Baldness... (18)

1 Name: BaldingOP!!2UPgi8SW : 2007-10-18 02:08 ID:7xJqQRxC

So recently, my hair seems to be balding. It's noticeable in the front, but nothing on the top of my head. Put it this way, you can see my scalp if you looked right in front of me. I'm only 19, what options do I have? Has anyone ever had to deal with baldness? Have you done something about it?

-I recently started a new diet with lots of protein and low in carbs except for the weekend (Anabolic Diet)
-I used to eat whatever the fuck I wanted, but now I control what I eat.
-I haven't been doing cardio along with weight-lifting. Could this be something to do with this?
-I have been under some stress, but it's nothing I can mention. I don't even know if I am depressed. How can I tell if I am stressed/depressed? I am sure this might be an underlying problem.

2 Name: Icarus : 2007-10-18 02:33 ID:6xSiW84B

Is it out of the question to start wearing hats or to shave your head and try to make the best of the situation and circumvent the baldness problem ? (Some people can rock the bald look and some can't its just a suggestion to embrace the situation)
-I honestly have no idea what causes baldness 0_o so I can't help with the explanation. 19 is a rough age to begin with / and to be dealing with something like baldness on top of that is a really shitty deal. <_< sorry man.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-18 03:01 ID:7xJqQRxC

Well, it's not at a point where it's bad. It's just noticeable. I'm going to go to a doctor as soon as possible, and possibly get some Rogaine up in my hair.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-18 03:09 ID:sZYnPKFM

Do you use steroids? I don't judge, but if you are balding at 19, mention anabolic diets as well as weightlifting and cardio, this might be due to unusually high testosterone levels.

If you're partial to a dbol here and a shot of test there, you definitely should read up on anciliary drugs and more balanced cycles.

Quite often when sports people bald at a young age, anabolics are involved.

Then there is the grisly possibility that you may have unusual levels of free radicals, which may come from an unhealthy lifestyle.

It is also possible you have acute vitamin/mineral deficiencies causing your hair to fall out.

No matter what the culprit is, I recommend you to take a strong multivitamin with emphasis on vitamins C, E and Zinc, and this every day.

Aside from that, unless you are directly causing the baldness through steroid use, I'd like you to see a doctor about this. Hairloss can be a symptom of many things.

The multivitamin & mineral supplement advice stands.

5 Name: OP!!Fdtd10CQ : 2007-10-18 03:14 ID:7xJqQRxC

I have never taken steroid, and I never will. I am an all-natural beginner-class weightlifter. I am on a diet called the "Anabolic Diet", which does mean I have an increase of testosterone within me, and it is finally taking effect. Should I stop the diet and focus on another type? I think it is being unbalanced because I am not including enough vegetables in my meals/fruits in my meals.
I started to take a multivitamin everyday, that should help some. Coupled with vitamin and mineral rich foods, I expect to see something good happening in 2 months.

6 Name: Three : 2007-10-18 03:36 ID:sZYnPKFM

High protein is what you would want, but I'm skeptical of low-carb diets. You also shouldn't overdo the high protein part of it all. As a rule of thumb I'd say stay below a gram of protein per pound of body weight, or below 200 grams of protein if you are really big.

Whats typical for people who want to build muscle is that they use high protein together with high carbs (carbloading) and relatively low fats. As to carbs and fats, you are doing the exact opposite.

Unless your protein is dangerously high, I'd say the best you can do at the moment is to add carbs, but this in the form of vegetables and fruits. If your protein leans heavily on meat, drop some meat and add more fish.

Toss a pound of vegetables and two glasses of fruit juice (not the sugared stuff, pure juices) in there and see what it does.

7 Name: BaldingOP!!2UPgi8SW : 2007-10-18 06:14 ID:7xJqQRxC

Will do.
I honestly think that my diet is just not balanced well. I will go to a doctor and get an analysis, and involve more fruits everyday.

How long do you think it will take for my hair to come back to normal? I took a picture of my head, and it seems that the top of my head is balding too. This is much more serious than I thought, and this means that I have to stop the Anabolic Diet, or add in 2 pieces of fruit everyday as well as vegetables every serving I can get.

Also, what do you think of this article?
Is it spot-on?

I do have a target weight, but it is still far from where I am right now.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-18 11:14 ID:q3OAIIPv


There's no reason to be on a special diet for weight-lifting. Just get enough protein and eat healthy.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-21 01:34 ID:qIFhCiaM

"Hair loss has been observed and studied for ages, and some interesting discoveries were made in ancient times. It was noticed that eunuchs:

  • those males without genitals-never went bald.
  • men who were castrated as a result of accidents in battle also never went bald."

Enough said.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-21 01:41 ID:Heaven

You might want to look at this article:

Don't know how reliable it is, but it suggests a link between stress, diet and balding.

All you have to do is dye your hair black and become a happy, vegan, choirboy.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-21 10:18 ID:DiORK0Of

A bit off topic but you should get more carbs. I have been bodybuilding for many years now and I have changed my diet lots changed my workout 1000 times and I found eating 4-5 big meals a day works best. You don't have to aim for huge protein like tuna and shakes, just eat lots of carbs and protien try go half half. Also being 20-25% body fat increases growth a lot. I found best results when I trained fat. Losing the fat is really easy you just eat slighly less and it drops in weeks.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-21 21:36 ID:RTlZgDpO

OP, the same thing happened to me when I was 21. Best thing to do, before it starts really badly stressing you out, is to shave your head. Don't become a slave to your thinning hair, take control and do something that will, with luck, look good on you. I received far more compliments about my haircut within the first two years of shaving my head than I ever received about my hair in the twenty-one years leading up to it.

A guy I knew with a full head of hair came up to me and said, "You know, I always wanted to try that, but I never had the balls to do it." I actually wound up with a sense of pride over it, which was fantastic. What self esteem I'd started losing from having thinning hair (and even before then, my hair was always uselessly wavy and insisted on being unkempt) I'd more than made up for, and now, even if I could have my hair back as thick and full as it used to be overnight, I would still refuse it and stick with shaving.

13 Name: BaldingOP!!2UPgi8SW : 2007-10-22 00:40 ID:7xJqQRxC


Thanks for the advice, but I am having major success with the Anabolic Diet. My bodyfat is being lowered and I've never felt better (minus the minimal hair loss).

Eheheh... thanks, but given my position (at the moment), I can't shave my head.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-22 03:18 ID:RTlZgDpO

What position is that? I'm in a relationship and working a steady job in an office full of middle-aged people. Not so much as a raised eyebrow.

15 Name: BaldingOP!!2UPgi8SW : 2007-10-22 12:51 ID:Zl2dFZP+

Son of a piano teacher at a prestigious school. If I DO decide to go shaved, I'm going to go buff first XD

16 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-22 17:31 ID:F+fyVL1+

I'm 27, and just like my father, my hair has been balding in the front and on top for several years now...

I gave up on hoping it'd grow back, and letting it go w/out a haircut made me look like a mad professor, with tufts on the side & back, so I wound up getting it buzzed ("A 1 & a half", I believe, is the clipper size terminology my salon person used for the thinness they trimmed it down to... And ironically, I was just told by a girl yesterday that it was very attractive, so I found that the way to be an effective way of dealing with having thin hair in the front & on top, and making it look naturally buzzed & short;

17 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-28 18:58 ID:QbX1ei7M

my hair started falling as well at young age. it has such a serious impact in my psychology that is ruining all my life. I have lost all my self confidence. I can barely go out and even talking to girls is out of the question. I have concidered suiciding many times and I am serious.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-28 19:08 ID:Z/POZZ8T

Seconded. I have thinner hair on top and I get it cut short (I really should be doing this monthly) and it looks really neat and I get compliments too. Pluses all around.

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