hey guys volume three. they really should have done some research on the things they referenced in this volume. The names of the Gundam characters and MS were way off (because there are Sunrise-official romanizations of these things, and you've really got to look them up to know). The translator didn't know stuff like which names were for characters and which were for MS, so I have to assume no research was done. This isn't particularly hard stuff to do; there's no shame in checking the material being referenced, or reading a fansite.
And the fighting game stuff.... it's technical language, and it must have been a bitch for someone who doesn't know this stuff. They should have had somebody who does know fighting games read it over. As a fighting game dork I can tell what's being said in the between-chapter notes from the movelist in the back of the book (nearly everything references an existing game), but the actual text is pretty weird. Kohsaka's (I'm assuming him to be Toshizo; note how he beats everybody at this theoretical game) little bit about drunken Tokino is translated completely weird and off. The things he says plainly do not match with the movelist.
Everything ELSE reads fine though. I consider these quibbles but they ought to be brought to somebody's attention anyway.