"Trainman" (Densha Otoko), a story born on the net, adapted into manga by 4 competing magazines. (229)

66 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-08-22 15:54 ID:Heaven

Wait, is it supposed to be a drama, or a comedy?

I haven't seen many Japanese movies but it seems to me that Japanese actors all over-play their roles way too much. Like a Hong-Kong kungfu movie where the moves are so exaggerated. I find myself distancing from those shows, too unreal. I know that many people love that stuff, but personally I can't watch more than a few minutes.

Another I have noticed in Japanese movies is that the actors are way too much camera-aware. It's like the actors are watching the viewer from the corner of their eyes, it's distracting. They are supposed to focus on the matter at hand, not on me. It breaks my suspension of disbelief.

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