are we really using that much bandwidth? (24)

1 Name: Anonymous 2005-05-22 16:24 ID:wS9PV0qW

anyway i shot off another $20, hope that helps

2 Name: Anonymous 2005-05-22 23:22 ID:t5/1TzdJ

No other way to get funds there from USA besides paypal?

3 Name: Anonymous 2005-05-23 09:02 ID:CZ9MBo5d

> No other way to get funds there from USA besides paypal?

You could always email Squeeks and ask him where to send money by snail mail. Of course, that's always risky - not to say that Paypal is particularly trustworthy, though.

4 Name: Squeeks!!XjdwLWBy (Admin) 2005-05-23 09:31 ID:Heaven

Cashing cheques from foreign countries costs a fuckload and takes a while to clear, which is why I abstain from it. As for say, Western Union, err well, I'm not too sure on that. It's possible, don't get me wrong, but those fools want to see legitimate ID and a real address etc, I'm not prepared to give that out to the internet or to them. I don't even own real ID.

And yes, and use a lot of bandwidth, the various imageboards are culprits, but the discussion boards take a good chunk too. I've been having thoughts about deleting the videogames board for a while now, but effort seems to prevent this.

5 Name: Anonymous 2005-05-23 09:57 ID:CZ9MBo5d

> effort seems to prevent this.


6 Name: Squeeks!!XjdwLWBy (Admin) 2005-05-23 11:34 ID:Heaven


It takes $22 AUD and up to 28 working days for an international cheque to clear. There is too much lost in fees.

7 Name: Anonymous 2005-05-23 16:03 ID:CZ9MBo5d


What does that have to do with deleting the videogames board?

8 Name: Anonymous 2005-05-24 10:10 ID:gscafGCU

>I've been having thoughts about deleting the videogames board for a while now, but effort seems to prevent this.

Not that an Anonymous's opinion is worth anything but I'd suggest deleting the manga board and making the anime board a catch-all anime/manga board.

9 Name: Squeeks!!XjdwLWBy (Admin) 2005-05-25 11:20 ID:Heaven

The "Manga/Anime board" topic has been brought to my attention before, and whilst I've thought about doing it, I am lazy, and I haven't seen a need to do it. But, I also have a thought about merging the lot together, and including other Japanese things, like Hentai, Drama CD's or whatever. But until more people cry about it, I don't see a real big reason to do it.

10 Name: Anonymous 2005-05-25 13:47 ID:Heaven

Plz 2 not merge boards. Maybe it would have been pragmatic to have done that in the beginning, but now...

We'd end up with a "Wapanese"-board. As truthful as that may sound, it's still kind of... bleh.

11 Name: Anonymous 2005-05-25 16:19 ID:S96ZiAmW

I agree with the merging of anime and manga, as well as tossing in the drama cd etc. too. The boards are already splintered enough as it is. Premature forking of topics before there's enough of a consistent userbase to support both individually means neither will grow much. Like the situation we have now, with at best one post every day or two in between widely spaced spurts of topical discussions. They can be split again when there's enough traffic to shove threads off the main list within a day.

12 Name: Anonymous 2005-05-25 19:05 ID:vTnaBioh


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