Hikikomori (ひきこもり) (118)

109 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-15 17:28 ID:YAtX8MzK

Wrong! Hikkikomori phenomenon didn't happens only in Japan but actually spreads to the rest Asian country (including my country!).

It's all due the fact that humans began to enjoy higher living status (means that we are living far more comfortable than before). This sort of "comfortableness" began to infest humans' habits thus this kind of phenomenon emerges.

Also, I don't want to blame but some parents are sometimes are too
protective thus making us believe that it is better u just stay at home if don't want to get bullied or some other nasty things (some Asian culture prefers it).

Westerners should be proud for not having this phenomenon in critical status yet but ya know...the persuasive power of media is powerful...

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