my life has no meaning? (29)

12 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-09 05:11 ID:6tfsc0GF

First off, I am going to take a wild guess and say that you aren't interested in Japanese culture, you are interested in anime and manga. 99% of the people who say that the like Japan for culture are either closet otakus or just want to be different from all of the other otakus.

I'll do you a favor and answer you in both sides of the spectrum. I'm sure both will help you though.

First off, let me say this. Otaku means nerd in Japan. Since we are speaking in English, I will use the term nerd from now on. It may seem harsh, but it is true in Japan, and it is true in America. You are an anime/manga/fig/whatever nerd. You enjoy all of that, and that's great to know. So do I (just finished torrenting Lucky Star 13 =D)!

I'd like to say that some Japanese like America just as much as the other way around. There ARE Japanese women who want to marry an American just because they like American men/culture/etc. Congratulations! This isn't the point though.

Like >>9 said about Paris, Japan is not going to be the holy land. To be honest, even I sometimes think that it will be a nerd's paradise. The truth is, it is just like any other place- crime, dirtiness, etc. Unless you plan on living under a bridge in Akihabara, you probably won't be exposed to all of the 'JaPaNesE WaCkInEsS' as much as you would like. Yes, you will see more anime/manga in general, but not everywhere at once.

Remember what I said earlier, an otaku is just a nerd. If you ever got bullied/pestered/etc. in school/work/etc. for openly loving anime, chances are you will be in Japan too (an exception is that manga isn't too looked down upon, but anime is considered for kids/nerds).

My tip: Don't run around saying that you are in LOVEEEE with all of that. You can love it, and if someone says something about it, you CAN talk about it, but it is just a hobby like anything else and you don't need to waste other's time with your banter. Living in Japan would be fine, but just remember all of this. If you would like, I could find a few articles on all of this, but other than that, this is just a summary.

Go to Japan and thourghly immerse yourself in Japanese culture, become a citizen, marry, get a low-medium paying job (like in America, you actually have to work for money!), etc.

Also, don't go up to the Japanese girls and try to talk about anime. Like I said, don't bring it up unless it is relevant to the conversation.

Hands are tired. Any questions?

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