Lost my motivations (22)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-01 09:26 ID:VZhiO1UL

I'm a 22 years old guy that used to love games, manga, books, computer programming and talk with his friends, over the net or face to face.

Recently I have lost almost all my motivations, and now I feel empty, bored and maybe depressed. I don't want to do almost nothing and the only thing I do is listen music in by bedroom, browse the net and program.

The next academical year I will start studying in the university and that was a big motivation for me. But right now I feel that I'm a bit old to start university.

Also I don't have so much friends, and they live a bit far from me, so we see each others one or two times each month, and that make me feel lonely. And the ones that I have near the only thing they do is play games and watch things, I'm a bit tired of that, but don't have alternatives.

If thats not enough my girlfriend broke with me some days ago, after all the plans we did and all the love we shared. All the girls say that I'm a nice guy, but seems that I'm not enought for them.

I have tried to be positive, to smile and be happy, sometimes works, but not always. Because when I remember how alone I am, and how I have been dumped I can't be that strong.

What can I do now? Suicide? I have been thinking in that, but I'm too coward.

I need a solution or I will fall in and endless pit of depression.

Well, now I should continue working, thanks for reading me.

2 Post deleted by moderator.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-01 19:01 ID:Heaven

>But right now I feel that I'm a bit old to start university.

You're only as old as you make yourself. Also, your age is far from uncommon at my uni: a lot of people work for a year or two, do military service or just simply travel for some time, before starting their university studies.

"Nice" is never enough, as any other quality. "Good looking" with no other compatibilities will get you as little as "nice". It's not about you not being "enough", it's about how you as a whole are. Keep in mind that if you aren't feeling well, it does show. People tend to get confused and awkward around people like that, when they don't know how nor feel they actually can give you a substantial amount of help. This is why you really shouldn't take it personally.

If you don't make your life richer, you will sink deeper. There's tons of advice on this board already, read through them and then comment here and we'll do our best to assist.

Oh, and don't dare killing yourself. I will hunt you down and beat your corpse up and put it on public display if you do.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-01 19:13 ID:mcjmqjbi

Get drunk all day.

5 Name: lif : 2007-06-01 20:13 ID:BKkgIFFF

U "Used" too, that's your problem. There comes a time where we all change and get bored by doing the same thing every damn day.

Depressed? It's normal, your girl just dumped you and at the same time you are questioning your purpose in life.

You need to find yourself and this takes time.

And don't find refuge to alcohol,drugs or even food. It might make you feel better for months but at the end you will find yourself fat,more depressed,self loathing,etc...


6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-01 21:09 ID:s0IcUpz/

Alcohol is always good, idiot.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-01 21:09 ID:SekXgwq5

>>1 my brother started university at that age, now he is studying his masters and getting married! He used to be this depressed guy with no friends and somehow lonely.
I don't say you are my brother, but I would say that you are in a bad times and you have every right to feel unsecured.
My advice is to not to stay idle until university starts, and once it starts do your best.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-02 05:49 ID:Gxsj5i2Q


Stop posting when you're drunk.


I almost never exercise, but if I did, I know it would improve my energy and concentration, as well as make me more physically fit and possibly more attractive. Running, or working out, or doing some sport is probably a great way to fight depression and maybe work up some energy for other activities, including improving your self-confidence. You don't want to sink into a cycle of apathy, believe me.

If you can convince yourself to exercise for an hour, and once you start it'll be easier and you'll probably enjoy it, you're well on your way to being able to convince yourself to do other things.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-02 09:17 ID:Heaven

>And don't find refuge to alcohol,drugs or even food. It might make you feel better for months but at the end you will find yourself fat,more depressed,self loathing,etc...

This is terribly true.

10 Name: 1 : 2007-06-02 12:18 ID:Heaven

I have been reading some information of what I will study next year and I'm a bit more motivated about that. Can't wait to start.

The university thing is very important for me, a lot of people made my student life impossible and said that I'm idiot, and the people near me usually tell that I will be a great professional because I have potential inside me. And I want to be as good as I can, not only for me, but to make happy those around me.

In two weeks I will have holidays until September or October, so I have decided that I will do somethings to be busy.

First I will try to finish my programming project, second I will do a summer of gaming, and third as >>8 suggested I will join a gym in July, and also will start to study japanese again.

And don't worry, I will not drink or take drugs, my exgirlfriend teach me that those things are useless.

Talking in girlfriend, I miss her, I miss talking with her and looking her cute face. Each time I remember I try to start thinking in any other thing, but is hard. And I don't know if want to fall in love again with another girl.

Thank for your help guys, if you have more advices, please, tell.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-02 14:21 ID:Heaven

Good luck, OP!

>And I don't know if want to fall in love again with another girl.

You don't want to yet, but you will. Give it time. It doesn't make the time you had with her worth any less, nor make what you felt for her worth any less.
Read "A Certain Chemistry", by Mil Millington. Might cheer you up.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-04 07:50 ID:SekXgwq5

haha , reading that actually pumps me up too! I'm getting a laptop for gaming, going back to home country with old friends, maybe I'll do a small flash animation with my old middle school buddies, two of them make flash for hobbies.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-05 01:47 ID:WbhIFNnz

Why do you let your ex-girlfriend tell you what is useful and what is useless? Alcohol and drugs can be useful if you have self-control.

14 Name: 1 : 2007-06-08 08:57 ID:VZhiO1UL

>>11 Thanks, I will search the book. I need to take her out of my head, is driving me crazy.

>>12 Do the flash man, and be happy with your old friends.

>>13 I don't think I can control myself in this situation.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-09 21:10 ID:zPKRyd1A


16 Name: sage : 2007-06-10 05:53 ID:M6yvyiFL


Fuck'n waste of space. You don't have any personal issues. You got emo because you got dumped by your girlfriend. Big fuck'n deal, a million of the same shit. We don't hear that crap on here. Post your shit on Romance. What a waste of fuck'n time.

17 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-10 12:45 ID:Heaven

>>16 massive fail.
And you're a retard. This goes here as well as there.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-11 14:30 ID:nOD/sAY2

>>1 you've got a friend in weed

19 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-11 17:29 ID:TzBsKD4K

I wish I could give you some useful advice, but I go through things very similar to you. but I wish you good luck!

20 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-03 03:27 ID:NogRhSyP

maybe the depression will be natural and you can find ways to overcome it? It's worth a try.

21 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-03 14:34 ID:AGwYH1yl

you're not depressed, you're just down. and from the sounds of it, you're on your way to pick yourself back up. get some exercise, and get involved in some clubs/activities once you're in school. in the end, you'll be a better, more well-rounded person for going through it all.

and don't be afraid of a little social drinking, either.

22 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-04 04:52 ID:pjE0MxYp

Don't worry about being a few years older than the rest of the students in Uni. Nobody cares.

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