Recovering. (6)

3 Name: soccerfuu9 : 2008-05-03 21:59 ID:aOIaGwvH

First of all...I WOULD NOT advise anyone to cut ties with anyone as a primary decision; that should be reserved as a worse-case scenario.

Here's an example: I liked this girl from high school for two years...and in a way, I kept eying her like crazy. She was attractive, smart, and easy to talk to. However, we also we through issues as friends...and eventually, I did some stupid shit (wrote disturbing e-mails, said shit about her behind her back) while she also said negative things about me that completely destroyed the friendship. One day, at a party, I took her aside and finally told her "I love you." She dissed me, saying "I liked you as a friend. Right now, I just can't stand to look at your face." For seven months, I was very depressed and cold. I was happy, during that time however, to find another girl that not only listened to my problems, but for some reason...found me sexy (don't ask why). Anyways, I was enjoying my relationship with her...but every time I see that other girl that refused heart continued to hurt like crazy. In a way...I felt like crying at times. Although we hurt each other so much...I still felt like I couldn't leave it like a sour note. Eventually, however, I realized that I shouldn't be bitter about her...cause I still cared and was my fault for hurting her. We made up as friends...but now we don't talk because we go to two different colleges. Conversations now may not be sweet and happy, but in my least I did one last thing that won't create horrors in my soul.

The main thing is that "let's just be friends" may be one of the only things that might leave a good mark on a person's life. I still have moments of depression and stress because of other friendships that broke down horribly. I liked them, and but it was never to be. The reason why I try now to be more positive after such an event is because it reflects who I am as a person. Not for gossiping reasons, but more of because I would look self-esteem for myself and how I could treat future friends/loves in my life.

>> much as I understand that you don't want to be friends with her again...just remember the happy times. much as you would try to forget her...there will always be something that will make you remember who she was as a person. Don't forget that whether you guys make up or not in any future...don't disregard the friendship made. I find it was precious to don't keep it like a negative mental thought.

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