Hikikomori--->no future for me (116)

83 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-20 15:51 ID:Heaven

>No war? Are you that blind-folded? Look at the news man.

Of course it is not like a total war, or like a all over the country war.
What about the armaments industry?Look for example at the expensenses of USA.
If we (Humankind) don't have war at all in the future, where will be the military and the whole industry behind it do?-.-
Challenging your "arguement"? YOu have none to begin with!

All arguments are based on assumptions, for mine I am assuming a world with no conflict but the military will always remain. You do notice all nations except a few are not currently engaging in war do you? Why do they need their military then? Why do we even stockpile nuclear weapons? It's all mainly for deterrence.

>No, but this is the thinking of some other (powerful) persons in the world!

Rebuilding -> Iraq ?
At least this is what the superficial arguement is.^^

Ever wondered why the majority hates the Bush administration? Ever bothered to read what the Iraqis had to say instead of listening to media bullshit? You can start with this: http://riverbendblog.blogspot.com/
People like her live through shit everyday and yet they strive on, and what does people like you and me do? We sit around and argue over the internet, except that I see a bright future ahead of me and you see nothing but despair.

>Change myself? Are we that far in technology already?

Changing myself means for me to change my GENES!
Thanks for your conduction that i don't deserve any help.
Like i said the angel need not help me in the meaning of someone who accompanies me.
I just need "her" to change my GENES. This is a "one-time-help"

Blaming genetics or your dad or your mum for your own failure is the most retarded thing a person can do, even cripples and retarded people don't do that. Instead, change your attitude, you yourself is the only thing to blame for your own faults. Only you can help yourself.

>No relation between suicide and unemployment at all?

The number of suicide creating job opportunities is too insignificant to be even used as a viable reason to explain unemployment, that's my main point. Trust me, if it is of any relevance at all, it surely won't be up to some hikki to discover it.

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