Everything you've ever done is your own damn fault. (32)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-09 15:02 ID:bh67siwp

And to fix it, all you need is the power of positive thinking. Remember: if you can't solve your own problems by yourself, you aren't trying hard enough.

...So how'd I do at summarizing the board?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-09 15:29 ID:2pJlpFEV


3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-09 15:38 ID:pedbk5D9



Ok..you did not summarize anything. In fact, you're answer is what one would call an easy way out.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-09 16:13 ID:bh67siwp


>>Ok..you did not summarize anything.


Could this mean that I'm the only person here who has seen all those posts advising that people who suffer from depression need to just cheer up and look at life differently?

5 Name: Lucas-kun : 2008-07-09 17:07 ID:rcorUwEt

>>1san, you are almost entirely correct. The other problem is that people are ignorant to certain things.

As for >>2, please die.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-09 18:12 ID:PhAvALmP


I can partially agree. But being one of those depressed and alcoholic type of people, thinking positive does not do jack shit. All that does is blinding yourself to reality and open yourself for being fucked over.

That is like saying you are best friends with the school bully who kicks your ass everyday and takes your lunch money, but he is still your friend. Where did positive thinking get you?

Another example is your parents telling you "if they pick on you, there are leaving someone else alone". That is the power of positive thinking by someone else at your expense.

So please explain what the fuck the power of positive thinking is supposed to do again?

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-09 18:22 ID:bh67siwp


>>So please explain what the fuck the power of positive thinking is supposed to do again?

It makes the person who offers it as "advice" feel like the smartest man on planet earth.

Otherwise, it does bugger-all.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-09 20:07 ID:gxN6SytC

Some people have lost the capacity to lie to themselves. They see the truth, reality blows. There is no happy ending, or any happiness. If you feel like shit, who cares? Society only wants you to work your ass off, and if by chance you kill yourself before getting your pension? That is great!

So positive thinking? Get the fuck out of here! 4-ch is full of ugly truth instead of a beautiful lie, so you don't belong here.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-09 20:37 ID:hB38jwN0

Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the most effective ways to stave off depression. Meds are less effetive, believe it or not.

If you're deep into severe depression, electroshock therapy also works.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-09 21:22 ID:gxN6SytC

>>9 CBT = Professional lying to yourself. "Oh i have been dumped" CBT TRANSFORMS IT INTO "She was not the right person, it was good we parted our ways".

Same as >>1

the only difference is, you are paying big bucks to someone to help you lie.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-09 21:38 ID:KSBcJO/P

Positive thinking only works when there is something positive in your life. If there is just negative then there is just negative thinking. Nothing happening in your life is also negative. Sometimes two negative things equate a positive like in mathematics but sometimes you just decreasing negatively in thought and life. There is a positive increase but how long that lasts is how long you want it to. Unlike mathematics you can control what is positive in what is negative. The only problem is that negative things engulf the positive things. It just takes a inner look at one self and how one functions to find the positivity and negativity medium in life because you need both or you wouldn't be living.

12 Name: OP : 2008-07-10 00:41 ID:bh67siwp

i-ro-ny (ī'rə-nē, ī'ər-)
n. *pl.*i-ro-nies

a. The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning.
b. An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning.
c. A literary style employing such contrasts for humorous or rhetorical effect.
d. Incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs: "Hyde noted the irony of Ireland's copying the nation she most hated" (Richard Kain).
e. An occurrence, result, or circumstance notable for such incongruity.

Just a refresher for everyone who thinks I'm in favor of positive thinking.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-10 07:08 ID:WrLM98wQ

We're all victims of circumstance. There are very few things in life that we can control. Our birth, something we have absolutely no control over, determines our genetics and our fate.

The Japanese have a saying for this, but I can't quite remember it (it has to do with a boat and a river). I think it's quite accurate.

14 Name: Lucas-kun : 2008-07-10 09:14 ID:rcorUwEt

>>11san, everybody has something positive in their life. Everybody. No exceptions. Everybody's got a shot at living a happy life. There's always something being taken for granted, if anybody thinks they have nothing going for them.

Seriously, people. Reality is not always ugly, even if most of it is. Just because it is ugly does not mean it is reality, don't rationalize to yourself that it is somehow realistic a person would not have any good things going for them in life.

I'm tired of hearing suicidal shit from rich white kids in suburbs, it's just so annoying. They have a roof over their head, parents who care, free food, utilities paid for, but they rationalize to themselves that they have the worst life just because they're slightly overweight.


Screw you.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-10 10:18 ID:ZAZM81me

>>They have a roof over their head, parents who care, free food, utilities paid for, but they rationalize to themselves that they have the worst life just because they're slightly overweight.

Stop thinking the world circles around you and suddenly all of your oh so important problems will look to you just as ridiculous as they are IRL.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-10 13:12 ID:bh67siwp


People don't attempt suicide because they think they're overweight, asshat. They do it because they want nothing more in the world than to die.

Don't confuse the truly suicidal with weepy Myspace teens who cry out for attention.

17 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-10 13:14 ID:bh67siwp


>>People don't attempt suicide

Should read "attempt and occasionally succeed at"

This is as opposed to people who just talk about possibly doing it.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-10 15:38 ID:pedbk5D9


I can agree. I do not lie to myself anymore so hard reality is something I look at everyday. I do not have much of an imagination anymore either so I really do not "dream" about a better life or have any desire to follow my "dreams". That kinda sucks because when I was a kid, I had a pretty active imagination and had a lot of dreams and ideas. I had some elaborate dreams as well. You try and paint out in your mind what it might look like.

Funny how those ideas and dreams disappeared and now I live most of my life is in fabric covered box. I can assure you, if you could remember any of my dreams and ambitions from when I was younger, it would not come close to what I am doing now.

19 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-10 15:52 ID:qt91Xevt

Stop being fucking hypocrits.

Be yourself and settle your own standards and never lie to yourself.

Be consequent!

20 Name: Lucas-kun : 2008-07-10 18:11 ID:rcorUwEt

>>17san, why care? Suicide is bad. A person who thinks about committing suicide would likely have problems they want to run away from. It's just an option people fabricate for themselves because they are weakened and ignorant, both of these things are fixable. Just because those people aren't the same as weepy Myspace teens does not make it okay.

People shouldn't want to just fucking die for no reason, if that is what you mean... if so, those people have other problems needing fixing, and it wasn't even worth mentioning in this thread.

21 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-10 18:14 ID:pedbk5D9


If I had not gotten married, I likely would have killed myself by now because I was seriously considering it prior to meeting my current wife. It is harder to kill myself now since I am making the money and wife has a degree in a worthless field and cannot make the money I am making now.

Suicide is not a bad thing. With luck there is some kind of reset button out there so maybe a person can get a second chance (or 3rd, 4th...20th..who knows).

22 Name: Lucas-kun : 2008-07-10 18:31 ID:rcorUwEt


Reset button? Are you kidding? I would not count on it, broham.

Plus, you're ignoring all of the people who would miss the person who killed themselves, and all of the junk that comes with that. Very selfish.

The fact that you were considering it before meeting your wife, but ended up not doing it... that is a testament to how much suicide fails, incredibly hard. Had you gone through with your ideas, you would have died before you met the most important person in your life.

23 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-10 23:23 ID:bh67siwp


>>Suicide is not a bad thing. With luck there is some kind of reset button out there so maybe a person can get a second chance (or 3rd, 4th...20th..who knows).

Reincarnation is for spiritualists. I'm satisfied enough with the concept of an "off" button.

24 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-11 00:07 ID:Heaven

My standard is being good enough for the girl I love. But without lying to me, I know it's dead and I'll never meet my standards.

Where do I go from here?

25 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-11 01:23 ID:Heaven

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26 Name: Lucas-kun : 2008-07-11 02:50 ID:Heaven

o ok


27 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-11 14:58 ID:MFQhcj+L


You now what, I like that. A permanent off switch. But to be honest with all of the ghost shows, I do wonder about an afterlife and multiple dimensions. Not that I believe in some "god".

28 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-11 15:01 ID:MFQhcj+L


On a side note, I think the talk of suicide scares the 4-ch's owners. Suicide pills for EVERYONE!

29 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-11 16:45 ID:0vjcatld


If you are consequent enough, then you will choose suicide.

30 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-11 20:54 ID:Heaven

Yeah, but I forgot to mention that in my standards suicide is excluded.

And NOW, what do I do?

31 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-11 21:34 ID:EukKMhWw


32 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-12 21:19 ID:Heaven


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