[Beginner] Looking to start exercising! [Healthy] (23)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-06 02:23 ID:4kEddflz

Hello everyone! I'm pretty out of shape and overweight, so I'd like to being exercising. However, I'm a COMPLETE beginner, and I have no clue where to start.
Could anyone give me any tips on where to start? Linking to exercises, healthy recipe sites, or just general healthy living ideas would be greatly appreciated.
(As for exercise equipment, I have none. Are there are low-cost efficient tools I can use that would further help?)


9 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-06 19:31 ID:VNueJY/m

I'm also interested in exercising and I must say your advice is really sound. Although I'm not doing it to lose weight like >>1 hopes to, I'm skinny so I gain weight - muscle - instead.

I'm glad to see a "home workout" advocate. Myself I believe that performing exercises home is the best way to build up character and determination AND body. Machines (all gyms have them) are counter-productive for a healthy training due to the unnatural movements that target specific muscles leaving much of your body completely untrained.

OP here's some tips: If you're fat and you want to lose weight, the best way is to run a lot. Do some dynamic stretches before you run (and some after you do); it will activate your body for further exercise and will improve overall results. Now this will make you really hungry. If you don't eat healthy, you'll never lose a kilogram. Eating healthy consists of fruits, vegs, clean meat (no white jelly stuff, don't remember the english word for it), fish, rice, wholegrain products, natural juices, milk etc. You better not obsess yourself with numbers like most fatties do (how many calories did I eat today etc) and NEVER eat any junk food, nor chocolate, nor alcohol, nothing of that sort. It really isn't as awful as may sound to you now. Just work your ass real hard.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-06 23:06 ID:4kEddflz


Thanks for all the great information!! I'll definitely start with this right away, I still can't thank you enough.
Hopefully once spring comes, I can get out and run, but for now I don't really wanna slip and hurt myself.
Thanks for all the support!

11 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-10 19:59 ID:rjV86cP/


Just remember, all of the advice and techniques in the world won't help out if you don't stick to it!

12 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-15 07:56 ID:IM3wZed9

A pointer about diet;
Smaller portions, more frequently, say 4-5 times a day. And by smaller, I mean like half a sandwich each meal (or something you know you can maintain). It'll help shrink your stomach, and boost your metabolism.

13 Name: The Bear : 2010-01-15 14:16 ID:7o7pdYv5

fap 10 times a day. instant results. mad triceps.
also, pop e and go clubbing every weekend. guaranteed drop in weight. lost 18 pounds in a night. kept it off. so pop. dance, get laid, lose weight all at the same time. pure win

14 Name: The Bear : 2010-01-15 14:20 ID:7o7pdYv5

btw did op leave i thought my advice was best probably the best way for instant satisfaction

15 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-17 00:55 ID:4kEddflz

Hahaha, I appreciate the humor.

On another topic, I'm getting confused about all this nutrition. On the one hand, I should be eating fewer calories (around 1400 a day for me), and other sites says it doesn't matter how many calories you eat, as long as it's nutritional you can eat a reasonable amount (eg. veggies, fruits, whole grain).
It sounds like if I eat 1400 calories, I'm starving my body and it'll go into starvation mode and start saving fats for later use. Then again, if I overload on calories that isn't good either, it's just more to burn off.
Can anyone clear this up for me, and give me some dumbed down advice?
Thanks for all your support!!

16 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-17 04:58 ID:yTDdhofU

Focus on the nutrition aspect mainly. If you keep a good workout routine going, and keep a nutritious diet up then that should be enough.

It works for me at least.

17 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-17 13:58 ID:fRBJxI8w

I've told you not to get stuck with numbers like most fatties do, so don't! Just eat healthy and do cardio.

PS spot reduction is a lie.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-17 18:18 ID:IM3wZed9


Have you worked out your BMR (basal metabolic rate)? Just google it and there should be calculators approximating how much your body uses a day, and how much you should eat to lose weight. You will not be starving your body this way.

The types of food I would be sticking to are low GI foods. Foods that release energy slowly, over a longer period of time so that you get hungry less often. Mediterranean style diets are often recommended. And as I said earlier, smaller portions and more of them.

19 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-17 18:23 ID:IM3wZed9

>>17 has a point though.

Working out your BMR will give you some idea of how much you should be eating a day, but I wouldn't recommend counting calories. You'll just start seeing everything in numbers, and it is hard to maintain.

Just cut down your portions, be aware of food content, make a few healthy adjustments to your diet, and keep active.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-23 10:43 ID:LTpFuvJz

OP: are you still in school?

Best way to learn is going to a nutrition class or reading a book. I don't' think this is the best place to get cumulative info on exercising and dieting because the topic is so broad. This is coming fr someone that has taken several nutrition classes, read books, and worked at GNC.

21 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-24 00:59 ID:4kEddflz

Right now, I'm in my last year of highschool, but I'll be going to college in the next year. I agree, nutrution is so broad sometimes, so it can get a little confusing. Hopefully, when I have enough money saved up I can pick up some good books or a class to get more informed.

Also, as of late, I've been finding it hard to get motivation to work out. Can anyone share their motivation? (Also, a little side request here too, can anyone provide some easy healthy recipes? Cooking is a pain the butt for me, but if I can get some good recipes, I bet I'll begin to like it more? And one more thing, does anyone have any good workout playlists? I find it easier to work out with music, but most of the stuff I have just doesn't suit working out).

Thanks again for the support and comments!! ヾ(゜∀゜)ノ♪

22 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-24 10:16 ID:Heaven

Girls buy jeans a size smaller as a motivational tactic..

23 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-29 09:42 ID:mojbuBYp

the second poster had pretty good eating advice.

>>22 this advice, not so good- that's a good way to create unhealthy body image and general bad feelings about yourself. it is always better to dress comfortably in clothes that fit well and look good NOW, not 20 pounds from now.

it is good to eat healthy foods that make your body feel good and work well, but don't berate yourself for the occasional cookie.

it is great to exercise, but you'll stick with it if it's actually something you love to do and is fun. for some people that's running, for others it's dancing... do what feels good. your body will love you for it.

and please, please look into HAES:


also, for some not-insane nutrition advice and wellness/positive body image blogging, go here:


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