I am American. Have any questions? (126)

1 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-12 00:02 ID:FJslXt+q


2 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-12 00:13 ID:cXZ3Ide9

jesus christ get in the car

3 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-12 02:41 ID:+0cU4hus

Do all Americans eat hot dogs?

I hear they made of horse.

4 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-12 02:44 ID:+0cU4hus


Actually, quite a few Americans HATE hotdogs, such as myself.

It depends where you get the hotdog, and what kind it is, because it's kinda risky. Sometimes it's all beef, which is usually pretty good.

5 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-12 04:02 ID:DmaG8GdB

North American, Central American, or South American?

6 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-12 04:42 ID:FJslXt+q

Oh, I apologize. North, as in the United States.

7 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-12 05:53 ID:u1imomP5


8 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-12 11:49 ID:/WUQF2Js

Does the American in favorite Japan exist?

9 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-13 09:09 ID:Heaven

Why every American can speak English very well?

10 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-13 14:11 ID:WDr+tz0D

Do you americans still regard the Japanese as yellow monkeys ?
If we are yellow monkeys,I'm sure you're white pigs.

11 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-13 21:04 ID:Heaven

Depends on what part of the United States you're talking about, but generally the answer is no. Was that supposed to be a joke?

12 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-13 21:13 ID:u1imomP5


Car's closed, due to aids. Lion got AIDS in the car, so it's closed.

13 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-14 00:03 ID:WDr+tz0D

Of course I said it half-jokingly,but I think some white people
surely have an idea that colored people are inferior to them.
I know the United Stated is a ethnically-diverse country,but
I have an image it's a country where white people as represented by president Bush live .

14 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-14 10:54 ID:95bRdsA6

You are so out of date.
You need to update your image of US.
I recommend you visit US to see for yourself what's really going on there.
Especially, go visit Los Angeles.

15 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-14 10:57 ID:u1imomP5


Actually, most people in the US hate president Bush as much as most people outside the US

16 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-14 17:31 ID:vhYreTEw

I don't know about that. It's probably 50/50.
However, most of the Internet users are Bush-haters, due to demographics.

Most countries are far more liberal and socialist then the US, so we're really no comparison.

17 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-15 01:32 ID:3dqYnaN7


Can we use 2ch viewers here??

18 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-15 22:51 ID:d3ztckXK

You can try.
Probably, it won't work.
Different software.

19 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-17 13:08 ID:vHiHhKUX

>>9 They can't. If they say they can, they're lying.

20 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-18 05:39 ID:akS9iF+r

It is 50 - 50. There's hardly any "No position" or "Don't know" people anymore to fill the error margin.

21 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-19 13:27 ID:Heaven

Oh !really:D

thank you

22 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-24 12:40 ID:vHiHhKUX

>>21 You're welcome.

23 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-24 14:08 ID:Heaven

 As for American whom you think that the United States victory does in the Iraq war, being 1 people in almost 5 people, in up-to-date public opinion poll it became clear to reduce by half from the December last year.  The opinion research corporation here 3 days, according to the result of the telephone investigation which executes adult 1013 in the object, in the Iraq war “warlord does victory”, “the United States does victory”, that almost the same 18%. The fact that 60% preponderant large number is occupied was “there is no winner”.  In the Iraqi war as for “opposition” entire 2/3. In addition, “we should announce the US military Iraqi withdrawal day concretely”, it climbed in 57%. Bush administration has shown disapproval in setting of withdrawal schedule warlord as a spirit [zu] or a [se] [ru], but violence instructions of every day are seen that it decreased the support of the American people for the Iraq war.  In the American present condition “dissatisfaction” 60%, rose from 53% of September investigation concerning “anti- terrorist war”, the actual condition where the pessimistic viewpoint has strengthened became relief.  Centering on the off-year election which is approached 2 weeks later, in correspondence to the Iraq situation “the Democratic party is better”, 51%, “the Republican Party one is good”, 40%. In addition, with combating terrorism “the Republican Party one is good”, 48% this month it rises from 40% of beginning, “the Democratic party is better”, it was 42%.  Furthermore, the Democratic party being the American Congress, when majority is acquired, possibility of toward America terrorist attack “you do not think that it changes,” 58%. Remainder “increases” “decreases” divided into the almost same ratio.


How do you think about it?

24 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-24 16:53 ID:Heaven


25 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-26 04:50 ID:Heaven

What's all this about Iraq? Did something happen in Iraq?

26 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-26 16:33 ID:Heaven


Though I can't make that much out of the translated text, the question seems to be, "How do you feel about recent polls regarding Iraq?"

Well, I think it shows that the nation is very deeply divided (cue dramatic CNN music). But because apathy is at an all-time high, Americans may never get off their asses, discuss the issues, and vote intelligently: they'll just crack jokes mindlessly about the "opposing" political party and neglect the issues at hand.

I'm not pessimistic, I just think we need to do our duty as citizens in the political process and encourage others to do the same.

27 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-30 21:59 ID:g6fkSyWH

違うね そしてあんたはしっかりした考えを持っていて偉い。
例えば選挙に行くことをduty として捕らえている日本人は皆無にちかいんじゃないかな。与えられた行使するのが面倒な権利ぐらいにしか

28 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-31 01:58 ID:g6fkSyWH

With my English ability,it's tough for me to translate the Japanese sentences above into English ones.
But I'll give it a try.

Surely authentic English is a bit or more different from ours.
And I was impressed by your steady,admiable ideas.
For instance,most of us Japanese don't regard going to electral vote as duty.we just consider universal suffrage as the right which was given and is too much a bother to exercise.
It's too bad !

Please correct my English,if there are some grammatical errors in it.

29 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-31 05:21 ID:O5Tru8Fj


You're English is good. However, as a native speaker here is how I would have said what you posted. The way you put it is very close to how I would, but here are the differences:

"I'm sure that the English I learned is different from that spoken by authentic English speakers. And I was impressed by your steady, admirable ideas. For example, most of us Japanese don't consider going to the polls (electoral centers that is) as a duty, we just consider universal suffrage as a right we were given but is too much of a bother to excercise. It's too bad."

The way I said it is not necessarily the best, its just how I would have said it, your way is just fine. Like I said, you're doing very well with English, がんばって!私は日本語を勉強します!

30 名前: 28 : 2006-10-31 10:35 ID:g6fkSyWH

What a nice person you are ! I can't thank you enough.
I've learned a lot from your English sentences.
I wanna give you a kiss,if possible. lol


31 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-10-31 15:45 ID:O5Tru8Fj


Forgive me for not being too good at Japanese, I'm only in my third semester in college. I've learned about 220 kanji thus far, but particles always get me. If my above sentences need any correction, please tell me. Thanks

32 名前: 27 : 2006-11-01 05:18 ID:Heaven


Ah...you flatter me. Thanks :)

Often, you'll find that someone who learns English as a second language has a better understanding of grammar and sentence structure than a common native speaker. (For example, I might actually know less about grammar than you do!)

Personally I like conciseness when I'm trying to write. It's tempting to write long, florid sentences, but you run the risk of confusing the reader. I give in sometimes, though :)

Some notes...

I would use "native" instead of "authentic", since we're talking about languages. Authentic usually refers to something material, like a wine or a cheese.

I think I'd use "steadfast" instead of "steady". While the words have the same meaning, I don't think I've ever heard "steady ideas".

As a general rule, you don't want to start sentences with "And". There are times when it is acceptable, but when learning English I'd avoid doing so.

"For instance" isn't needed in the next sentence. Sorry...I don't know how to explain this one. I think it's because you're giving an explanation for the previous sentence, not an example. I'd just start the sentence with "Most of us...", instead.

Okay, enough from me. Your English is quite good, by the way--I'm impressed by your vocabulary!

Anyway, I think >>29 has a better grasp of Japanese than I do, so I'll let him do the talking :)

33 名前: 28 : 2006-11-01 13:03 ID:WDr+tz0D

I know what you mean.
I can say sympathetically that particles are your enemy and articles are my enemy. lol
That is partcles is to you English speakers what articles is to me Japanese speakers ,I think.
It's a complete mystery to me how come you can use articles correctly.
and I'm afraid you should study how to use particles a little bit harder.
I'd like to make sure what the last sentence mean in order not to misunderstand you.
You mean あなたの手伝うはやさしですis "it's easy for me to help you"?

Sorry,I have to go to work early tomorrow.
So it's time for me to go......to be continued.

34 名前: 28 : 2006-11-01 20:50 ID:NFk6I6D2

I'm sooooooo stupid !


That is particles is (are ?)to Japanese learners what articles is to English learners,I think.

Well,I must think it over later to come up with better expression.

35 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-11-03 03:08 ID:fOBDB5GD

In before "Happy Yankee" / "Happy Japanese" reference!

36 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-11-03 05:09 ID:PElmlC9m


37 名前: 28 : 2006-11-03 09:55 ID:gQgbE2Zy

I don't think so.I didn't help him with anything at all.

38 名前: 28 : 2006-11-03 11:10 ID:gQgbE2Zy

Thank you for giving me useful information.
I'm going to transcribe your English sentences at least three times.
By the way, you English speakers have an concept that there are countable and noncountable things in this world.
I have a doubt about that.
What confuses me most is as follows :
"I wonder if a tomato is a vegetable or a fruit"
This sentence is in my English dictionary.
I'm sure I have experience having counted tomatos,so I'm convinced that "tomato" is countable.
but I've never counted "vegetable" and "fruit"
In addition,I've never counted abstract concept like "duty".

   he he he .......see you again  intelligent man 

39 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-11-04 17:54 ID:d8rs3Peu



Duty is a little harder, but if you think of it like "The duties I have at work are...", it might be easier to understand. I don't think many people would count their moral obligations in English - but the other use of "duty" is completely countable.

40 名前: 28 : 2006-11-04 22:25 ID:bc8f1jhN


 @tomato<Avegetable <Bplant<Cliving being<Dsubstance

Well,needless to say that I'm not an expert of systematics (taxonomy)
so the classification above I made is very rough and inaccurate.
Here's one thing.
Do you insist that if you focus on @、@is countable and if you focus on A,Ais countable ?
ahd all the class are countable ?

41 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-11-05 10:05 ID:vhYreTEw

Well, if you have a tomato, it's also a vegetable and a plant at the same time.
If you also have a broccoli, it has the same attributes but it obviously isn't a tomato.
Why then shouldn't you count both the tomato and the broccoli, as two vegetables or two plants?

42 名前: 28 : 2006-11-06 03:45 ID:NFk6I6D2

ummm....apparently,you won this discussion.
But I'll never give up because I hate thinking about singular,plural and articles such as a(n),the. lol
If we don't need to think about these things,we can speak English much better.
So I'm going to spread out a crusade against articles all over the world. lol
I don't understand how come you are fussy about these things.

                               sincerely yours

43 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-11-07 04:58 ID:Heaven

What do you mean by "countable"?

44 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-11-07 05:19 ID:DmaG8GdB

Actually, 'Tomato' is considered a fruit, not a vegetable.

45 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-11-07 07:44 ID:Heaven

Only by pedants.

46 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-11-07 11:38 ID:1wnjLg1C


47 名前: 28 : 2006-11-08 00:49 ID:upFE8A5F


48 名前: 白人 : 2006-11-08 04:59 ID:/0GNTGpc


49 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-11-08 06:11 ID:Heaven


50 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-11-08 16:14 ID:Heaven


51 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-11-08 16:51 ID:1wnjLg1C



52 名前: 28 : 2006-11-09 00:07 ID:WDr+tz0D


53 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-11-10 02:50 ID:bc8f1jhN

Could I possibly ask you a question if you don't mind ?
What's your goal for (of ?)having created this thread ?

54 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-11-10 04:34 ID:z3DRxIoi

It's a parody thread. Don't they have them in Japan?

55 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-11-10 07:41 ID:bc8f1jhN

Is it Ok with you if I ask you anything ?
I mean I 'd like to know your personal affairs
because I'm in love with you lol
The mere thought of you makes me painful in my chest.

I've learned this expression lately,so just try using it immediately.

56 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-11-10 20:39 ID:/Sc4AdRH

I am sexually frustrated. I want sex in the next 24 hours hopefully.

57 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-11-11 04:48 ID:gv7zLnvm

Hookers...Oodles and oodles of hookers. Also, swallow lots of viagra an ecstasy pills.

58 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-11-11 08:44 ID:bc8f1jhN

Darling,I want you to stand it a little longer
because I can't go to America in 24 hours.
I'm going to fly to you as soon as possible from now.
So please keep waiting until I get there.
I'll suck up all of your accumulated cums with my mouth.
after that , I'm sure you feel refreshed.

59 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-11-12 01:05 ID:pQyix0uU

Oh! You'd better hurry... I feel it building up!

60 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-11-16 01:34 ID:Heaven

Ah, the thread has become a ridiculous joke thread. I'm a little bit sad. orz

61 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-11-17 11:18 ID:Heaven

what is meaning of ridculous?

62 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-11-17 16:21 ID:dV1gpD4S


same as silly. less funny then silly.

63 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-11-17 18:53 ID:VALN46g6

Stupid, retarded, something that doesn't make any sense, etc.

64 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-11-19 11:06 ID:bc8f1jhN

Sorry . I apologize to you.I have to admit that I run off the rails.
But believe it or not,I don't like blue jokes so much as 56. lol .
I 'm a earnest English learner and that's why I sometimes come here.
My only goal is making English sentences every day so that
I didn't put a high priority on the contents.
But I think that jokes,in other words,a sense of humor is so important in our life.
We have a proverb that says "笑う門には福きたる”,which means
"fortune comes in at the merry gate"

    with kind regards


65 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-11-19 11:07 ID:bc8f1jhN

Sorry . I apologize to you.I have to admit that I run off the rails.
But believe it or not,I don't like blue jokes so much as 56. lol .
I 'm a earnest English learner and that's why I sometimes come here.
My only goal is making English sentences every day so that
I didn't put a high priority on the contents.
But I think that jokes,in other words,a sense of humor is so important in our life.
We have a proverb that says "笑う門には福きたる”,which means
"fortune comes in at the merry gate"

    with kind regards


66 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-11-19 11:07 ID:bc8f1jhN

Sorry . I apologize to you.I have to admit that I run off the rails.
But believe it or not,I don't like blue jokes so much as 56. lol .
I 'm a earnest English learner and that's why I sometimes come here.
My only goal is making English sentences every day so that
I didn't put a high priority on the contents.
But I think that jokes,in other words,a sense of humor is so important in our life.
We have a proverb that says "笑う門には福きたる”,which means
"fortune comes in at the merry gate"

    with kind regards


67 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-11-20 05:23 ID:oh0FYNb6


My post was meant to be tongue-in-cheek... (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tongue_in_cheek)

So no worries, post freely!


68 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-12-07 10:55 ID:WDr+tz0D

Hi,darling ! long time no see. How have you been ?
Today I'd like to introduce to you some poems written by a Japanese poet.I hope you like it.

A Cloud

                       Yamamura Bocho

Hey Could !
You're looking awfully leisurely up there,
How far are you headed ?
Cruising all the way to the Iwaki Plain ?

69 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2006-12-07 11:12 ID:WDr+tz0D


When the sea's this rough,
what do you expect to catch ?
Forget fisherman's luck today.
We're lucky just to be back on land alive.
Yet as we were pulling up our lines
to head back to shore,that old sea
tossed up a single flounder-
"Here's something to nibble on
with your drinks tonight!"

How did you like them ?
I know you don't have interest in these things.
bye beeeeeeeeee........he he he

70 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-01-26 11:53 ID:vX7ehaZl

>>68 >>69

i love it

71 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-01-26 12:45 ID:9rbE4Z61

I'm gald to hear that you love it.
Honestly speaking,I don't have what it takes to appreciate poetry.
I just found them while reading a newspaper, in which an american columnist translated poems composed by a Japanese poet
into them.
By the way, do you like reading novels ?
If so,please let me know about your favorite novel.

 sincerely yours.

72 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-01-26 21:11 ID:MiEjHK2d


73 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-01-26 21:11 ID:MiEjHK2d


74 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-01-26 21:11 ID:MiEjHK2d


75 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-01-27 08:52 ID:9rbE4Z61


76 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-01-27 10:14 ID:lxlQg9cf


77 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-01-28 09:04 ID:2f2bhjda

Do Americans see Japanese as "yellow color"?
I had never seen me as "yellow" until I was told it by an American.

78 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-01-28 16:06 ID:Eu81iDlm


I don't believe Japanese are "yellow", in fact most have the same skin color as me.

However, my boyfriend, who can be a bit of a racist, thinks that all people from East Asia are "yellow", and doesn't believe me when I say that it isn't true.

There are so many bad stereotypes about Japanese in America. I wish I could convince people that they aren't true, but it seems to me they don't want to hear it.

If only I was able to change people's hearts!

79 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-01-30 10:33 ID:2f2bhjda


Thank you for your answer.
I had thought that Japanese "Kiiro" and English "Yellow" mean a little bit different.
Like... "Kiiro" means the color like bananas, but "yellow" means the color like not only bananas but also brown skin.
I'm OK that I'm seen as "yellow"^^
but I just wanted to know what color am I seen.
Thank you.

80 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-01-30 10:34 ID:2f2bhjda

am I seen>I am seen

sorry for poor English...

81 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-01-30 14:53 ID:9rbE4Z61

I came across a intriguing expression,which is "snow job"
while consulting my English dictionary.
I'm sorry to trouble you but I'd really like to know what it is derived from.

82 名前: Yankee 2 : 2007-01-30 15:52 ID:0i9mTqab

"Snow Job", That is a term my dad uses on a regular basis. It is used to describe a type of lie, to tell someone what they want to hear, rather than tell them the truth. Other useful terms relating to "white lies" include:

-"Smoke and Mirrors"
-To "Blow Sunshine up one's ass"
-To "Lie Through One's Teeth"

There are more, of course, but I have to look them up, as I haven't heard them in a while and can't recall them off the top of my head.

83 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-01-31 00:40 ID:9rbE4Z61

>>82Thank you for your useful information.
I've learned a lot from your English sentences.
What confuses me most is that which one is more suitable for
the situation when I find a lot of terms for a Japanese word in my dictionary.

uhmmm..I think the sentence above is grammaticatically not good.or poor expression.

84 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-01-31 11:52 ID:Eu81iDlm

I'm also an English speaker, and I had never heard of "snow job" before it was mentioned and >>82 explained it.

I suppose even native speakers can benefit from this thread. =)

it's the same from the other perspective, that is, there are several Japanese words for an English one, and I often may choose the wrong one. For an example, if I look up "study", one choice is 「学ぶ」, but another is 「勉強する」 and it would be difficult to just know the difference without an explanation.

85 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-01-31 15:56 ID:67zTdqsE


Where are you from? My family came from Massachusetts, and I think its a term that's used fairly often there (I haven't been there for a few years).

86 名前: >>84 : 2007-01-31 21:56 ID:Eu81iDlm

Where am I from you ask?

I'm from Wisconsin, at for the past 10 years or so, although I've lived a lot of my life in other places, as well.

87 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-02-01 02:15 ID:uYdPzMZx

What the heck is a snow job? lol

88 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-02-01 04:24 ID:Qa0RdFiZ


Read post >>82, バカ。

89 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-02-01 07:05 ID:1VEZuwsA

Japan's minister of labor, health and welfare YANAGISAWA Hakuo referred to women as "birth-giving machines".

What do you think?

90 名前: 83 : 2007-02-01 09:33 ID:9rbE4Z61

As a Japanese,I'm gald to hear that you're learning Japanese.
I think you have a great interest in something concerning to Japan.
Because they say Japanese is one of the most difficult languages in the world.
I feel sympathy with you as a companion of language learning.
By the way,I've seen a post written by French in another thread,in which he asked a question about the difference between すみませんand ごめんなさい。
I've never thought about such a thing in my life,so I really got confused.
At the same time,I realized that I don't know about my own language at all.
We usually use our owm language without any attention.
I know you're smart enough to have already noticed what I am driving at.
That is, it's no use to ask me the difference between まなぶ
and 勉強する。 he he he  bye bye.

        thank you for reading my poor English.

91 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-02-01 10:49 ID:dpXCCTob

Does foreigner's woman unabashedly put out her hips in the presence
of others so that the foreigner may dislike putting out hips why?

92 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-02-01 13:39 ID:4Ham4aci

Oden is a Japanese food which is very popular among Japanese, but when I was asked to traslate oden into English, I was at a loss for words. Some Japanese dishes seem to be impossible to
translate into English. If you are American and know oden, how do you traslate oden into English. It's easy to explain what is oden. But I can't come up with a good short expression
for oden.

93 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-02-01 16:22 ID:Heaven

"an assortment of various types of repulsive squishy shit kept in stale hot water" would be my best guess ;)

94 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-02-04 10:56 ID:T/KkVc99

Your best guess comes from your jealousy for the food.
Oden is a kind of food that a person who have no sense of taste
will never understand its deliciousness.

95 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-02-04 13:44 ID:upHzmJRa

おでん (n) oden (Japanese hodgepodge)

96 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-02-04 15:22 ID:Heaven

lol gtfo

97 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-02-05 16:56 ID:Heaven

98 あぼーん

99 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-10-20 22:58 ID:iFSB9oTD

I was watching some B-movies and I have a question to Americans. What are fraternities and
sororities at universities? OK, I read the description of them in Wikipedia, so my question
is better framed as, "Why do you need them?" I mean, university students are adults and they
don't need such groups to socialize, do they? What's with the use of Greek letters? The description
talks about rituals and stuff. It sounds somewhat creepy and backward. I see they've got some
history, but they still seem to be weird organizations to me.
One thing I found out thanks to the Princeton Review site is that prestigious schools such as Ivy
League schools have lower organization-rates. So am I not too far off when I mentioned the
the perception of "backwardness" above? Thanks in advance <(_ _)>

100 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-10-20 23:26 ID:iTM/enpA


Even though university students are adults, they often act like high-schoolers or children. Going to college, they have to create a whole new social network and meet new people. Fraternities and sororities make it a little easier to adjust.

Some of the frats and sororities are social, but some are also for pre-law and pre-med students. They are good for building networks, which is important if you want to have a successful job.

I think the frat and sorority presence varies with each school. At my college, for example, the rate is around 15% of students joining. A friend of mine in another school says it's 50%.

Joining a frat or sorority takes time so maybe the Ivy League kids are just too busy with work, lol.

101 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-10-21 00:06 ID:iFSB9oTD

Well, Are American students are more premature?

No, I don't mean to offend anyone and I can see that networking is important, but this f&s businees still strikes me as odd. Let's think about Canada. It's an English-speaking country, they have a similiar culture, and they need networking as much as Americans. Now do they have f&s? Or is this uniquely an American thing?

102 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-10-24 02:11 ID:cjI7I/LQ

There are f&s in Canada, just you don't hear about them as much as an American f&s.

Then again, how many crazy Canadian college/university movies are out there?

103 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-10-24 05:17 ID:1skw/X97

Well, the fact is B-Movies are called that for a good reason, they contain generally retarded or contrived content. There are very few schools which accommodate this kind of S/F. The vast majority of people in University are there to get their education, graduate, and start their careers.

Unfortunately, Animal House-style S/F's still cling to life in some prestigious American Universities, notably Yale and Harvard. However, most of the loser in these shitholes happen to be rich brats who made it into the school only because their rich congressmen daddies payed for it.

104 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-10-24 06:41 ID:iFSB9oTD

Thanks for your reply.

I don't know. I've been to Canada. Their universities aren't sorrounded by f&s houses like some American state universities. Are you a Canadian?

I know it's a fiction. But as I said, internet search shows that those schools have lower organization rates. Plus, urban settings such as Boston make it difficult to set up f&s houses. Are you simply jealous of rich people?

105 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-10-25 00:29 ID:zuJ96o2b

>>101 I am currently a student at an American university. My experience regarding frats and sororities is that they are mainly just social clubs for college students. I don't really see how f&s could help students find a job or anything like that. "Why do you need them?" is a good question in my opinion. They really aren't needed, but some students enjoy them. Some of them are rather backward, and f&s are known for occasionally doing immature and irresponsible things. They are known for hosting parties with excessive amounts of alcohol.

At my university, they discourage honor students from joining f&s because statistically, students who join f&s start to make lower grades. Most of the top students are not affiliated with any fraternity or sorority.

Are American students more immature? Well, I can't really say since I don't know much about how mature university students from Japan or other countries are, but it seems likely to me.

106 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-10-25 01:51 ID:tIOtVCUj

Yeah, I'm Canadian. You're right about how we don't have as many as the States, but we still have some.

107 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-10-25 04:56 ID:iFSB9oTD

Thanks for your reply.

Many people, whether students or not, are part of some groups for professional, hobby, or whatever purposes. So being part of them isn't unique in and of itself, I don't think. What directed my attention to f&s is how they are run. Nationally organized, initiation rituals, history, etc. And I wondered if this is genally considered part of traditional American culture that many Americans are pround of.

Anyway, a question to you. Aren't f&s supported by your university, e.g., houses? But students are discouraged from joining them at the same time? Or can't your university do anyhting about their existence in its property because of the natinal governing body of f&s?

About the "immature" thing, it's a rhetorical question to >>100 (although I used the word "premature", haha), so please don't take offense. Speaking of offense, please understand that I am not crticising f&s, although I am pointing out what I consider to be irrational things about them. There are many irrational things in things that are traditionally maintained. But that makes every culture unique.

To tell you the truth, I've only granced through UBC and UVic campuses, haha. Anyway, are Canadian f&s as old as American ones or are they recently imported? Do they have the same characteristics >>105 points out?

Thank you guys for helping me understand North American culture<(_ _)>

108 名前: 107 : 2007-10-25 05:02 ID:iFSB9oTD

Glanced, not granced. Japanese Engrish for you ><

109 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-10-25 05:41 ID:tIOtVCUj

To be honest with 'ya, I have no clue about the age or characteristics of Canadian f&s.

110 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-10-25 05:59 ID:1skw/X97


Mmm, jealous? Not particularly. I just don't like seeing 2nd generation wealthy making a mockery of their parent's hard work and dedication.

I don't really like "old money". If you want to know why, the Great Gatsby is a reasonable place to start (even though its just a novella).

111 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-10-25 06:01 ID:1skw/X97

I couldn't help noticing how eloquent and fluid your English is. Bravo.

112 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-10-25 06:50 ID:zuJ96o2b

F&S are supported by the university, but only promotionally. They recieve very little financial support from the university. Most of the f&s houses are off campus.

It is only the students that are in honor programs for high-scoring students and/or very challenging academic programs (most engineering programs) that are discouraged from joining f&s. Some people feel that for average students, f&s are good for helping people to be more social. They also participate in charity work occasionally. However, they can be a distraction from studies, especially for students in very demanding academic programs.

F&S are more of a tradition of American college culture than something that serves a rational function. As to whether Americans are proud of them, that really differs among different types of people. For example, people that were in a f/s in college are often proud of it and feel loyalty to their f/s even after they graduate. However, for many people the term "frat boy" makes them think of an immature young man that drinks too much (alcohol) and has bad hygiene.

As you may be able to tell, I am very critical of f&s. I feel that many of their rituals and the kinds of parties that they host are embarassing to the university. I also feel that they contribute to a kind of 'tribal' behavior among students, whereby students only want to associate with members of their f/s.

113 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-10-25 08:40 ID:iFSB9oTD

Thanks for so many replies<(_ _)>

I guess I know where you are coming from. Establishment, right? But isn't this getting far away
from my original questions about f&s? Maybe Skull & Bones (or S&B, haha) is more along the lines of them?

The reason I brought tradition and culture issues is this. Gennerally, university students tend to be
liberal and anti-establishment in many countries because of their age(?). Maybe more so in the US than
in Japan or independed-mindness is more highly valued or something. But from the description of f&s in
Wikipedia, I got an impression which I thought didn't sit well such characteristics of university students.
You know, the secrecy of Greek letters, rituals, and all that. So, then I thought, "This isn't about
beliefs and independed-mindness but about being part of the "good ole American culture and people just
doing it without thinking twice aboutit." As you know, one of the tenets of f&s is religion, e.g.,
Judeo-Christianity, which might be why I felt odd about f&s initially because religion rarely becomes a
reason for which people organize a social group in Japan.

Maybe this thinking is too simplistic. Maybe f&s lost its history and became something that simply gives
student opportunities to drink, as you describe. So that's simply why they join. So much soliloquy...

Anyway, I find this "socio-dynamism" in schools in the US (or Canada for that matter) interesting.
How about high schools?
Although it's written in Japanese, you can tell from the pictures what it talks about. I couldn't find
the equivalent hierarchy chart in English. (I know Wikipedia isn't the best source, but it gives me
a starting point.)
Yeah, my interest in the US is strange, haha ><

114 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-10-26 02:23 ID:zuJ96o2b

The only thing that I can understand is the heirarchy chart, but it looks accurate. It is true that in American high schools, academic or intellectual successes are not admired. Students are sometimes even bullied for making high scores.

How is high school culture different in Japan?

115 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-10-26 04:51 ID:+l3ILqNh


use -こと when describing a verb with adjectives

116 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-10-26 05:55 ID:iFSB9oTD

Taking the chart as a starting point, I can say that the position that sports occupy in
each society is quite different. There is no such image as "All Japanese couples" as opposed
to "All American couples," that is, couples of varsity athletes and cheerleaders.
Also the structure of school system is different. Sports scholarships are not as common.
But probably the main diffence is that many Japanese children, boys and girls, grow up on things
like anime, manga, video games, etc. (which is the case in the US to some (or a large?) extent now.)
So a person who can draw, for example, can be quite popular.

That is not to say bullying isn't a problem in Japan. Some students commit suicide because of that,
as you might have heard. The problem of bullying is quite complicated. Once it happens, people
immediately start lookinf of culprits. But many specialists warns that the problem of bullying
should not be simplified. I have no expertise or experience in this, so I won't say much about this.
But, yeah, it's not simply the case that students of the so-called "nerd" type are the ones who
get bullied in Japan.

Also, the problem of race is absent in Japan. Yeah, I've heard about the "rope and tree" incident
at some high school. The fact that it happened in Connecticut(?), not in, say, Alabama, tells me
how deep this problem still runs in the US.

All in all, I get the impression that American students have quite a hard time, if s/he is not
at the top of the hierarchy ><

117 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-10-26 13:46 ID:a5xpLHyD

Any other interesting topics?

118 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-11-21 22:02 ID:ufmmnmpl

Hey there!

I speak English but I'm from Holland, so I can't tell much about American culture... But I still wanted to post here. :) In our country there is so much English media now that most people learn the basics at a young age (at least I did), and because of our languages are alike it isn't that hard to learn.

I'm personally learning Japanese, but haven't progressed much yet. Maybe I lack the discipline to do something like this by myself, but I hope that's not true... Do you have any tips for me that could help me?

(You can also ask anything you want if you're interested...)

119 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-11-22 01:08 ID:XFuMirkS

I can Ask you anything?
Then I'll ask you a serious question.
Speaking of Holland, I remember your country legalized euthanasia a few years ago.
What do you think about that?

120 名前: 118 : 2007-11-22 20:30 ID:ufmmnmpl

I think it's a good thing. Is it really weird to want to stop living when your health situation is hopeless and you're dying slowly and painfully anyway? Of course not everyone wants this, but if you ask for it yourself I don't see why it wouldn't be allowed.

But I think it's pretty hard to get the permission to let it be done, though. Also, doctors generally don't like to do this since they feel they fail when a patient does this. But I don't know that much about the subject, you can read ttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euthanasia_in_the_Netherlands if you're interested.

I wonder if my opinion differs from the general opinion in your (or any other) country. What do you think?

121 名前: 119 : 2007-11-23 00:32 ID:XFuMirkS

Oh, please don't ask me about the issue because it's very difficult for me to discuss it in English with you.
You said ( you can also ask anything you want if you're interested), so just did it.
In Japan euthanasia is not allowed legally, therefore doctors who did mercy killings sometimes made the news.
Of course they got arrested and prosecutors filed for criminal lawsuits against them.
Generally people tend to avoid this sort of problems because they are extremely delicate.
I think life is a totally different thing as compared to other things. I'm not a Cristian but I feel life is a" god-gigiven gift".....sorry I can't tell you exactly what I want to say..

122 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-11-23 18:46 ID:/nkDZ0Yq


I'm American, consider myself a moderate conservative (the kicker is, I'm not sure I believe in god), and I agree with you on the issue. If a patient is in enormous pain (extreme old-age, but bed-ridden, etc.), or is suffering from a terminal illness, being able to choose their time seems (I think) to be the compassionate and rational thing to do. They should be able to die peacefully, with dignity, and surrounded by their family members and good friends. I am interested to hear other sides of the issue, though.

123 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-11-25 07:25 ID:jSgJqCeg


>In our country there is so much English media now that most people learn the basics at a young age

What about anime? I think Romanace language countries (e.g., Italy, France) have been front-runners of anime importers in Europe for a long time. How about Holland?

124 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-11-25 20:00 ID:sq/PL7jp

Yes, but most of the anime on TV outside of Japan is dubbed.

125 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-11-26 08:53 ID:jSgJqCeg

That's fine. But Dubbed in Dutch, right? So that's not English media you talked about.

126 名前: 118 : 2007-11-26 13:06 ID:ufmmnmpl

Yeah, they're mostly dubbed in Dutch, but in English sometimes too.

When I was talking about English media I meant movies, tv shows and songs on the radio.
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