translation (31)

1 名前: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-12-04 22:08 ID:vhDFXXGQ [Del]

hazu shitara go meshi takuki
"if you miss that shot you aren't getting any dinner!"

What does ハズ [hazu] mean? "Shot"? Or "Missed shot"?

25 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 04/12/31(Fri)17:34 ID:Heaven [Del]

so it's like "fallen out of favour"?

26 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 04/12/31(Fri)18:01 ID:Heaven [Del]

"fallen out of favour" means " not popular any more"?

27 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 04/12/31(Fri)18:27 ID:Heaven [Del]


28 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 04/12/31(Fri)18:56 ID:Heaven [Del]

Yeah. "She has fallen out of favour." implies that something happened that made people dislike her.

29 名前: !WAHa.06x36 04/12/31(Fri)23:46 ID:skzspe+z [Del]


Ah, thank you! It seems the phrase I have is some sort of pun on that line, so I will have to try and work it into something understandable...

30 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 05/02/27(Sun)00:27 ID:AvwOy0yz [Del]

truth never show its meaning or value if you don't try to understand it.

31 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 05/02/27(Sun)04:52 ID:Heaven [Del]

That doesn't stop it being true.

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