How do I be more social? (27)

21 Name: Anon : 2007-03-31 23:11 ID:9gocWA5B

>>19 >>14 >>12
A webblog never helped? Some of you ever tried?
Excuse me if I came with an stupid troll idea, it's just that I am from the other side of the world and never felt into this kind of problems you manifest. On the other hand, I know that many people enjoy social (personal) contact with polite people as you are. Even myself, I'm constantly looking for people who blogs and wants to e-mail and personally know each other: That can't be rare, there must be people like that in your town/city, blogging your problems out might call them to attention of your value as a friend, and might be cathartic too.
Am I wrong? If so, excuse my ignorance, guys/girls.

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