Hikikomori--->no future for me (116)

62 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-19 06:51 ID:X45ic3L6

I had wrote a long response but decided to close the window for some reason. Here are my thoughts on your situation since I believe I can relate to you and sympathize with you on some of your points.

  • If you want a girlfriend you will need to find confidence in something. You will need to find some sort of socially acceptable hobby that makes you appealing. You must also learn to love yourself first if you ever hope to love someone else or else it will never work out.
  • You say your grades are poor and here is where I am with you the most. My grades were horrible in HS I recall one semester getting straight D's because I was too busy getting high to care about school, I still came but high + ADD = does not work well. I eventually started taking Wellbutrin because I was so fed up with changing my diet, exercising, etc. none of these "natural" methods were working. After being on Wellbutrin miraculously my grades went from about C's normally to B's and A's. A miracle in my eyes but this is just my experience. I am sure there are thousands of others ready to criticize the industry and perhaps they are justified in their experience but for me I have not had any negative side effects and the benefits were astonishing.

You are also lieing if you say you have no interest in anything. How do you know which mangas to read or which anime to watch if you have no interest in any subject? There are far too many to watch and read them all.

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