Okay I'm not going to pout and shout and whine about how I can't hook up with any girl, and I'm not going to be all emo and hopeless. But I truly want to know what I'm doing wrong...simple as that. I know if I whine, I'll get nowhere and heartbreak is really starting to piss me off.
Okay, now that I've said that, here it goes; 18, straight, a guy, and still wondering why I'm always alone. I'm very confident, I'll take a few risks if necessary, and I don't think I'm ugly. I'm a BIG flirt when I feel that I can do it without sounding like a creep. Yada yada yada, all that good stuff. Now onto the bad stuff about me that may be the issue, but I'm not sure.
I'm a little bit energetic, I'm loud, I'm stubborn, and I'm blunt. I want to find someone, someone who loves me for who I am, and wouldn't mind sex every now and then. I guess some specific questions would be:
What's in bounds in the realm of flirting?
If I'm confident and listen to her, what's missing?
Should I be blunt or modest?
If I fall in love with someone, is there any way to tell her that would make my chances at hooking up better? (I've done flowers before)
Please don't troll and give some constructive criticism.
It's hard to give any advice, because there is no real situation at hand. Go find a girl you are attracted to, and then we can discuss the particulars of it,... Otherwise any discussion will remain mindlessly abstract.
I agree, it would be better with some particular girl... but well, I'm pretty the same case and just can't find a way to get closer than a friend to girls...
but I have one particular case... it's a girl from dorm I live in, I talked to her few times, gave her chocolate as a present (more as a joke than serious)... she's cute, nice and we can talk for hours, every time I go to her room for some reason (you know, school-related things etc.) I end up talking with her for like hour or two... but I don't know what to do next, as a step forward... do you have any advice? I have experienced many cases like this but it always ended up as just being friends (no, I didn't confess in any of these times, I just knew she doesn't feel the same)
I just want to know what should I do because it seems that I can't find a way to start going out with a girl myself.... and I think it could also help Azriel
being a bit modest is probably better, no girl is going to be happy if you say "wow, your breast are pretty" even if they are a masterpiece. but even so I don't think that is the kind of blunt you mean. just be carefull not to say everything that is on your mind. (on the other hand, don't think TOO much about what you say either)
as for bounds on flirting. personally I find not getting to physical best. make sure that there are hints of you being interested, but more subdued. looking someone in the eye just a second longer, getting a bit close, and playfully poking/ otherwise touching is what I do. (but I'm a girl...)
why don't you take her for a movie or something like that? that would be possble as 'just friends' as well, but if you always end up in her room for a few hours I thik there is some sort of mutual attraction. And you live in the same dorm right? Then suggest eating together sometime.
well, it's kinda hard to eat together because she goes home at the weekends (he doesn't live that far away) and at the week we have different timetables so it's only possible to meet each other in the evening... her roommate, my other friend, is already making jokes about the two of us liking each other etc. I feel it kinda hard to invite her to a movie like this...