Anime quality going downhill - True or false? (105)

1 Name: Lain!.b4fqjPDPo!!F0Ebvpln 2004-10-30 07:05 ID:WpCL8hhg [Del]

Is it just me, or has the overall quality of anime decreased horribly in the last four or so years? I used to watch anime all the time, loving the thoughtfulness of series like Lain, NeiA_7, RahXephon and such, and avoiding series like DBZ... but these days, every series which even slightly catches my attention seems so generic and just... stupid. I don't think this is me just 'growing out' of the medium, as I still adore the series of old, but why is none of the 'fresh' stuff appealing? I took one look at Naruto and scoffed, got bored of Shinobuden in two episodes, and was disgusted by the stupidity of many other series out there.

Who agree's with me, and who thinks I'm just being a prude?

RahXephon, Lain and Utena will always be my favourites.

96 Name: ramenrider 2005-10-25 02:41 ID:/qEiC1GD

it says right there... Name: RAO

after densha, though, i dont think people take "otaku" as that big of an insult anymore.

97 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-10-25 21:28 ID:QcTz9/+k

Eh, I wouldn't say that. Maybe more like "otaku are still creepy people, but y'know, they're people too. Let's not be so harsh."

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