So I've discovered I hate women (58)

18 Name: AnonyGod : 2008-11-15 06:01 ID:UHSN1uti

OP here.


Well when you say things like that you hate most of your gender, it seems that you're affirming that my hate of women is right. That there might be a few good apples does not change that for the most part, women do act fruity. I have quite a few "unorthodox" female friends so to speak and while they are different from the average female, they still bear the problems I've listed in one way or another.


In all honesty, like I said before I'd just be content to associate with women on a friends level, not necessarily on a relationship level. But even then, it's irritating to just see them staring at you doing nothing. Even the unorthodox ones do this and even then, it might not be a signal for romance at all. This isn't so much about my bitterness at rejection as it is about bitterness at people who continually screw around and are extraordinarily dishonest. It's disturbing seeing them not only do this but also content to leave things at that. As a student attending uni, I am in a very intellectual setting yet even the women here still abide by these same behaviors.

There is also the strange way in which women operate according to who they find attractive according to masculine phoniness instead of genuine kindness, their need to always have the man act first, and their need to play games in the relationship instead of being upfront and honest about the whole thing. Men can be superficial at times but an asshole personality will diminish the beauty of women and make them unappealing to the man while for women, an asshole personality is seen as kinda sexy. Even those "decent guys" who are seen as dateable still have to maintain the facade of jerkiness at times just to get anywhere. Romance it seems isn't about actual romance but rather just a stupid game.

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