It came... Its finally my chance (134)

1 Name: Otakun : 2008-11-18 04:07 ID:jeVV9eax

I hate to use this but...
yeeaaahhhhh━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

Heres my story, a good friend of mine suggested that I start hanging out with them at school instead of going home so early. So I did, I eventually met her other friends and we got pretty well aquainted. One in particular plucked a string in the guitar of my heart. So we started talking and I thought I was coming off as weird as usual.
One day she told me that she was late for class because she missed the bus. From there I decided to give her my number if she needed a ride. She never did call though (;_;). I was just being my usual nice and fun self for the next few weeks.

Then it came, I just heard from a friend that she liked me... I thought I was in the friend zone for sure! Like I said from the moment that I met her I had a crush on her, and for the first time in my life I actually know whats going on! Oh my gosh I'm so nervous right now... keep going... So for the first time in my life I have my first shot at a real girlfriend... I feel so excited, but scared at the same time. I just have to be myself in front of her and talk to her more now... But I don't knwo what to do! I might be too scared to talk to her the next time I see her! What do I do guys!? _l¯l○

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-11-18 04:48 ID:kvCwqKHb

go for it and ask her out. it's better than wondering why or what if years down the road.

seriously, listen to this old, bitter man of 21 years.

3 Name: Otakun : 2008-11-18 05:29 ID:jeVV9eax

I'm only 19! and turning 20 next month... We're not that too far apart >_<!

Like I said before... this could be my chance to change my life forever. Lately I've been so lost, trying to do what I can. Applying for work everywhere, trying to do better in school, and even trying to fall in love. This could really be the moment that defines who I am. So I ask you guys... my a friend recommended that I plan something... like a get together. Tamago(what I'll be calling her because I gave her my egg phone charm) likes singing... So they were thinking something along the lines of a kareoke thing... Should it be at my house... or at someone elses? Or even a bar?

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-11-18 06:11 ID:KD+wfoDN

Whatever you do you need to make a move, not rush but don't idle. Unfortunately in my experience girls tend to change their minds/feelings in incredibly short periods of time.

5 Name: XCDXER0 : 2008-11-18 09:05 ID:QZcdbuTf

hey that's good to hear! Good luck on that man.

>>4 that very true, girls can change their minds really fast, tsk women. haha i do not say that in a anti-feminist way, just a joking way.

No time like the present otakun! Hang out with her, and when you think you should ask her out go for it. I'd say ask her out the next time you see her. Hopefully you knew each other long enough for it to be a smooth breeze

6 Name: Otakun : 2008-11-18 09:54 ID:jeVV9eax

We actually met only a few weeks ago, but we seemed to hit it off pretty well. I was thinking that I should ask our group of friends to do something in order for me and "tamago" to get closer. Maybe I should beg one of my friends to hold something at their house or something. I'm still a little reluctant to do anything because I still haven't found a job, plus the semester is ending soon and I'll have to register for spring classes soon. Oh man, so many things on my shoulders.

Well earlier today, or its yesterday now. I saw her in the cafeteria, but I was still in line paying for lunch. By the time I finished paying she was gone and I searched for her while lugging around my personal pizza. I went back and forth getting in a lot of peoples ways... Man that was embarassing, but I looked for a few minutes. I eventually gave up and just stuffed my pizza of shame down the hatch. Later that night I got the news which created this thread.

I kinda teased her by messaging her that I saw her, but "ditching" me and that we should make up for it on wednesday. Apparently she was looking for me too and she's looking forward to it. Theres only one problem...I don't know if I can act like my usual self Wednesday! I'll probably be accidently dropping hints of my true feelings... is that okay? I might totally mess it up too... Do you guys got any suggestions on what I should talk about? I've been watching this new japanese drama, should I mention that? Maybe I'm just worrying too much like usual... <(@.@)>
Its just that I really like this girl and I haven't felt like this in a long time. I just don't want to mess up again...

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-11-18 11:01 ID:mbJN1W9I

you can use your japanese drama, just keep her occupied and be interest to stay with you. try to make the conversation flow.

8 Name: -[lt]- : 2008-11-18 12:47 ID:rOIIGVzM

Hey, you haven't forgotten my tips haven't you? xD
Remember, you have to be the pursuer. You have to be confident. Women like confident men, If you're gonna be silent around her, or you're too shy to say hello or have conversation, forget about it.
Give her a call sometimes, ask her if she's busy and then if she's not, go organise a date like a movie, ice skating, resturant, lan cafe (if it happens to be her thing) etc. and go!

9 Name: Otakun : 2008-11-18 22:21 ID:jeVV9eax

I'm just a slow learner when it comes to these things and I tend to blank out at the most crucial times. Tomorrow is the big day! I'm so excited... hope I don't mess up _l¯l○

Nah I'll be fine... I hope lol

10 Name: Otakun : 2008-11-20 00:01 ID:jeVV9eax

I just got home... Today had its ups and downs. I don't even know if I did good. Anyways heres what happened:

I felt so tired because I was up late finishing off another japanese drama... I woke up this morning feeling completely drained. So I went downstairs to have some breakfast. When I got back to my room I noticed my alarm going off, but then as I turned it off I saw that I missed a call. It was a number I haven't seen before... a chill ran down my spine as I realized who it could have been... It must have been Tamago, but when I saw the time she must have been in class by then. I decided to dress a little nicer than I usually do today too.

Class was nothing special... I was so exhausted I slept through both. I think my body was saving all my energy for the afternoon... Anyways I got to lunch and saw my other friend first. Bingo, its definetly going to go well today... or so I thought. After Tamago joined us I couldn't really do much. I was stuck! I couldn't say much and when I did I didn't think it was very meaningful. Not to mention while I was drinking the cup decided to burst while I was holding it. A lot of my pepsi got everywhere hitting me and my friend's things. My arm was drenched. Way to go me _l¯1○

Then my ally came... the friend who told me in the first place... My other friend was urging me to make my move, but I was so hesitant... I was just so scared. I wanted to, but I just couldn't. I hate my indecisiveness... My other friend was keeping Tamago pretty occupied, talking in another language no less so I just quietly studied sitting next to her. Time just seemed to pass like that, repeating my friend urging me while me not being able to for a while. Tamago and the other friend left for class and made me fall into despair. Why do I suck? I promised to drive those two home though!

11 Name: Otakun : 2008-11-20 00:17 ID:jeVV9eax

Okay I'll continue from there... Didn't want it to be too long in one part.

That hour and 15 minutes felt like an enternity when they left. I tried to study, but my failure kept keeping my thoughts off calculus. My ally and another friend were there to keep me company, but it was no good. I just kept thinking why didn't I just go ahead and make a move? It wasn't long before the the other 2 had to leave for their classes too leaving me by myself. I just put my headphones on and decided to get back to work, but my body caught up. I fell asleep and woke up just as Tamago and the other friend returned.

While we were walking through the building I felt so uneasy because the other friend decided to walk on my side, and the hallways aren't that large. Tamago was forced to walk behind the two of us... that made me worry so much. I tried to get her to join up but she didn't. When we got to the door I remembered how cold it was and told them to wait there as I got the car. I don't know if that was a good move or something, but by the time I got back they were outside already. I was so happy that the other friend decided to sit in the back while Tamago sat in the passenger seat. My car was a coupe so it could have gone either way. While we were driving I don't exactly remember what we talked about, but one thing stood out. She noticed I was trying to keep my hands warm.

"Too bad I don't have any gloves" I said
"Oh, whens your birthday? Its in December right? I'll get you some then"-Tamago
"You're not supposed to do that, haha you're supposed to keep it in mind so its a surprise!" - other friend

I kinda laughed it off saying that I promised I'd be surprised either way. She was kinda thinking outloud on the specs of the gloves, and she remembered that she shouldn't do that haha. We both laughed. By that time, we were alone because the other friend was already dropped off. We kept joking around until we got to her house. She thanked me and said that she would buy me lunch as thanks... That made me really happy even though I kept insisting it was alright. So it seemed like she was looking forward to seeing me again (-^.^-) but thats what makes me nervous.

When I got home I decided to text her to apologize for missing her call and ask her if it was anything important. She replied that she just wanted me to have her number too. I might really be falling for this girl ^_^

The thing is, I'm worried that I might let my chance slip by and end up regretting it. I've never been so scared and so excited before...

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-11-20 00:41 ID:68MmmaWo

Dude I know it is hard and I understand your fear of failure, I have felt it so many times. But no matter what happens it will be better to get it over with. Besides it sounds like you actually have a chance with this girl and she sounds very nice. Just calm down and remember what you are your goal, and go for it. Just be polite let her know how she makes you feel and how special she is and I bet she’ll fall for you if she hasn’t already.

13 Name: Oni : 2008-11-20 01:50 ID:gHFCYh40

Hey since she likes you, you do have time for these initial things to not go as planned. But again like others said don't wait too long. and just a friendly reminder, you had solid inside information so think about it this way, you really dont have anything to lose.

I don't want to make you feel any worse at the situation today, but i think you may have overlooked one thing. When she said she'd buy you lunch, I think she was trying to lure you to ask her. Girls do do that to "test the waters." And I admit that I have done that before.

And she made sure you got her number. Dont forget text her something funny or random (but not weird) once in a while until you do go out. A call doesn't hurt either, just see whats up. And lets say you tend to clam up, DONT panick. Talk about the day, the weather anything lol or better yet since youre still getting to know each other ask for favorites... hobbies etc. Ive noticed most of the time when I am on the phone if she likes me she will keep the conversation going but dont completely rely on her with that.

you've got to do it! Do it for your sake! Do it for her and your happiness!

14 Name: Otakun : 2008-11-20 05:24 ID:jeVV9eax

Now that I think about it... I was thinking about turning it around.

I was thinking of when she asks me about it on monday that I'd suggest we go out instead. That way we could eat somewhere more private, plus it might be taking the next essential step. I think thats a good idea right? Now I got to choose a place and get ready for it...

15 Name: -[lt]- : 2008-11-20 10:34 ID:rOIIGVzM


Resturant is definitely the best place to go for a private outing. Did you know food actually makes the whole situation feel relaxed, releasing the tension between you and Tamago.

I would suggest to ring her and ask her where would you like to eat. Like ask her what kind of cuisine she likes. Once you got that, go to a good resturant with the cuisine she likes and try out the food just in case. You just don't wanna go to a dodgy restruant with shit food (ruins the emotions in the air). Other than that, have fun! ^_^

P.S Make sure you get good night of sleep before the data, la. :P

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-11-20 13:06 ID:LuvrwMTX

Stop worrying about wether what you do is gonna be alright or not. If it's a good or bad move, whatever. Stop doing that.

If she likes you, she likes you for who you are when being yourself, when you don't worry about what to do and what to say. Be comfortable in that knowledge and do what you feel like.

If she likes you she's gonna appreciate it, even if it isn't ideal. She will appriciate it because she likes you. That's the way it works. So you really have nothing to worry about.

17 Name: Otakun : 2008-11-21 04:36 ID:jeVV9eax

I'll call her this weekend to ask her, its a little late right now... I'll try out a few places too to make sure its just right!

>>16 Its just part of my personality to worry too much and over analyze things. I just can't help it. Althought it would be nice if I got rid of that.

18 Name: Otakun : 2008-11-24 08:12 ID:jeVV9eax

So today I texted her asking what kinds of foods she liked while I was out with a few friends... As I pressed send, I kept my phone literally close to my heart waiting for some kind of response...

She actually called me to tell me her prefences. Then I did exactly what I was thinking. I asked her if she wanted to eat out instead of her treating me. We would split the bill too! So then I've been searching for good places around the net and I think Japanese is a good idea. I hope it is haha. I'm all out of other options.

Anyways its really weird. Lately I've been playing less video games, but watching more animes and japanese dramas. Plus on days when I think we'll see each other I noticed I'll unintentionally try to look better than I usually am. Is this what the world calls "falling for someone"?

19 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-11-24 15:50 ID:er6tRhYt

Congratulations, you are geting stronger now.

20 Name: Otakun : 2008-11-24 22:58 ID:jeVV9eax

Today was a great day ^_^ I think I made some progress...

I woke up this morning a little early than I usually did, so I decided to catch some breakfast. While I was putting the dishes in the sink I heard my phone ring. I practically ran to my phone from the first floor. It was Tamago and she missed her bus. She asked me if I could give her a ride and I gladly said yes ^_^. The only problem was that I was still in my sleeping clothes! I was so not ready for to leave!

Here was the specs...
20-30 minutes drive to school
8:30 and she starts class at 9:00
I just ate korean bbq so my breath wasn't as fresh as it was supposed to be >_>

Somehow I managed to get dressed and ready in 10 minutes... I sped to where she was, but it took 5 minutes to get there! When I got there she was inside the closest store so I went in after her. At this point there wasn't much time! I found her buying a new pencil case. We talked a bit and I found out that she was thinking about getting a job at that store. There was only 10 minutes left... Somehow I got her to school 5 minutes late, and I was 25 minutes early for my first class. From there it was the usual routine...

I met up with her at the cafeteria like we promised, but it turned out that her class was canceled >_> WHERE DID ALL MY EFFORT GO TO!? LOL Anyways we had to wait for another friend so we spent 3 hours together just casually talking. I was feeling so happy then. I can't exactly remember what we talked about and the time flew pretty fast. The friend we were waiting for finally came and we were off to our promised lunch!

21 Name: Otakun : 2008-11-24 23:10 ID:jeVV9eax

We talked for a while in the car and we decided to go Japanese like I planned. We were talking about places, but we ended up going to the nearest Japanese supermarket. Weird place for a date, but I guess it would work. We both got the same miso ramen set and thank god she loved it. We were so full that we just walked around the place for a bit exploring. I brought her to the bakery and I bought her some she was so happy.

I was thinking... I can't believe I'm having a happy and successful date!

We kept talking and we ended up at the bookstore there. I can't believe that she can read some hiragana! THIS GIRL IS AWESOME I thought. We then looked at a cosplay magazine and I felt like a nerd because I knew half of who the people were dressed as. She playfully laughed too. OH MY! Anyways we decided to go back to the school from there.

We ended up at the school and my "ally" was there too. The atmosphere was nice for the rest of the time until my time was running short. I had to buy dinner for my family. There was a little trouble there. She was worried because I wanted to wait for her because she would have been alone taking care of her friends things. I didn't want to leave her alone from there too! Thats when my "ally" told us that she'd watch the stuff and we got going. I drove her home, but then she said she didn't want to go home yet. I wanted to stay with her longer and I thought she wanted to too, but I really had to leave. We parted from there, but before she left she still said she wanted to buy me lunch...

Our small date was pretty good I think... but now I don't know what to do... Should I ask her to a movie next? What are your suggestions everyone? I don't know how to move our relationship up either... I'm a little lost here haha

22 Name: Otakun : 2008-11-26 09:22 ID:jeVV9eax

I've always been a firm observer. Always watching romance dramas, anime, and movies. Seeing into those worlds I've learned a lot about confidence and how to conduct myself with the fairer sex. I never thought love would fall my way honestly. All I've done up till now was spend time being a closet otaku haha, playing games watching anime and such.

It was all thanks to this place that I was able to become more confident. All your past advice and such has pushed me to do many things to improve myself as a person. Though I still do get side tracked by games and anime (*^o^)9

I'm still not really sure on what I should do next and if what I'm doing is right... but I know for a fact that if I don't do anything at all I'll end up regretting it for such a long time. I've always been afraid of failure, to the point that I completely set myself up to avoid success. This time I want to give my all, and if I fail, atleast I tried right?

Hopefully I'll see Tamago tomorrow, I'm going in with no plan.. no clothes set up the night before... and no idea on what to say! Good luck me haha

23 Name: Tnk : 2008-11-26 16:39 ID:QgYULyNG

Now, homie.

I was surprised to see you put so much of your thoughts in here, guess u must've been really serious bout this :) which makes me happy, cuz I thought all the guys around don't really how to pronounce "love" anymore xD.

This remind me of myself 2 years ago, the time when I had my first luv, or more precisely, a "one-way" first luv :). It was my turning point of life from there, when I somehow managed to get thru the entrance exam to high school with flying colors. If it was not for luv, I would not have done so well, I used to be a totally nameless joke. But then the luv was going no where, heh, which is the reason for me to decide to go and study abroad, I needed a place for my heart... All this was the most memorable year of my life.

Anw, enough of my self-whining stuff. Now I am gud in the foreign country with a cool head.

Now back to your topic, it feels pretty the same when the emotions are pure :)) Yeah I used to be like u, putting so much thinking and wondering into my brain, force it to solves things like the way it solves math problems.

So, bro, lemme put it like this. Put aside the thinking and feeling u got for her. Stop thinking the way like she's the One or watever. They only hinder u from getting there. Instead, think of her firstly as a human being, dont exaggerate things, she may be an angel in your eyes, but be real first, she's just a human like u. So treat her as naturally as possible. Don't stick around, messaging 24/7, keep a safe distant instead.

Be cool, i mean. Guys showing that they r deeply in need of the girl often going nowhere because often she look down on him, or getting dominated by her even if they can be a couple. Be a straight up guy, being humorous is important, try to tease her ( in a funny and nice way !) sometimes if possible. Girls like it ^^ Girl will likely to like the guy that she think she can talk and have fun with, not the one giving her troubles or awkward times... :)

Let things come naturally, bro. U r going great, envy u, haha :)) I'm quite sure that she's at least thinking of u as a nice guy, whom she can trust to ask for a ride when she's deeply in need to go to school. xD


24 Name: Otakun : 2008-11-27 07:00 ID:jeVV9eax

>>23 Thanks for taking so much time and writing such a long entry ^_^ Its so great to hear from everyone and with all of your encouragement I feel like I can do anything.

Anyways, today I went as natural me as I could be. I went to school even though I didn't intend to go to class. It was the day before Thanksgiving, I mean come on half the school wasn't there haha. I specifically went there to hang out with Tamago and my other friends there. Like I said, I went in winging it today. It was all nice and all and we both had a few laughs. Especially when she shared her sandwich with me ^_^. Too bad it had bread with nuts in it (which I'm deadly allergic to!), but I was fine. I must have been blessed because it didn't get serious. Overall I think things well, but I do remember one very important moment...

25 Name: Otakun : 2008-11-27 07:09 ID:jeVV9eax

I tried to let go of thinking today and acted on impulse, so when we ended up going to the lounge with the view of the lake at my school. The seats were weird so our mutual friend took the single seat to herself, while I pulled the double couch to our area. I sat down in it and then Tamago just sat down next to me! There was another single seat open, but I'm so glad she didn't take it. So for the next half our or so we were just talking and joking about how bored we were. So I took out a piece of paper and started making something.

T: Making more origami?
O: Not quite, more like American Origami haha

I made a paper airplane and I got up and started to throw it. So she got up and we started playing with it together for a while. Something to get us moving because she likes to be active. So after a while we sat down and she threw the plane from there, hitting our friend. I faked to be asleep as our napping friend woke up slightly grouchy. She instantly blamed it on me while I faked snoring and then getting up acting innocent. The rest of the time we spent our time together until she had to go to class which I urged her to go to.

Thinking about it, I think she was dropping tons of hints and signals, but I'm too slow on to pick it up on the spur of the moment. I think thats something I need to work on in the future >_>

This girl is really special to me because for the first time in my life, she was the first one that I know likes me for me. Despite my low specs, slightly overweight, average looks, jobless, an underachiever, and such. Because of this I'm trying to change all of that not only for her, but myself. Hopefully I can haha.

26 Name: Tnk : 2008-11-27 09:38 ID:QgYULyNG

>>25 That's ok, u dont need 2 say thx 2 me. Just do it, haha.

So far so good. Way to go, man! :)

This is developing nicely, hah, just keep things like that, u r getting real close to it. Having fun together like that is so important. Now I bet that she think about u when she get back home, think about those happy moments that u guys have, hehe, let's think like that.

Yes, the best thing when we r in love is that it helps us to keep striving to be a better us. Don't let negative thinking hinder u, let them become ur motivation. Go for it and show 'em what u've got xD...

Aww... anw, Happy Thanksgiving day :))

27 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-11-27 15:26 ID:A7P649Pw

good job,

generally though, don't take love advice from shonen/seinen anime :P, they're too wimpy hehe

28 Name: Woland : 2008-11-27 17:48 ID:X8+0rAJ2

This reminds me of that incident on 2ch slightly, with that Densha Otoko or what's-his-name.
In any case, wish you the best of luck!
However, I think you need to take the lead more. For instance, to move your relationship forward, in a week or so, I don't know, but give it a bit of time, next time you are walking together, why not take her hand in yours? Or if it is winter wheresoever you happen to be, then that would be a good excuse to rub hands together, ro something, but slowly introduce playful, light contact into the relationship.
Also, you remind me in some regards of myself, however I'm still very withdrawn and have touble speaking to people. In any case, good job ^O^

29 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-11-27 18:01 ID:siAOeDEJ

I got that too. OP is very endearing in a nerdy sort of way.

I wish you the best of luck OP, we're rooting for you!

30 Name: Otakun : 2008-11-27 19:58 ID:jeVV9eax

light contact!? o_O I'll try, but I don't know if I'm completely ready for that yet! The closest thing I had to that was when we were sitting together and we got close enough that our shoulders were touching for a bit.

I've never had any sort of contact like that O_O

Still, I want to try it, thanks again for the advice guys! I'll do my best in moving our relationship forward and at least hold hands sometime! I just don't want to rush it, but at the same time I'm scared that I'm taking things too slow. Everyone here always makes me feel like I can do anything haha. Happy thanksgiving all!

31 Name: Otakun : 2008-11-27 20:03 ID:jeVV9eax

I definetly want to ask her out on an "offical date". Especially at a kareoke bar since we both love it. Or mabye even ice skating! That way we could hold hands too! Then again she might be better than me and I'll need here haha. Oh gosh ^o^

32 Name: GOD : 2008-11-28 04:26 ID:Heaven

i want you to fail, i love tragedy.

33 Name: Otakun : 2008-11-28 06:04 ID:jeVV9eax

If I must defy the "GOD" then I will! I won't give up so easily and I'll disappoint you exceptionally! RAWR! OwO

34 Name: Otakun : 2008-11-28 23:06 ID:jeVV9eax

Ugh, I think I'm got sick from black friday shopping...

35 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-11-29 02:34 ID:gQ9A8u+a


<rant> I heard today on the news that a woman had a miscarriage due to black friday shopping. Also a security was stampede, killed by the raging feet of idiotic americans. GOD. Why do you make Europeans hate you guys so much ? </rant>

36 Name: Otakun : 2008-11-29 06:50 ID:jeVV9eax

because we're materialistic and self centered? lol I don't know but yeah, I feel like I might be catching the flu. I hope I get better soon... I don't want me being sick to ruin things between me and Tamago

37 Name: Otakun : 2008-11-30 09:59 ID:jeVV9eax

She messaged my social network after I put my status as sick...
It seemed like she was worried about my health ^_^
That was awfully nice of her!

38 Name: Otakun : 2008-11-30 10:00 ID:jeVV9eax

I'm getting better though! Thank goodness it wasn't the flu... I was probably overexposed to the cold and made me sick

39 Name: FrYk : 2008-11-30 10:30 ID:pndxIaQ6

wow dude, the smallest things make you so happy. that's good. don't get too ahead of yourself now.

you've really progressed man. good job. and i agree with others. this is very similar to Densha Otoko.

hey just to let you know, never take tips from any asian drama seriously. that stuff is so fake and scripted its relationship threatening majority of the time.

if you really want to like have some physical action. crack a joke or something and put your arm around her. i mean i do that with friends and nothing bad ever happens. thats my preference tho so don't take my word for it if u dont feel comfortable.

you started this post nearly 2 weeks ago. i sure hope you make your REAL move soon. as in official dating etc.

come on you guys gotta back me up on this dramas have real situations sometimes but totally BS answers to the problems. the true story of densha otoko is totally pure fool's luck.

40 Name: Otakun : 2008-11-30 18:51 ID:jeVV9eax

Alright, I'll do it, I'll ask her out sometime this week! My battle begins on Monday... I'll try to do it at the right opportunity and hopefully things go well. I'll report back with details when I can

>>39 and thanks for the great advice, I'll definetly try that out too!

41 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-01 08:41 ID:jeVV9eax

OH GOSH, ITS SNOWING REALLY HARD RIGHT NOW, I hope school isn't cancelled... or maybe I hope it is haha. Either way, my fight starts tomorrow!

42 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-01 23:51 ID:jeVV9eax

After today, I think I'll take a quick step backwards...

I got to school today and passed through the cafeteria and saw Tamago there. I quickly said hi, and told her I was late for class... She was telling me to ditch, but I said no since I missed all last week and that I'd see her later.

After the class I came back down and found her at the same spot. Instead of taking the seat across from her, I decided to take the one on the next to her. It was a square table so I'll let you guys do the math. From there it was a normal study session. The usual joking around and talking casually. Nothing really memorable there... Me and our mutual friend walked her to class, when our mutla friend told me that she had to talk to me about something...

43 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-02 00:00 ID:jeVV9eax

I'll keep going from here, but I'm feeling kinda down...

It turns out my ally was more of a leak. She was apparently telling everyone when it was to be kept in confidence. Whats worse was that she was pressuring Tamago. She was telling her that I what I was talking about with her in secret! She told her that I picked out clothes specially for the days that I'd see her the night before, how I felt, and the rest but I can't remember... With the mutual friend telling all this, the proof became horribly apparent. We were out with another friend at the time because he was hungry and we were just there to keep him company... The rest of the time I couldn't say much as I was feeling super depressed.

By the time we got back to school Tamago was already almost out of class, I promised I'd drive the two back home... I was feeling down, paniced, and anxious all at once while waiting for her... I put my headphones on to calm my nerves while talking to our mutual friend who I'll now nickname Momo.

44 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-02 00:09 ID:jeVV9eax

last part...

So when she joined us, the three of us walked down to the car. Tamago stopped at the door, to put on her jacket. Me and Momo walked outside, and I failed at covertly making a snowball. When she went outside she was expecting it already lol. I put the snowball in my pocket to hide it... when we walked a few steps I threw it around the back lightly hitting her on the side. I looked in her eyes and I saw it coming... She was going to chase me... I ran, but she followed walking at a fast pace... when I stopped she just ran and hit me jokingly. After a few laughs we walked to the car. As we were driving I suggested that the three of us have a day out and we all agreed and were looking forward to it ^_^

After dropping off Momo, we talked about more personal things, which I won't really go into. However I think it was a step forward.

Momo advised me that she's the type of girl that would rather get to know the person first before actually going out... I'm okay with that, so I'll just go slower I suppose. One thing is for sure, I like her and she likes me. But we know so little about each other and learning more first would make things really worth it. Hopefully things work out...

45 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-02 00:12 ID:jeVV9eax

With that being said... I need to think of Christmas presents... Wonder what I should get her...

46 Name: GOD : 2008-12-02 01:49 ID:Heaven

i know how it plays out, but still amusing.

47 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-12-02 04:02 ID:68MmmaWo

I admire and hate you so much, mostly admire you ;).
It’s good to hear that things are going right for somebody. Your story is really giving me hope that maybe it’s not too late for me. You are a real inspiration man, Good luck To the EXTREME.

48 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-02 04:32 ID:jeVV9eax

Thanks a lot, I'm still going to try to find a happy ending despite what "GOD" says... Tomorrow she said she might get to school early to go to the open gym there. I was thinking of waking up early to see if she's there and maybe spend some time with her ^_^

49 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-02 04:43 ID:jeVV9eax

Really, this whole experience with Tamago is changing my life for the better too!

I was a hopeless 19 year old going on 20 very soon, never had a girlfriend. All my past attempts were horrible failures and rejections dashing my hopes. No job and on the edge of getting suspended from school because of a bad semester. Calculus right now is killing me too >_<

Before I heard the news I was on the edge of a new wave of depressions since I really had nothing to look forward to... Nothing to hope for... It just seems like a miracle hit! For everyone still going through hard times, I wish you all the best. I hope miracles happen to you all too, or even if one doesn't come create one for yourself ^_^

I hope I can continue to recieve all your support and maybe even "GOD"'s occasional flamings in the future!

50 Name: Woland : 2008-12-02 06:47 ID:x4MeksGk

Nice going! I'll be sitting here eating my instant ramen and crying into my pillow ;_;
But really, I don't know... it seems kind of awkward if you both know you like each other but you are obliged to pretend otherwise, as it is what is done I suppose. I don't know much about social codes. In any case, it looks like it would be better to take things slowly here after all. I think the ideal relationship is one that never progresses past about half way in the 'normal' timeline of most relationships, myself.

51 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-02 07:39 ID:jeVV9eax

Yeah, but I get the feeling this is going to make things more interesting and more of a challange from now on >_<

I'm dropping hints to do something, she's dropping hints at the same time lol.

Still I'll have to confess myself one day because me and Momo both agree on one simple point: Its really weird if we get a second hand confession from someone else and it would be ideal if we come out truthfully.

I've been thinking for a while now... Maybe... after this month or next month I'll come out and confess. If she's ready for the relationship we'll take it from there. However, if not maybe some kind of probationary one where we acknowledge each other's feelings but still try to build it up from there lol. I don't know I'm a nub @_@

Still, I don't like putting things in timeframes, and I'll probably do something on impulse... Hopefully between the time that I do confess, the time that I do spend with her is meaningful and creates a great bond between us. I admit I got really lucky lol, but luck is a skill too right?

Thats it for me tonight, I got to get up early tomorrow and possibly meet Tamago! So excited ^_^

52 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-12-03 03:55 ID:Heaven

Each day that passes you risk her meeting another boy with quick-seducing skills who will not wait a month or two to take her away from you...

Just saying.

53 Name: GOD : 2008-12-03 05:08 ID:Heaven

>>52 you just spoiled the ending. thank you very much lucifer.

54 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-03 05:22 ID:jeVV9eax

>>53 Notice how I never say "Oh my god" anymore haha.

>>52 yeah this scares me, but I've got to have faith in Tamago too!

If a rival did appear, I'll do my best to win! I trust her honestly... and I don't think she's that type of girl that'd fall for something cheap like that. I think taking the time to actually get to know each other better would make things well worth it in the end! Don't you agree?

55 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-12-03 15:34 ID:MTSBC/ei

>>52 It dos not matter what rivals show up cau's Otakun san will knock 'm all down!!! Go Otakun san!!!

56 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-03 21:49 ID:jeVV9eax

>>55 thanks, I'll do my best always!

I just got back from our usual, kinda disappointed, but not in a bad way. After my class, a friend that so happened to be a girl that I met last semester didn't want to go to the cafeteria alone. So, I invited her to join me to go there to meet Tamago. I didn't think it was such a big deal at the time, but then I felt a weird vibe from her. The friend from class was being all friendly with everyone and I thought it was nice, but Tamago felt a little uneasy. I don't know if she was shy, jealous, or anything, but that made me feel uncomfortable while she was there. I thought to myself oh crap, did I mess up big time?

Well eventually the friend from class left and it was just the usual group. Today I was trying to be on task, trying to pick up any signals that Tamago or Momo would give me. I kept talking to Tamago and things were looking well. She made fun of me and my instant ramen because of how unhealthy it was. I told her I spent the money I would have used on a video game yesterday haha. I was kinda hinting I wanted to save money to buy Christmas presents, but I don't know if she got that or not...

57 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-03 21:55 ID:jeVV9eax

Contiuning on, Momo hinted that I buy fries for us to share, but one of her friends was interviewing her for a paper. I thought rats, I was too slow. To make things worse, I bought the wrong kind, she likes the regular ones more than the seasoned ones. After the interview we spent the time talking about more intimate things. Like what we wanted to do, what we liked, I got warm fuzzies on the inside ^_^. Althought I was losing track of time because I had to pick up my little sister so I had to leave early today.

Whats nice is that she invited me to go meet her and Momo tomorrow so we can spend more time together playing basketball! Friday too! It seems like she's worried about my health because of the food I eat. Instant ramen and such. I told her that I'll try to cook the night before to bring it to school. Although I didn't say this, I thought this was the opportunity for us to share! ^_^ Too bad in the end I didn't need to pick my sister up and I could have stayed. I know she wanted to stay and I wanted to also... I guess I messed up a bit today, but nobody's perfect right?

I got to sleep early tonight so I can wake up for her tomorrow morning!

58 Name: Oni : 2008-12-04 08:28 ID:gHFCYh40

haha otakun you have much to learn my comrade. you did well quite well i must say, BUT dont bring along another friend thats a girl to introduce until she is COMPLETELY comfortable and confident in you. she might feel that you have other feelings for someone else espcially because you two met not too long ago and are still in the "getting to know each other" phase. i know you are the nice guy but avoid that and avoid showing her pictures of just you and another girl no matter how close you are with that other girl unless you explain otherwise before hand.

haha as for the fries dealy they should specified lmao and for you buying the wrong one it doesnt hurt since they never told you and now just remember for the next time (^_^)b if you have a problem remembering stuff just jot it down, bc i have horrible memory and thats what i sometimes have do. just dont make a book about them and dont let them see it ever because thats just plain old CREEPY.

to be honest about the health thing try to live a better lifestyle then. if not for you at the very least do it for the people who care about you. if shes picking at you about it she is concerned and does care lol.

one last thing. TRY to pick up on the small things she does to maybe look better in these next 2 days that you two are to see each other and spend more time. DONT forget to compliment. i dont know how close you two are but test the waters with your compliments so you dont cross that fine line she may feel you are advancing too much. remember its the small things that can greatly impact how she may fall for you. (little back story about that stuff. my coworker who had a boyfriend for about three years.. that she she loves. actually had a huge crush on me because i would always compliment her on how she may have had her haircut, how she fixed her hair, the changes in her makeup, being able to tell when she was down or tired, and just making her feel special. i did have a huge crush on her two but im not one to get in between someone who is already in a relationship if shes got no ring its still game. just joking. btw if you ever read any books, manga or anime of detective work its kinda like that, notice what others most likely will miss)

OTAKUN BE BRAVE, TAKE YOUR TIME, BE SINCERE. Good luck comrade in your future battles ahead.

59 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-04 17:38 ID:jeVV9eax

here I am... oversleeping again >_< GOSH WHY IS SLEEP SO ADDICTIVE!?

Anyways, yeah, I didn't think it would be a problem though. That friend is totally not my type, plus she has a boyfriend already. She already took my phone and looked at some of the pictures on there. I don't know what to make of that, but I explained what I could.

Oh and I've got to cook for tomorrow, even though I have the day off I'm going to school to study and spend time with her. I'm going to cook lunch for myself so I don't have to buy haha, maybe we could even share! Got to look up some recipies tonight...

60 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-05 05:31 ID:jeVV9eax

So nothing much happened today with Tamago, except I did talk to her on the phone earlier... It was kinda weird because she was inviting me to go out and watch a movie with the group of friends, but weirdly enough she wasn't going. Something about her having lots of work to do... I'm not so caught up on my stuff either so I think I'll try to study with her ^_^ yay!

Anyways, tomorrow I'm packing lunch... I cooked some stuff tonight and I thought they were okay... It was Miso chicken and sesame beef. Too bad my everybody ate all the beef! Plus I need to cook up a new batch tomorrow. Battle plan go!

61 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-06 01:44 ID:jeVV9eax

I think today went amazing... Simply amazing... (^o^)y

I woke up today, a hour later than I intended, still a bit tired though... So I got up right away and started cooking up the miso chicken. I was still running late and I texted her I'd be a little late not knowing if she got it or not... So I left as soon as I finished my shower. I got to school in the shortest time possible despite all the traffic. I thought she would be there waiting for me in the cafeteria, worried that I was so late...

the only thing is, she wasn't there! I got there and sat in our usual spot. I waited and waited, feeling anxious by the second. It felt like hours were going by while I wore my mp3 player. I lost track of how many songs I listened to. It actually felt like the world was stopping.

62 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-06 02:05 ID:jeVV9eax

At that point I was feeling so burned out from doing work and I was thinking about giving in for the day... Back in reality only an hour had passed haha. Just like out of nowhere she appeared right in front of me. The whole time she was in the gym! I checked there earlier, but I didn't see her. So we were finally together... Trying to study, but obviously our minds weren't on the material. We just talked about the random things that came to mind, but then it finally came to lunch. From there she complained about how her relatives kept making more and more food. I joked about how my situation was the complete opposite. That was the first time that I brought my lunch and the first time that we shared. I gave her half my miso chicken saying it was good. I told her I was still playing around with the dish and she gave me some input. Oh and she gave me her soup, it was alright... Thought she was sick of it at that point lol.

After lunch we still couldn't study and I suggested we walk around outside.

63 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-06 02:25 ID:jeVV9eax

When we got outside I showed her the snowman I made a 2 days ago. She laughed saying how cute it was ^_^.

It was freezing so we were both goofing off while calling Momo. Turns out that we ended up picking her up and going to the nearby mall. It was an awkward time for me because the two of them were shopping >_>. And not the fun type of shopping for guys! Ack, it was killing me. When they walked into a certain store I'd rather not say, I stayed till I could tolerate it no more, I went to the restroom. It so happened it was near the arcade and they were there just as I got out. We decided to play~ yay ~ we had to get change though and I bought her some gum. Her favorite brand ^o^. They played more than I did, but I did impress them with my crane game skills. We dropped off Momo to our other friends' meeting spot while we headed back to the mall afterwards.

When we got back we went back to the arcade, we had to make change again so she bought me a pretzel ^^. It really felt like a real live date. I'm just so happy right now. We got there and we played some DDR. I could tell that she was trying and so was I. It was just plain fun. I think I made some good progress there. I dropped her off just in time and I could tell that she was happy and had a great time ^^. And so did I

64 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-06 02:32 ID:jeVV9eax

That whole time I couldn't believe what was happeneing... I remember saying in the car "is this a dream?" while I pulled my check as a joke, but I really meant it. These last few weeks have been a bit surreal. I need to save up some money for Tamago's Christmas present, but I'm still clueless on what to buy... This whole time has felt like heaven and hell to me. Feeling worried, anxious, nervous, paniced... while at the same time excited, happy, ecstatic, with a serene mind. I'm looking forward to Monday, but this weekend is the one that decides everything. Lets do this... for the future...

65 Name: WestCoast : 2008-12-06 09:21 ID:k8h2eftr

Forgive me for cutting straight to the chase, my friend, but...

Altough I can appreciate how your choice to slow-play your cards and eventually get the pot (excuse the terrible reference. I don't even know why poker even came to mind.), based on what you've told all of us thus far, it would seem as though you two are already a couple. The only ones who just don't know it yet are the two of you. I don't know the whole story, and as such, I may be incorrect in assuming so, but...yeah. Just an opinion based on what I've read. However, I can say this: things are definitely looking up for you.

Although I can't give you any shopping advice (I barely buy my own boxers, let alone gifts for anyone else), I'd like to throw a suggestion out there.
As you've said, X-mas is coming up, and as such, X-mas presents are abounds. When you give her yours, throw in a confession letter along with the gift. I'd like to say let her read it to herself, and while she's doing that, you read it out loud along with her. You're on your own after that. ;)

Corny? Yes. But so corny, it just might work.

66 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-06 10:00 ID:jeVV9eax

Hey WestCoast! Do we really seem that way? I've never really been this close before... Anyways, this month is going to be hectic as it is, I was thinking about confessing sometime near new years... or maybe even her birthday next month! Theres just the matter with school I have to deal with first...

Like I said, I can't believe this is really happening to me. It really feels like a miracle and I'm so grateful for everything so far!

67 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-07 14:37 ID:jeVV9eax

Being an Otaku is really dangerous! Anime... Video games... movies... they're so distracting especially when you're studying. I really need to get my work done so I can have a happy next semester with Tamago! COME ON!!! WORK!!!

68 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-12-07 21:19 ID:KD+wfoDN

Whats with this "confessing" stuff man? Just ask her out, hold her hand, kiss her goodnight when you take her home, this isn't a manga.

69 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-07 23:57 ID:jeVV9eax

What are you talking about? Isn't there a point where everybody comes clean with their feelings for another person? I'm confused here... Oh well, I won't let that stop my plans ^_^

70 Name: feitizero : 2008-12-08 01:37 ID:F/fALsTh

Come clean? It looks like you're already there.

71 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-08 02:09 ID:jeVV9eax

I still haven't told her that I liked her though. I think its the best if I actually told her myself how I felt instead of just assuming...

72 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-12-08 02:47 ID:KD+wfoDN

I'm pretty sure when you hold her hand, kiss her goodnight, stare into her eyes and smile, she'll get the picture.

73 Name: feitizero : 2008-12-08 02:54 ID:F/fALsTh


This. Some things are better said without words.

74 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-08 04:29 ID:jeVV9eax

I'm a little old fasioned (~•.•~) so that would probably come after I told her... still who knows what the future holds? not "GOD" haha (^o^)>

75 Name: Library Girl : 2008-12-08 06:06 ID:2+ZHuH73

I actually think that, given Otakun's situation, a confession would be better. Usually I'm all for going on a date, kissing madly, and then having the "um, I really like you, let's date for reals" conversation later.

But considering the limbo they're in, and the fact that they both seem quite shy about the whole thing, I think a confession would be better.

But don't treat it as some super serious, dire thing. Take her out on a nice date (maybe over winter break?). Do something both of you enjoy... then, after you've had a wonderful time, steer her to some private place you can really talk. Take her hand and tell her what you feel. Don't overwhelm her with how you feel, just say something like "I really like you, will you be my girlfriend?"

And then, provided she says yes, kiss her. A lot.

And do it soon! You're at the perfect stage in a relationship for it - wait too long, and you might lose your chance.

76 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-08 11:58 ID:jeVV9eax

>>75 Library Girl... You're so awesome ^_^
Thats exactly what I was thinking I should do... The only problems is that I got so much things to do between now and winter break that I might die before then haha. Although I will try to do that! Time is precious and can't be wasted right!?

77 Name: Library Girl : 2008-12-08 17:21 ID:44cSJx0r


How much longer till your break? I feel your pain; I just finished the first of my finals - I may have failed. D: I just have to work extra hard next year, I guess.

78 Name: Woland : 2008-12-08 17:21 ID:6EVO2lkI

I think a nice thing to do would be suggest the two of you visit a garden (I hope it doesn't snow where you are) which would be a perfect place to tell her of your love or great liking for her. I'm sure you can come up with scenarios appropriate for this, but try perhaps suggesting the two of you rest in an area with plants that still are bearing some foliage or other, you know, to lighten your hearts, and then tell her you have something to say, and tell her. Afterwards, immediately hug her! Even kiss her.
Sorry if my idea seems a little silly, I just can't dissociate gardens and love. They are intertwined as far as I am concerned.
I'm sure everyone thinks I'm mad now, so I'll take my leave.

79 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-08 23:42 ID:jeVV9eax

>>77 well after this week is finals so I'm wrapping things up right now with school. So much work piled on that I might either die from exhaustion or insanity ^_^

>>78 I made a snowman remember? lol yeah, I live where the snowfalls so I get a white Christmas every so often. That would so work if it was summer, thanks for the great idea anyhow

So yeah, another Monday another meeting with Tamago... but the thing is as I said during the weekend I worked my butt off so I was half conscious while I was at school today. =P By the time I was done with my classes I was so tired I can't really remember what happened. I do remember falling asleep at our spot near the lake... It was a deep sleep and I was snoring a bit >_<

80 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-08 23:47 ID:jeVV9eax

So after a while I woke up and worked by myself because she and Momo were studying for a test. Nothing special happened except for something terrible. Like the worst case scenario...

Tamago's cousin had spotted me dropping her off at her house several times and they're assuming that I'm her boyfriend (Although they might as well be right on the money at this point since I'm hoping that I will be soon). This is bad! Her family is super strict and thats the last thing that they want her to have! ACK! So I won't be able to drop her off for a while... well that puts a flaming bag of poop on my doorway lol. I was thinking that after I confessed to Tamago and we're offical I would meet with the family and get their blessings... Still that won't be anytime soon ; _ ;

Looks like things are getting complicated again... _l¯1○

81 Name: GOD : 2008-12-09 01:46 ID:548Htwro


82 Name: GOD : 2008-12-09 01:49 ID:Heaven


83 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-12-09 03:17 ID:68MmmaWo

I think the Time may have come for you. I don’t have any experience but this is how I see it. She likes you and you like her, that seems obvious. You should probably come out with how you feel about her, but make a point to stress your interest in maintaining balance in her family. That way you can work together to reassure her family. I bet if her family knew the first thing about you they would have nothing to worry about. Whatever you do I know you will do your best.

84 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-09 03:41 ID:jeVV9eax

Tahnks everyone! Once finals are done and depending on how I do with them I'm going to start building up the relationship even more then confess! Till then hit the books some more ; _ ;

>>82 Boo on you "GOD" boo on you!

85 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-09 21:21 ID:jeVV9eax

Despite all my efforts towards my test, I still bombed it ; _ ;
One class might stop me from going to school next semester making it harder on our relationship _1¯1○

Everything rests with the final exam... Which I really need an A on to stay in school ; _ ;


86 Name: feitizero : 2008-12-09 23:33 ID:4GFIJp22

Do it for her. That should make for some nice motivation.

87 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-10 00:44 ID:jeVV9eax

Thats what I was doing... but I still bombed it ; _ ; The things I focused on during the studying weren't really on the test... All that work for nothing... The final exam is what really decides it all now. I don't know if I can do it. I'm trying so hard...

Theres always something that stops me in my tracks in love isn't there?

88 Name: Oni : 2008-12-10 05:24 ID:wGyDKAts

Hmm my internet gets cut off for a few days and wow so much stuff going on already ^_^. In response to the garden dealy, sometimes there are gardens that are set up during the winter like this one japanese garden thats not too far from where I live. It looks just as beautiful if not better with the snow. Look it up for your area, if no luck ask some of your friends they might know.

Ok Otakun what the heck is up with "Theres always something that stops me in my tracks in love isn't there?" Seriously bro if she likes you she'll deal with the family situation. Don't sweat it. With my last relationship, her mom completely FREAKED out when she mentioned me. (She has like 2 guy friends and doesnt ever hang out with them. Thus her mom trying to get my number from her and where I lived) She slowly introduced me, asked me to come into her house one time I picked her up and had brought her mom to the restaurant I worked at and we just had a normal conversation. Before if she told her mom she was going out with me she'd be forbidden to go out, but after that she would call to check up and eventually the calls stopped.

Show her parents who you are and not just some guy trying to get in her pants.

As for the whole couple thing, yea you guys already sound like a couple and do what you feel seems fit to show her you like her. Make sure you at least talk to her this week while in finals maybe just to say good luck to her on her finals or whatnot.

We are all here to support you and try to relax a little. Yea right now is crunch time for finals but remember it's possible to learn a semester's worth of materials in one night (I did it last semester and I was crushed considering just getting out of a relationship I was so into. But I had no choice to do it for 4 nights for a final each day to stay in my university!) Granted you'll lose some hair lol but if you believe your relationship with her will be affected if you bomb it, I'm pretty sure thats motivation enough to be able to pull through this! Give it your all! This may be where your true character shows and you will be able to see what you are truely capable of!

89 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-10 06:43 ID:jeVV9eax

I'm trying everyone, I really am. Today just hit me really hard, but I'm still going. I just don't know how much longer I can keep going from fatigue. The mind is willing, but the body is weak spirited ; _ ;

It just feels like everytime something is going good, the black tri-stars jet stream attack me! I may dodge one, dodge the second, but the third may hit me. Agh, what am I doing I should be writing my essay (;X_X)b

I'm going to study after class tomorrow... hopefully studying with Tamago helps. My mind is friend like Pikachu hitting it with a volt tackle ; _ ;

90 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-10 06:44 ID:jeVV9eax

*friend = fried
Theres no time to be correcting this >_<

91 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-12-10 08:52 ID:gn/95/6o

It has been my experience girls can distract you from your studies. However, in the ends education > girls.

92 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-10 11:05 ID:jeVV9eax

Strangely enough, she's helped me focus more on my studies! I think they can go hand in hand if you're not always playing.

Ah... I finished a paper... now another one... but I'm hungry...

93 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-11 01:06 ID:jeVV9eax

So not much happened with Tamago today. I came to school so late because I was up so late again. I Woke up at the time I had to leave so I didn't exactly had time for a shower. I really looked shabby today lol. Anyways after my ethics final which I rocked by the way ^_^ I met up with Tamago again.

She noticed right away how exhausted I looked and tried to help in so many ways lol. She offered to go to the lounge with me so that I could rest, but I don't know why I didn't. My mind was half asleep and fried from everything. We did share some french fries with each other. I'm really touched by how she'd try to take care of me ^_^.

94 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-11 01:07 ID:jeVV9eax

Anyways in the end we went to the net cafe in the school and we played counter strike with a few friends. I was rusty, but the game's old addictive highs ran in me. I kinda hogged it >_< She wanted to play, but the guys we were up agaisnt were a bit too good! So she died so fast whenever she tried. I was so into the game it didn't hit me that she had to go find Momo. I texted her on the way home apologizing for it though. Still no reply though, maybe she doesn't like texting since she replys in a different way lol. Anyways, back to studying hard ; _ ;

95 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-12 23:02 ID:jeVV9eax

Okay its been a while since I last said anything and theres really not too much to report. I still haven't technically confessed yet either >_<.

So this morning I hear my phone ringing and it was and unfamiliar number. I thought, hey why not pick it up... it was a female voice... Keep in mind I just woke up and I was still wondering if I was still dreaming or not, but I still couldn't make out who it was... When she asked me if I knew who it was it I didn't know, but it was Tamago haha. She was calling to ask me if I was going to school that day to study with her and Momo. She eve wanted to have lunch. From there I was kinda reluctant because I was still tired and I had to work on my paper. In the end I kinda played around with her.

T: You don't have to come if you don't want to. It would be nice if you did though.
O: mmm... the question is... Do you want me to?
T: Yeah, but I can just see you on Monday if you want...
O: I'll be there, but I'll look like a mess haha
T: Oh really! Yay I'm so happy!

So thats how it went. I didn't really get to study that much, all in all I felt like we were getting closer. When we went out to eat she said that when she gets closer to people she starts to jokingly hit them. I laughed on the inside because thats how a lot of the girls from the romance anime and mangas that I read act like. Also she's been doing that to me too ^_^

Well thats pretty much the highlights. I need to get to work!

96 Name: GOD : 2008-12-13 22:08 ID:Heaven

Subtext included

T: You don't have to come if you don't want to. It would be nice if you did though.(does he like me?)
O: mmm... the question is... Do you want me to?( Does she like me??)
T: Yeah, but I can just see you on Monday if you want...(...?)
O: I'll be there, but I'll look like a mess haha(YES! she does)
T: Oh really! Yay I'm so happy! (he does!)

I always love the rise, it makes the fall much more interesting.

97 Name: DOG : 2008-12-14 04:54 ID:Heaven

i'm sorry for going off topic, But i have to get this off my chest

Dear God, hope you got the letter, and...
I pray you can make it better down here.
I don't mean a big reduction in the price of beer
but all the people that you made in your image,
see them starving on their feet
'cause they don't get enough to eat from God,
I can't believe in you

Dear God, sorry to disturb you, but...
I feel that I should be heard loud and clear.
We all need a big reduction in amount of tears
and all the people that you made in your image,
see them fighting in the street
'cause they can't make opinions meet about God,
I can't believe in you

Did you make disease, and the diamond blue?
Did you make mankind after we made you? And the devil too!

Dear God, don't know if you noticed, but...
your name is on a lot of quotes in this book,
and us crazy humans wrote it, you should take a look,
and all the people that you made in your image
still believing that junk is true.
Well I know it ain't, and so do you, dear God,
I can't believe in
I don't believe in

I won't believe in heaven and hell.
No saints, no sinners, no devil as well.
No pearly gates, no thorny crown.
You're always letting us humans down.
The wars you bring, the babes you drown.
Those lost at sea and never found,
and it's the same the whole world 'round.
The hurt I see helps to compound
that Father, Son and Holy Ghost
is just somebody's unholy hoax,
and if you're up there you'd perceive
that my heart's here upon my sleeve.
If there's one thing I don't believe in

it's you...

Dear God.

98 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-14 08:00 ID:jeVV9eax

Well I'm not anti-God per se, but this "GOD" is someone I can defy openly ^_^

Anyways,, this tuesday is my final exam for the class that determines all. I need an A in it after I bombed the last test. If I fail, I fail... but I can take solice knowing that I tried my hardest. I've got plans with Tamago coming up soon. It might be just what we need to kick start our relationship into higher gear! \(^o^)/ I'm so excited about that. I was thinking some time before or after New Years I'll confess...

99 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-12-14 12:06 ID:zm22mpjn

Be very careful, study hard. You don'twant to fall out of school when a relationship can wait for a day or two. Study! Turn off internet if you don't need it, it's just another distraction.

100 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-15 07:16 ID:jeVV9eax

I stopped playing video games for that, but I need the internet for my paper. Its kinda hard not to get distracted when you're doing a paper on video games too >_>

Oh well, Back to work ; _ ;

101 Name: Library Girl : 2008-12-15 23:41 ID:CK8bcgRu


I know if I liked a guy, this conversation would leave me all happy and warm inside. I like joking around and flirting with people, hehe.


The rise makes the fall completely worthwhile. At least that's what I've always found.

102 Name: GOD : 2008-12-16 05:05 ID:Heaven

>>97 i'm not Yahweh or whatever she calls herself these days.

>>98 looking forward to it Otakun^^

>>101 I share your opinion, but i just hate temp.happy endings. I want to see Otakun fail, i want to see his spirit crushed.

No hard feelings Otakun:)

103 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-16 08:09 ID:jeVV9eax

You're a poop face "GOD" =P No hard feelings

Anyways tomorrows the day of the test and I'm feeling pretty confident about it. I nearly forgot... its my birthday too. Although I feel more awkward than happy

104 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-12-19 03:25 ID:IZaCgFAK

happy birthday

105 Name: GOD : 2008-12-19 04:43 ID:Heaven

Happy birthday Otakun!

106 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-19 09:58 ID:jeVV9eax

Thanks guys, I actually think that I aced my final! Things are looking up for me. Plus I spent my birthday with Tamago! She bought me gloves and ear muffs (^_^). Break just started, but things have been really busy and really slow at the same time. I'm going out to buy her a Christmas present soon too... So far things are really going great. Meeting Tamago... has really changed things for the better!

107 Name: Library Girl : 2008-12-20 08:36 ID:J2xG8bHi


Okay, no excuses now, it's time to take her on a real date. I have no (current) chance a romantic happiness, so I need to live vicariously through you. Or something, haha.

108 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-20 10:52 ID:jeVV9eax

I actually asked her out not too long ago, but we'll be busy until the end of the month. You know holiday stuff and all lol. Still, I do want to ask her out to go ice skating. I know this one place where we could...

109 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-12-29 02:49 ID:68MmmaWo

Man it’s been so long what’s going on with Otakun.

110 Name: GOD : 2008-12-29 20:11 ID:548Htwro

Yeah, where is he? Get your ass over here!

111 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-12-30 13:19 ID:CwW8O/gm

These "..." after your phrase could be interpreted in SOOOO many ways...

112 Name: Otakun : 2008-12-31 04:10 ID:jeVV9eax

I guess it has been a while huh... Well things have gotten a bit complicated on my end of the world and I haven't been able to talk to Tamago lately. I'll call her tomorrow though. I really want to talk to her about going out.... That reminds me... I still haven't given her Christmas present to her yet. I left a heartfelt note in it too... I was so nervous writing that, was I coming on too strong or was I not doing enough? Still I do want the two of us to get closer. I guess thats it for now! Happy New Years!

113 Name: feitizero : 2009-01-02 19:45 ID:ehwa5wO3

Glad to hear from you again. Sounds like you're doing everything right, as far as this girl is concerned, so don't be so nervous.

114 Name: Otakun : 2009-01-03 11:07 ID:jeVV9eax

We had a nice conversation on New Years eve/day. Whenever we talk we never run out of things to say! The only reason why we stopped was because we were both tired. But one things for sure... what guy wouldn't be nervous talking to the girl they like? I have to summon everything I got to not studder or mess up. I'm feeling really confident right now! ^_^ Although I'm not the same as I was months ago, I still have some more evolving to do. I've never asked a girl to be my girlfriend before because I was so afraid of rejection... So afraid of failure that I gave up on succeeding... Me and many other guys out there need to just jump already!

Although I'm still a bit off from actually confessing myself =P I miss spending time with Tamago! Curse my otaku habits! I get so caught up with games and anime that I lose so much time! SD:FLKJ

115 Name: zero : 2009-01-03 20:16 ID:gMtRowPA

I just finished reading this thread from the top...
n u'r story is soooooooooooooooooooooooo nice hahahahaha

Ganbatte ne
Hope your love bloom quickly ☻

116 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-01-04 00:37 ID:sz75IX1p

This is... adorable.

Hurry up and confess! XD

117 Name: Otakun : 2009-01-05 10:58 ID:jeVV9eax

I'll call her later tonight... and possibly set a specific date and time for us to do something together. Its really been too long since I've seen her and break is mostly done!

Its the start of the new year! I still don't think I deserve all the good things that happened between me and her, but I'm honestly happy. This is the happiest I've been in such a long time. When I do confess I hope I can atleast spread my newfound "life" to her too!

118 Name: zero : 2009-01-05 13:04 ID:Z4cp86+G

have u called her yet?

well IMO,I think that u deserve to be happy n tamago 2
so confess tonite hahahahaha :D
well take your time
u'll know when u just gotta say it :D

119 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-01-05 17:18 ID:CwW8O/gm

Otakun is so full of innuendos, it's sweet :)

120 Name: otakuisback : 2009-01-05 18:02 ID:Z4cp86+G

gogogogogogo Otakun
just remember this
we got your back when u'r gonna confess to Tamago

hehehehe I wanna say it for a long time...

i kinda remembered when i first watch the Densha Otoko drama
n when i see the ending, i kinda wondered if there will be time when i can feel like all those great people who's supporting Densha...

and here i am now :D

121 Name: GOD : 2009-01-05 23:28 ID:Heaven

At least you tried Otakun, don't be sad.

122 Name: otakuisback : 2009-01-07 15:50 ID:n3zUGizR

where's Otakun??

123 Name: Otakun : 2009-01-09 07:40 ID:jeVV9eax

huh? Me? ^_^ Watching anime! I started a few new ones that I got hooked on!

I think we've been getting a lot closer these last few days. Even though I haven't been able to see her lately I've been calling her on the phone. We would joke around with each other and it just feels so natural now. I think I finally reached the point where I'm comfortable just casually talking. I still don't know what it would be like in person, but when we meet in the near future I think it'll be lots of fun ^_^

In other words... nothing new really lol

p.s. Oh "GOD" theres no way I won't be happy.

124 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-01-12 03:15 ID:qMOCM15G

Otakun...we're behind you 100%!!
When will you confess?!

125 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-01-12 19:13 ID:OM3Onso/


>When will you confess?!

Yeah, I'd say it's pretty overdue by now.

126 Name: otakuisback : 2009-01-13 03:44 ID:XUL7tcSX

hope it's not expired already

127 Name: WestCoast : 2009-01-13 12:07 ID:z2UF6Ij0

I agree with some of the posters here, Otakun. It has been quite a while since I last read of happenings between you and Tamago. What I most fear for you at this point is that she thinks YOU think you're trying to get into her FZ, and it's pretty damn apparent that you've been there and done that in the past and don't want to be there again. Can you say you've done anything in recent memory that says otherwise? If not, then you got some thinking to do, my friend.

128 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-01-13 23:55 ID:qMOCM15G

Yeah, Otakun...Tamago seems shy! I'm thinking you should make the first move! I mean...What do you have to lose? It's obvious that she likes you~ n_n Go for it~

129 Name: VH : 2009-01-14 17:55 ID:SFjwuegU

this thread is great. it melts my icy heart.

you can do it Otakun.

Do not regret the things you have done, but the things you have not. go for it!

130 Name: GOD : 2009-01-15 03:01 ID:Heaven

Yeah, you should confess. It's time to end it once and for all.

131 Name: Otakun : 2009-01-17 19:44 ID:jeVV9eax

Wow... its been a while huh! Get ready for a wall of text!

Like I've said before I've been talking to Tamago on the phone more and more lately. All in all things have been going really well. We've gotten to the opint where we tease each other often. I guess that means we've gotten pretty close. We would often talk about our goals and such. Noting on how we've got to give it our all in school from now on.

So we actually just met yesterday. We planned on me to pick her up at school. I was excited, but whenever I rush bad things tend to happen. I'm just an unlucky ducky. So going on, its been a while since I last saw her, and the butterflies came back. I quickly calmed myself down and started talking to her casually. When we got to the car I gave her her gift and She absolutely loved it. The rest of the time we were joking around as we went to pick up Momo. It was like we were never sepearated even though its been more than a month. We had a quick lunch then headed for the arcade. It was so fun that everything seemed like a blur. That whole time felt like it lasted forever, but time was really speedily running past us. The next thing we knew "game over" hit us and I had to drop them off. I'm really excited for school to come back so we can see each other more often, plus because I want to give 100% from now on.

I've decided... I'll confess on Valentines Day... Or even sooner depending on how things go. Until then I'm going full throtle on this road we call life! The point of attack is at the 5-concecutive hairpin curves ahead!

132 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-01-18 04:30 ID:LEuKooR9

I notice that reference to Initial D there (right?) :D
Also, good luck. Good going!

133 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-01-19 05:42 ID:sz75IX1p

Help! I'm having a heart attack! Too much sweetness!

Gogogogogo Otakun!

134 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-01-19 14:51 ID:uKNhn4hi

Fighto Otakun!!

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