Hikikomori--->no future for me (116)

31 Name: !dxxIOVQOvU : 2007-08-16 07:49 ID:Z4arge55

Oh, dude, that article made me want to eat a rice ball so bad I started boiling rice, but then I realized I don't know how to make rice balls. But anyway, one thing that might work is maybe, an internet relationship that develops into one on the outside? I've known a few Hiki that have went that way. I'm not a Hiki myself, but I've heard that e-relationships are much easier than ones on the outside. Or, maybe he could try doing something like painting Warhammer 40K figurines =P Eventually, maybe he'd get bored with just looking at them and try to find the other person in his province/state/district/whatever. j/k, but being serious again, since this Hiki seems to like watching anime, maybe doing a webcomic or something? If he gains enough of a fanbase, maybe he could be convinced to attend Otakon and realize that he's not alone and that there are thousands of other people like him out there, and that these people are making a living and living their lives just fine.

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