Female Otaku (443)

265 Name: Sen : 2008-04-25 22:09 ID:P2lis8eR

Is the question directed at the shoujo bit, the shounen ai bit or the fact that i can't live without them in general?

Either way, yes. Honestly. I spend almost all of my spare time reading manga online. They're a major form of escapism for me.
I'm a romantic at heart, hence the shoujo and shounen ai in preference to shounen manga. Not that I don't like shounen.
I'm currently reading liar game, for example.

Sorry, but no. Plus.. even if I did have MSN, why would I post my address on an anonymous bulleting board where everyone can see it?
Come on, Basic internet safety.

Thanks for telling me. Not that I would have given my address out anyway.. but still, thanks!

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