I think I have some problems. (18)

4 Name: >>2 : 2008-05-29 15:53 ID:4on68AdI

>>2 here...

Ooookay... Chill pill time, as that was kinda baaaaaahhhdd... (Sorry, a little humor injected there...)

First off, considering how I don't think that my enjoying the job I do in IT, helping people with technology, making money at the same time, enough to buy any games I want, play World of Warcraft, go to things like Anime 'cons, and have a girlfriend who loves me, as being "brainwashed", or being in "hell", it would appear we've got some unprovoked disgruntled antagonism here... Again... Chill pill time...

To clarify some points:

  1. I am not saying that Productivity or a Job means happiness in any way... However, OP mentions financial problems, as their family member will likely not be supporting them much longer. However much happiness one may have doing whatever they like, it's not very conducive to happiness, not to mention not dying, to starve and not have a roof over their head... I think it's obvious that a job is going to have to happen here, unless money were to suddenly fall from the sky onto OP...
  2. A lot of people do something that they seem to like, while realizing that it is actually not very productive or conducive to their continued happiness, which is what it seems OP has come to the realization of... By the thought pattern that "if you're happy doing something, do nothing else", then if someone is happy sitting in a room, they should continue to sit there, beyond starvation unto death... Not very "productive", but yes, certainly "doing what they like doing", by that thought pattern...
  3. It may surprise some people that not all jobs have "Drone like work hours"... While some low-class jobs may have poor work hours, that was clearly why I ask what Education level OP has, as to what that can gain OP... I don't think working some hours of the day (for money, which will ultimately be required to get by), don't often leave you "too tired to do anything" afterwards... I cleaned the bedroom, then went to dinner with my girlfriend after work yesterday, and afterward, played World of Warcraft with her for several hours... Yesterday, we went to a local park in the area after I got out of work, and she, out of classes, and went swimming; I don't consider it being "too tired to do anything"...
  4. OP may not be very social (I'm not terribly a popular socialite either), but having someone to talk to is oftentimes better than one's own self for eternal company, as many people have found, and since OP is obviously feeling dissatisfied with his hermetic life, this would be a step towards changing that...
  5. As far as not having a girlfriend, I honestly don't know where that came from, as I didn't recall mentioning anything about him needing a girlfriend, nor did OP mention needing a girlfriend, so I don't quite know what that had to do with anything, or why that was said... I'm not sure what that "Working + No Girlfriend" = hell equation had to do with anything either, as I don't really understand that logic, or how it really had to do, again, with what OP said...

Ultimately, while I may apparently be a brainwashed sheep by some people's calculations, I know that I'm greatly enjoying my life, and it would appear that OP is dissatisfied with his, not "enjoying" it by the very nature of him existing, so I think some constructive suggestions to help him improve his quality of life and greater enjoy it are much desired by OP;

Good luck, OP

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