Hikikomori--->no future for me (116)

72 Name: Loser : 2007-08-19 18:34 ID:SOY/mfzo

>>71 I would go out of the world and even nobody will notice it!

Since i would choose a very quiet place without any people!

I am not that dumb that i will just jump infront of a train to cause an uproar or something similar.
I have always been a shadow ;) When i didn't go to school for 2or3 days nobody even noticed it.
The only people i know are my parents. And my relation to them is not that good but the contrary. It is just a matter of time (imo soon) when they don't support me anymore, and i will get kicked out....xD
So nothing wrong with disappearing. It is rather so that i have never existed.

You say suicide would cause problems? Then you are wrong and have given it enough of a thought ;)

Those companies, with their employees, what would they do if the suicide-rate would drop to zero?
Right, they would be wihtout a job then!
WHat if they got a family?
This is quite absurd, but this is the reality of our society.

SO please don't just look on the one side of a medall.

Even if wars for example are somthing the majority detests, without them, whole industries would be gone and many many people without any jobs.
Without war, there would be no rebuilding, nothing just way to more and more of a stagnation.

Please rethink the topic of suicide being selfish!

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