"Trainman" (Densha Otoko), a story born on the net, adapted into manga by 4 competing magazines. (229)

113 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-10-15 08:44 ID:rQvump+N

I'm having fun reading the "original" translated version of Densha Otoko book. I found it quite hilarious. It seems "Densha" was a bit (fabricated?) after translation but the supporters were quite original. How they depict each personality into the TV series was quite amusing. I'm pretty sure the original people who answered "Densha" were not as the obsurd character like in the TV series but it gave me quite a chuckle (okay, I lied, I was laughing HARD). I'm pretty sure it is quite impossible to recreate this in America where people, instead of being anynomous/random, prefer to post their picture (someone else's who is better looking than them in that matter) instead. This, Densha Otoko BBS "true story" could be one hella scam to pull off if it were produced in US. Possible location? New York? Who knows.

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