So girls should approach guys, eh? (96)

82 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-10 01:59 ID:ETtvFgZ8

No when I say play the game dogmatically, I mean that's the only way they'll ever communicate their desires to you initially. It's bullshit and an affront to any kind of real social interaction. If I acted this way around making new friends, it'd be frustrating as hell and they'd probably get tired of me quickly. Why is it okay for romance? The whole thing is nothing more than a set of cheap ploys and half-assed gestures that have ridiculously arbitrary meanings. You want a coffee date? Oh then you don't like her in that way or you don't respect her enough to take her to a real fine establishment. Please. Grow up and get over yourself. The whole thing feels like prolonged entrance fees for a longer span of fucking a prostitute. If you don't respect me enough to be honest with me or that you gauge my worth as a mate based on where I take you, I feel like I'm dealing with a goddamn gold digger. You can find out plenty about people and their compatibility for you without beating around the bush and essentially wasting your time. I always love how you have to wait X number of days before calling someone. It's not like you could just be really into them from the beginning without being clingy, right?

Something like that. I think the whole notion of dating is absurd and that people should be free to spend romantic time alone without any bullshit pretense of going out, that time spent in a restaurant is somehow more meaningful than simply interacting normally with each other. People need to be more direct and honest with each other.

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