Project Evolution (98)

69 Name: Subject No. 10 : 2009-10-16 01:06 ID:NdRvti4L

I'm sorry to hear that #00. Unfortunately, this is a fact of life. I have heard of women dropping the word "boyfriend" just to discourage guys, but I think she's telling the truth. There are ways to sneak in the question of the boyfriend without just flat out saying it. They slip my mind at this moment, however. Also, do you really think you can be her friend without it affecting you? Consider this before doing so, because once you are friends, it will be hard to not be friends, making any feelings you have for her that much harder on you. You may become the guy she turns to with all her relationship problems.

Are you in any clubs at your school? If not, you may want to consider joining one or two. It'll help in meeting people.

On my side, I noticed someone wrote on M's wall that they weren't invited. She replied that the invite thing is screwy, so there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for why I didn't get an invite. I'm going to call her to wish her luck, and if she doesn't answer, I'll text her, because I want to make sure she actually gets this message. Also, I'm strongly considering asking her out next time I see her, but my resolve's not as strong as it was this morning when I decided this. Mainly because my friend, E's, reaction was like, "oh wow, you'll do it?" This made me think I should wait a little longer, ask her if she wants to go to the concert with me, and then make my move after we've gone to that, I guess.

I hope I don't wind up like #00.

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