Female Otaku (443)

1 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-06-14 12:39 ID:NIvfFMds

So guys... do you guys know many femal Otaku?
Do you even date one??
I got a otaku-girlfriend, she also draws doujinshi.
Shes more like a doujin-otaku.
I'm an Anime, Manga & Game Otaku.
What Otaku-types match the most?? i really wonder...

your turn.

441 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2010-01-18 11:36 ID:EFGXMiPl

Goddamnit, could you please not bump the thread?

442 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2010-01-18 11:37 ID:Heaven

And this is the second time that I forgot to use sage while complaining about people not using sage.
I hate myself.

443 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2011-08-25 17:51 ID:kclxQuwd

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