Femenists ruined everything for women!!! (32)

27 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-16 05:10 ID:TtqP3sCH


What's so awesome about having a choice anyway? Is it supposed to eliminate the strife and unfairness of life? To promote hard work and dedication? To offer possibilities to those who want more?

Choice is shit, people don't need it. It is exactly this, and the idea of it that causes strife, injustice and conflicts. It causes stress, dissent, depression, rebellion, jealousy. If everyone was born and bred to accept their lot in life, all we would ever need was a fair and functioning government, and everyone would be fucking happy.

But you all don't realize this because you have these ideas such as equality and free will and all that shit. IT WILL NEVER FUCKING HAPPEN, and trying to get there will only cause chaos, disorder and human suffering.
There is no such thing as free will, and humans will never view eachother as equals. You're just confusing yourselves to no purpose whatsoever.

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