Hikikomori--->no future for me (116)

82 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-20 13:49 ID:MNEBaqlY

> I know this, but should you live blind-folded?

I was once asked, "Would you rather be right, or be happy?" The same person asked me, "Would you rather have infinite knowledge, or infinite happiness?" Each time I said I would rather be happy. I think, rather than knowledge, power, or the pride of always being right in one's beliefs, it is most wise to choose happiness. At the end of the day, all that matters is that you can smile. If you can smile, maybe you can make someone else smile. In this small way, the world can change for the better.

If you need to turn away from the plight of the world in order to have a happy life, I don't think this is wrong. It doesn't take away from your productivity; in fact, in light of how _un_productive you currently are to society, happiness might improve your worth to the world. As I said before, something as simple as a smile can change the world, even if you don't see it happening on a larger scale.

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