So I've discovered I hate women (58)

41 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-04 19:57 ID:MYtKmrLa

it's >>35 here. If think your comment has no bearing with mine, probably you referenced the wrong post. Otherwise please care to develop a bit more your ideas and their connection to my answer.

>a woman will never ask someone out.

It depends on what you call ask someone out. If you are talking about visibly showing interest in the other person, then personally I have experienced about 50% of both instances: me going to the girl, or the girl coming to me. As for asking someone out, even me, being a man, would only do that when it's blindingly clear that the answer will be "yes", usually past the kissing stage.

Anyways, if the basis of your argument is that women should do the first move, it entails that you should also do it. At best it's not only your fault that nothing happened, but it STILL is your fault,...

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