17 ID:VoNPArCy


I knew a girl who dated the same guy from fifth through ninth grade (and past, she married him eventually) That would be five years, which is a long time if you're only sixteen.

19 Name: her_other_half : 2008-01-12 22:18 ID:zygUEXoL

Well compared to everyone else I had one that lasted about a year everyone else was about a month at the most. Last year when I was in 8th grade that was the relationship that I had to sever.

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22 Name: her_other_half : 2008-01-15 20:59 ID:O5lvW8TJ

dude >>21 shut up or get out. try to help me here. geez. well i havent talked to her alot this week, even though it is tuesday. it might hade to do with the fact that we are having finals and we have random schedules. i did try to start a conversation but it was time to go to the next class and i have no clue where she goes... so i just went to my class.

23 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-15 21:49 ID:Heaven

You should use a tripcode.

24 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-16 14:48 ID:Heaven

Why, to increase tripfaggotry by 2.5%?

25 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-16 14:51 ID:Heaven

No, to prevent the 20/21 kind of faggotry.
Also I never said he should use it outside of this thread.

26 Name: soccerfuu9 : 2008-01-20 13:38 ID:CMkmP0c0

>>1 welcome 2 da reality of love, my friend.

Unfortunately, you will hit some speed bumps once in a while...which is ok. I had my share of girls that I liked before, but like you, I wasn't much of a friend...and I ended up screwing up my attempts to get their attention because 1) I would act strangely in front of them (mostly because I was too timid), 2) would try to excuse myself when close to contact, and 3) kept second guessing myself.

I can tell you more 'bout my experiences, but I want to help you. Anyways, I see that you guys around are sayin' random stuff. So I'll b frank on this: have you even said "hi" to her 1 on 1? Also, have you ever had a conversation with her? Answer those, and I'll help you more.

27 Name: Lamune-chan : 2008-01-25 10:36 ID:Hz7Mm4YN

As I figure it , the only way you could get her to notice you is if you talk to her. There isin't any magic that will. You've got to be strong. You're a man right ? XD
I'm a freshman too but If I were you (no matter how nervous you get aroud her) Try chatting with her or at least her friends so you can get closer to her ! Am I getting through to you :O ?

28 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-26 15:50 ID:j062jo9f

Just keep trying to talk to her... sometimes people's attitudes change if you keep talking to them. If nothing else you might get a friend out of the whole deal.

29 Post deleted.

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