Fetish problems..... (41)

1 Name: Mackai : 2007-02-06 19:13 ID:K1xuWC3W

Hey all, I have a severe fetish problem. It seems I cannot get off unless I visualize me or someone else severly abusing and raping a beautiful Young woman. Also degregation turns me on. my prob is slightly obvious. I cannot live pretending i am a normal person. Pls help

2 Name: A : 2007-02-06 19:26 ID:QvFIhKpB

I love pwetty young girls :D

3 Name: hotaro : 2007-02-06 19:26 ID:K1xuWC3W

there is nothing wrong with having a fetish especially considering i have a fetish too which is to fuck a pig and look at senior women's granny pannies not to mention ur cat is sexually active with a frog!

4 Name: A : 2007-02-06 19:27 ID:0b5gdY/O

Well, That sound like a personnal problem....I have no advice but to get it to take your fetish problems out on your sister....Thats what everybody else does.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-07 10:13 ID:Heaven

Try to get inside your own head. What kind of associations do you get from young beautiful women? What does the abuse and rape symbolise for you? This feitish is a symbol of feelings and emotions you have inside. The easy, lame and stupid thing would be going "You fear women and sex, and you need to feel in control! lulz!". It's usually not that easy. It might be a part of it, but it usually goes significantly deeper.
Figure it out. Consult us more (or a therapist), if you can't clear away the fetish by yourself.

You all escaped from DQN or /b/, didn't you. Even if >>1 is just lying, he/she deserves at least a few genuinely helpful replies. Even if not for >>1's sake, then for the sake of the people who really do have this problem (they do exist, sadly. I've met some of them - don't ask me how), who might encounter this site.

6 Name: Mackai : 2007-02-07 19:09 ID:K1xuWC3W

I dont know. What is it supposed to be associated with?

7 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-08 02:34 ID:vHCafIvf

(°ロ°)☝ tell us what goes on in your mind when you're doing it because there is probably some subconcious reason you are telling yourself to make it seem justified.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-08 03:56 ID:UHx3ma9W

(°ロ°)☝ FGSFDS

9 Name: fart man : 2007-02-08 10:43 ID:lUThKaEd

i guess everybody has at least one fetish. the only problem is if its normal or not normal. and ur fitish is totally not normal. so what? i dont know... just that.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-08 10:49 ID:Heaven

There is no "I don't know".
Think about it. What does it make you feel, besides arousal.
Power? Revenge? Relief? etc (usually several different emotions)
Why does it give you that feeling? What do women make you feel, especially young ones? What does rape/abuse signify and make you feel?

For some, sexual abuse is about taking control of a threat, and to impose their power on the threat. The why differs, but is also very important to be aware of. So far, I have yet to find someone who truly loves and likes themselves that have this problem with women.

Since when have you had this problem?

11 Name: fart man : 2007-02-08 18:54 ID:lUThKaEd


>Power? Revenge? Relief?

whatever the feeling would be, wanting to rape or abuse is potentially dangerous.

i suggest he talk to a mature person around him

12 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-08 22:02 ID:jG+N56DP

Those who do like such things... , i mean this is not minor bondage that we are talking about which is an alternate but is kinda playful rather then being cruel.

I find those who are into young girls to be very insecure deep inside themselves, thats why they want the other party to be "loyal" and less threatening. Hell , they are into young girls because they fear the older ones.

but tendency to abuse? OP should look in himself and find the cause.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-09 02:11 ID:u/esRWUJ

loli tends to do that

14 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-09 10:25 ID:Heaven

>i suggest he talk to a mature person around him

I think a therapist would be best.

>Hell , they are into young girls because they fear the older ones.

Not necessarily, but often. Sometimes people feel that old women are "expired" women, and don't count. Then it's usually more of about that young women are seen as the epitome of youth, and posessing/controlling them is a way of controlling the life that is slipping away for the abuser.

15 Name: Mackai : 2007-02-13 07:34 ID:dOSnWnZT

Well, I feel as if I can do anything when I rape a young girl (Fantasizing of course). I get a feeling of power I guess one can say. >>13 I love loli ;)

16 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-13 11:03 ID:Heaven

One question being, how realistical is this "rape" fantasy? Is it the stereotype anime "Oh no! We mustn't! Noo! ...oh.. oohhh.. it feels sooo good.. but we shouldn't! No... Ahhh.... DON'T BLOODY STOP!" kind of rape?
Or is it the kind of rape where you destroy the life of the girl, where she continously is in pain and suffering, hates every second of it and would have loved to tear your cock off if she could have?

17 Name: Mackai : 2007-02-14 06:02 ID:dOSnWnZT

It's the second one.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-14 07:15 ID:Heaven

Wow dude, if you're seriously suffering from this and aren't making this all up, getting professional help on the side of this thread would be good. They are not allowed to divulge your information, can give you very **good* and specific help, and as long as you don't actually rape someone, you're safe from the law.

So, why do you feel you can do anything when you have these thoughts? Do you identify with the helplessness of the lolis, and by mentally raping them you're in a way taking control of your own helplessness? (yes, I'm guesstimating)

19 Name: Mackai : 2007-02-15 06:24 ID:dOSnWnZT

My own helplessness? I honestly do not know if I feel helpless...If I do it would be very deep down that I do.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-15 10:05 ID:Heaven

So, in other words, you're damned good at being in denial, huh?
Go to a therapist. Seriously. It will be worth it.

21 Name: Mackai : 2007-02-16 02:41 ID:dOSnWnZT

They cost way to much money. Money that I dont have :(

22 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-16 04:30 ID:Heaven


It is clearly you are nothing but a coward who feels helpless and powerless. You fear women, obviously you are bullied by them so now you turn to young girls and have of thoughts of raping them to gain control and power. If you want control and power, this route will not work. Even if you did rape young girls, you still have no power and control of what you fear. You still be the same in denial of your fear which you fear to admit. I recommend you confront and overcome your fear, and not just run away from them.

23 Name: Random Guessing : 2007-02-16 13:48 ID:Heaven

He might "just" be projecting his own weaknesses onto young women. Might be that he doesn't fear women per se, but more of the demands he feels he has to put up with as a "man", blaming the contrasting "gender" for "creating" them.

24 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-16 13:52 ID:Heaven

Trust me, it's more important that you get therapy than for instance entertainment in your life. Don't go to the movies, don't buy random shit you don't genuinely need. Save that money up for therapy sessions. Although, if you don't mind religious people, there are some therapists you can get for a lower cost, church-sponsored stuff, that actually are professional and don't try to cram their religion down your throat.
Do make sure that you check out all of their diplomas, though. Diplomas are no guarantee for that they ultimately will be good at their job, but it's usually a good indicator.

25 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-17 05:47 ID:ct6T+Mfv

That kind of fantasy probably pretty common, and doesn't mean you're 'not normal' or need professional help. The important thing is that you said it can be "someone else" it doesn't have to be you doing the rape. So I'm guessing it's the violence that gets you off.

Are these fantasies becoming obsessions, are they interfering with your life negatively?

Would you consider your social relations healthy?

If it's not a problem, it's not a problem. That's why we have loli ;). Hell the Japanese invented it, and they're not exactly world-leaders in child abuse.

Useful questions you might want to consider:

What can you say about your relationship with others? How are your friendships/sibling relationships?

Do you have brother(s)/sister(s)?


Female friends?
Male friends?

What do you do for fun, besides fantasizing rape?

How is your relationship with your parents?

26 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-17 08:05 ID:Heaven

>Are these fantasies becoming obsessions, are they interfering with your life negatively?

Didn't you read >>1?

>"It seems I cannot get off unless"

27 Name: Mackai : 2007-02-18 02:09 ID:dOSnWnZT

>>26 I wouldnt consider me getting off important in my life it's just a pleasure. One can live a completely celebate life!

>>25 I think you are the closest to the dot in my problem. Is it normal for people to get aroused by violence? I guess there are masochists/sadist in the world whom do get off on it....

28 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-18 05:04 ID:ct6T+Mfv

You might want to read a little bit more about the subject. See if you can relate with any of it, of if it sounds like you in any way.

Here's a place to start: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sadism_and_masochism_as_medical_terms

29 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-18 05:08 ID:ct6T+Mfv

From what I understand, saddo-masichism only a disorder if you actually act on your violent/sexual urges in ways that harm others.

Other than that, it seems like it's a pretty active sexual subculture. It should be possible to meet other people with similar fantasies, and to act them out in a mutually-consenting way.

30 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-18 19:47 ID:Heaven

If you ever get into a serious relationship with someone, unless you luck out and they're asexual so cuddlings are enough, it will be an important problem. Besides, hiding things in the back of your head is dangerous.

31 Name: Mackai : 2007-02-19 23:59 ID:dOSnWnZT

I see, Does anyone know of a free, serious site that will help me meet masochists in my area?

32 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-20 03:13 ID:Na2M9npV



he who learns how to google shall find what he looks for

33 Name: Mackai : 2007-02-20 06:42 ID:dOSnWnZT

Yes, I could google, but I was hoping somebody would know of a site that they trust.

34 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-20 14:35 ID:fSZejvnI

I think the main point of him is the Young woman part...

35 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-20 15:39 ID:Na2M9npV


I think it would be best to visit that world live. There must be clubs out there if you live in a major population center.

If by young you mean underage, and if your fantasies are about sincerely victimizing someone, then you should close off this line of fantasizing without ever acting it out.

You can do this by weening yourself away from the fantasy loop by focussing on other, harmless fantasies and get yourself into that.

36 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-20 18:01 ID:I2U64l+j


Do you live near a city with weekly independent papers? Sometimes those papers you can pick up off the street have a section for alternative personal ads. Also, there's craigslist. I don't think you can 'trust' any particular source more than others, since it's another individual or seperate group you'd be contacting.

37 Name: sage : 2007-02-20 21:11 ID:jG+N56DP

maybe you should search for some inner beauty or that kinda stuff in your life and forget about all this cruel shit.

38 Name: Mackai : 2007-02-21 06:20 ID:dOSnWnZT

>>37 I have tried that... I started listening to Beethoven, writting books (I have four now) I have started reading Edgar Allen Poe, but then I learned that E.A. Poe married, and was obsessed with, a 14 year old wife. Beethoven reminded me of the olden days where young girls where married off and treated like property :(.

I dont think any of the girls advertised in papers would umm....like a person of my age. (Sadly, I am still a minor)

39 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-21 13:17 ID:0O+JNPOE

>>32 you are very wise

40 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-21 16:58 ID:48kkKCcy

actually, Poe's wife was his cousin too. however, they loved each other madly and they did have kids. he only went completely off the wall when she died...

41 Name: Mackai : 2007-02-22 06:13 ID:dOSnWnZT

Interesting. I knew they where related but I thought she was his neice or something.....;)

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