So I've discovered I hate women (58)

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-11-04 10:18 ID:YhxP5h+r

>>4 makes some great points.

>Their need of always making goofy faces and genuinely acting like buffoons in photos and videos, it's like they're trying hard to impress someone. They always wear ridiculously form fitting outfits and are insistent on showing as much skin as possible, like they're trying to devalue themselves. The same goes for their need to wear pretty jewelry and make sure their hair looks long and pretty.

I do those things because it's what most guys like. My boyfriend loves long hair, so I keep it long because it feels great to be complimented on things like that. I'm sure you would be in a terrible position if you never received positive attention throughout your life. My thought is that you notice it more with women because (assuming you're not gay) you're attracted to them. (I mean, how often do you pay attention to what your guy friends are wearing? While I'm sure you noticed that hot brunette's mini skirt, ooh wow~) ... (Hmm well more like what's under it amirite? hehe)

I think you have more of a problem with human nature in general, not just women. We're all out to get something for ourselves, in the end..

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