Imageboards: Anonymity vs. Tripcodes/Usernames (56)

1 Name: Azumatrix!aZu.351QQQ 2005-09-26 14:46 ID:wvsy875G

I've always wanted to know why imageboards are encouraging anonymous posting so extremely. What's the advantage of anonymity?

For example, on 4chan, if you use tripcodes there, people will look upon you as a "tripcode fag". What's wrong with online usernames?

2 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-09-26 15:06 ID:H2vEwvZk

This discussion can be found on Wakaba's /soc/, and furthermore you are undoubtedly a stupid, tripcode-whoring faggot for opening this thread with such a pointed question.

3 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-09-26 15:13 ID:F/DzWRkK

Hey! No flaming!

I'd reiterate all the points that have been made in but I am too lazy right now.

Also, we have this thread on Anonymous posting:

4 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-09-26 15:18 ID:F/DzWRkK

One more thing, though:

> What's wrong with online usernames?

It usually doesn't add anything to the form of communication and information exchange most of the time.
It has its uses but I have found posting and lurking to be much more enjoyable without having lots of fixed handles, signatures, avatars, etc. all the time. Except for required identification over a longer period of time (rarely needed) names and tripcodes don't serve any good purpose and are more likely to create drama (e-penis, cliques, tripcode cracking, etc.) which is not really what I am looking forward to on these type of boards.

Not to say that all users who post with handles are bad, though. Some are pretty classy and excellent and to be a good poster it really doesn't matter if you have a name or not. I find it more often than not that people who constantly use handles fall into the types of negative/annoying behavioural cycles which I pointed out above.

5 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-09-26 15:29 ID:hPPPSQAO


> What's wrong with online usernames?

Nothing. 4chan /b/ jumps on them because they mark attention whores, newbies and the self-important. The sort of people who are ripe for trolling, I guess. Don't take things in /b/ too seriously.

6 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-09-26 22:35 ID:yWxHWqMK

>>What's wrong with online usernames?

It encourages and builds unnecessary things such as reputations, and it makes it look like the named person can't do anything unless people know that it's him contributing, which leads to ego inflation and all sorts of other unsavory things.

Like I said above, a common view is that handlers/tripcoders want/need people to know who they are, despite the fact that nobody, aside from others like them, cares who they are. Being known and having a reputation will only make things worse.

7 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-09-27 00:32 ID:Heaven

> unnecessary things such as reputations

Maybe, maybe not. In some cases that's a bad thing. Sometimes it's good. None of us has the time to verify all the facts behind arguments, so sometimes we need to take the quality of the poster into consideration.

My favorite example: if WAHa says something about programming, I take it more seriously than unknown Anonymous.

I think this entire argument is silly. Forced naming and forced anonymous are both annoying. If you want to use a nick, use it, otherwise don't.

8 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-09-27 06:12 ID:Uxz3kxUX

I like forced anonymous on some occasions. img+dat 4 lyfe!

9 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-09-27 08:12 ID:ZZR2qyl4

here we have ID though

10 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-09-27 08:33 ID:Heaven

We kinda have Arbitrary_ID

For all sorts of funky ID modes, see,17-18

11 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-09-27 12:32 ID:tACRoRuU

What's the name of that auto-naming mode where one gets individual names like "Betty Shuttleborough"?

12 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-09-27 14:53 ID:mC6eEbD4


13 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-09-27 18:43 ID:tACRoRuU

haha, good name. ^^

14 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-10-09 20:28 ID:wm5uRBxb

I think on boards like this, anonymous contributions are the basic form of communication.

Adding names and/or tripcodes seems to be an added gimmick. There are good reasons to use these gimmicks, but people should be aware of what these good reasons are.

15 Name: 405 - Name Not Found 2005-10-11 13:12 ID:nFCHO410

name is good somtimes , but i enjoy the freedom of being able to post comments two a person disagreing with him , and then later post a comment where we talk about somthing good , if i had a name he could be angry at me , but now he and i don't know who we are talking to.

16 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-10-11 14:23 ID:Heaven

"Names are good somtimes, but I enjoy the freedom of being able to post comments to a person, disagreeing with them, and then later post a comment where we talk about something good, if I had a name they could be angry at me, but now they and I don't know who we are talking to."


17 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-11-04 15:28 ID:jCUJTfVy

So I assume you don't take a post seriously when it's posted anonymously regardless of the point he or she may have.

18 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-11-04 22:02 ID:cRU+Rd4Q

>>16 nobody cares

19 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-11-05 02:42 ID:Heaven

This has been discussed to death here:

And to answer your question: I evaluate anonymous posts differently.

20 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-11-06 16:09 ID:nWyfbT37

i would have written "silly_little_noob" as a name for the purpose of this thread. lol.

Personally, I consider people who post names are those who wish to have direct conversations regarding what they posted. Kinda like writing a "from" address on an envelope for the sake of encouraging your recipient to reply. Thread-wise, I'd use it so that a reply to a post may be addressed to me directly if I consider my post personal enough.

Otherwise, I like it anonymous to encourage a more "everyone say anything about it to anyone" kinda feel.

21 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-11-06 16:12 ID:nWyfbT37

I guess a drawback to this freedom would be that people can try impersonating others. >_>

Hmm, why does my "ID" change? Is it because I'm using a dynamic IP? (please delete this one if it's too OT)

22 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-11-07 17:55 ID:59drT9vz

You can't really impersonate people without a name.

23 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-11-08 09:22 ID:Heaven

> Hmm, why does my "ID" change? Is it because I'm using a dynamic IP?


24 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-11-09 22:00 ID:T2kTKacS


Here I am addressing you personally without using your name. If you want to indicate to me that you're you, you can put 20 in the name field. Isn't life wonderful?

Also, here's a bunch of words. I think the first link is a bit too Web 2.0, but it's pretty good otherwise.

25 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-11-10 00:59 ID:H2vEwvZk

Spread the love, A-san.

26 Name: 24 2005-11-10 02:16 ID:T2kTKacS

I'm not A-san. True story.

27 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-11-10 16:42 ID:Heaven

>In the West, we do not have one universal internet culture. The closest thing we have is a scattering of acronyms and lists of popular websites, where people gather and bicker about who comes from where. It is a terribly feudal system, where the online populace lives out their entire posting lives ferociously dedicated to one particular forum and IRC channel.

The best description I've ever seen of western discussion boards.

28 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-11-12 04:21 ID:H2vEwvZk

Er, what I meant was, I was originally going to write something about where he got his anonymity religion from, but I decided that would be a waste of bandwidth and just applauded him instead.

29 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-11-12 12:34 ID:Heaven

> (4-ch is actually run by another, competing group.)


30 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-11-13 01:44 ID:Heaven

The entire article is. Shii made a stronger case with less verbiage.

31 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-11-13 03:37 ID:Heaven

I don't know. Several people I showed Shii's article to have failed to be convinced by it. Maybe it is a neater statement of points to remind those who already agree why they agree, but it doesn't have the context that someone new to anonymous boards will require.

32 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-11-13 04:20 ID:Heaven

I'm not convinced of it either, but I find Shii's more compelling than the 4chan blog. The blogger obviously put some effort into their post, but in the end it's mostly hand-waving, while Shii got right to the point.

Anyway, I'd have found it more interesting if the blogger had read the thread in /soc/ first, because some of his assertions have already been found weak. If said blogger went through /soc/ he'd have found arguments that have at least survived a preliminary trial-by-fire.

33 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-11-14 04:42 ID:4ap3e0oZ


Perhaps you should, you know, post on the blog.

34 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-11-14 04:44 ID:fhI5GmPc

>Perhaps you should, you know, post on the blog.
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