Hikikomori--->no future for me (116)

29 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-15 23:50 ID:Z4arge55

Ok, so as some people said, maybe you should try programming. You can make much more than minimum wage just knowing html, and css, or even less, and then using other people's scripts. Also, have you ever tried being a mooch? Why do you seclude yourself? If you are attractive, you could always meet up with a chick and mooch off of her for a while, at your age. I know that sounds terrible, but it's better than mooching off of your parents, and if you mooch off of a chick, eventually they'll give you some shit and you will realize that you need to do stuff. But seriously, learn to program. It can make you a lot, and you can do it from home, and it doesn't take a lot of brains.

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