Lost hearts (3)

1 Name: Read it plz(can't draw but if someone famous take this n turns into a manga ill be glad) lol.comment : 2011-08-06 03:45 ID:CetvtNKn

Summary - Kasuya and Yakuza is twin brothers that has been skipping school to doing whatever they can to earn money to send their sick mother to the hospital. On a strange day, mad events happen to yakuza and kasuya allowing dem to reach home very late. When arriving home, they notice a note at the front step saying,”darkness is comin soon, look for master koga and become great hunta. My days as your guardian are over, im sorry for lying but I am not your mother” - sincerely mastumi. Before the boys could open the door, the note suck them into a world and a voice echo ” follow your heart”. The quest for the them begin as they meet friends, enemies, and the trial their heart will face.Little do they know they both share the blood of War.One of the "Four Fathers" of evil.

Battle system: Drive- when a hunter use the burst stored in his/her heart to generate their powers.

Kasuya-main protagonist, he is the younger twin brother. He is less calm but more cocky than his brother. He loses himself when angered due to his cursed blood.Because he died at birth,War gave him his heart so he can live giving him more shawdow powers than yakuza.His gloves seal his shawdow powers. His drive creates a bright ring around his arm. His power manipulate shape and size of anything.

yakuza- main protagonist, he is the older twin brother of kasuya. He is more calm and describe to be a bit sininster due to his cursed blood. his drive allows to create swords of any shape or size. War sealed his shawdow powers in a katana.

2 Post deleted.

3 Name: Random Manga Otaku : 2011-09-26 11:45 ID:cZKQYZVi

This is alot of shit. I think I am the only one who has the brains to write this stuff.

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