oh man totally RUINED
This thread was doomed to be a failure right from the start.
>>6 swears nicely.
>>8 knows how to pick up the pieces and get a thread back on track. That's a rare and beautiful talent.
>>9 is not really fat and stupid, he just seems that way sometimes.
>>10 is quite good at masking his insults in the guise of praise.
Seems to be a very analytical and straightforward who acts on gentle and true intentions.
>>15 's cheeky irreverence delights my troubled mind
>>18 is a nice old lady, just don't mind her talking to all of her cats
>>18 is a wonderful parent for supporting lesbian marriage.
>>21 made me blush like a schoolgirl.
>>22 is really hot when blushing like a schoolgirl
>>23 Genuinely was just looking for change in his pocket when he was caught outside that girls' school
>>25 is so cute when he puts his tongue in his cheek.
>>29 Lookin' gooooooood...
>>31 good job not posting at 6:66! That would've been bad.
>>32 good job posting at 07:08! You didn't hit snooze on your alarmclock!
>>33's post convinced me go to bed and get a good night's sleep
Sometimes, i just like to sit there and watch >>35 sleep
I'm not a doctor, but I think >>36 is spreading a fatal disease called love.
>>43 would become hard gay to please his girlfriend.
>>44 is adored by women worldwide
>>49 is a bishie
>>50 is glompable
very polite
>>53 is very intelligent and unselfish and has impeccable personal hygiene.
>>56 has the gift of turning insults into positive things
>>57 Knew better than to be tricked into saying "Pa Pa Panda"
>>58 makes me go all fuzzy inside
>>62 loves children.
>>64 has grown up to be an upstanding citizen, despite being found at a railway station in a handbag
>>67 Makes me the one-pump wonder.
>>68 makes adorable comments
>>69 is so kawaii
>>70 is a polyglot.
>>75's love has no boundaries.
I believe >>76 when he says that the threat of being locked up in a mental hospital caused his insanity, and not the other way around.
>>77 took Erving Goffman's Asylums to heart exceptionally well
>>80 can type
>>81 lives up to his name
>>82 dresses smartly and sensibly, no matter the season.
>>86 Always drops his change into the 'help the children' jar
>>89 never places his elbows upon the table, and even folds his napkin at the end of a meal!
>>91 is such a gentleman that he refrains from swearing around women.
>>93 generously supports public television.
>>94 generously supports public radio, even though he disagrees with almost everything he hears on it.
>>98 is always polite to people, even when playing FPS games online.
>>99 was kind enough to let me have the privilege of 100GET
>>103 doesn't shower everyday to save water and the environment
>>104 cares about the environment and is considering suicide in order to reduce the strain on it.
>>105 has such a delightful laugh, it's positively intoxicating!
>>107 bravely took on the role of a stripper in the movie "Closer."
>>114 always washes his head thoroughly after imitating Squeeks
>>115 is Squeeks. :3
>>119 is a beloved registered member of Squeeks' IRC channel
>>121 had one, but gave it up because of his intense love and support for Squeeks.
>>122 Can see through the hollow charade that Squeeks has blinded everyone with and is secretly working from within to bring as many out of their IRC Hell as he can!
>>123 Is aware of the little-known grammatical nuance that if one cannot capitalize a proper noun (such as a Kareha post reference), one should capitalize the particle immediately after it. Bravo!
>>124 gives others lots of credit, but quite modest when it comes to himself
>>128 can use binary and hexadicemal numbering as easily as decimal numbering
>>133 Invented the old "paint a tunnel on the side of a cliff" trick that always goes wrong for the coyote.
>>139 appreciates the diversity of the world's different cultures
>>141 appreciates the diversity of the world's different cultures until one of them moves in next door.
>>145's daughter is really cute and good at her job
>>146 Has exceptional taste in fashion
>>147 does not let fashion influence his daily life unduly.
>>148 fought the Law, but graciously let the Law win.
>>149 is twice as tough as vin deisel, but also twice as modest so you never hear about it!
>>150 taught Chuck Norris the secret of the Roundhouse Kick.
>>153 uses a Mac, but never makes a big deal out of it.
>>155 always stays to the street side when taking a lady's arm.
>>156 and 155 actually both let the lady pay for the meal, because it allows them to buy the expensive wines and deserts fit for their guest, and still say that they split the costs!
>>158 aims to please.
>>160 delivers.
>>161 just LOVES mittens!
>>167 teaches language to people with developmental difficulties.
>>168 is kind enough to share such a flattering compliment with us
>>170 would be famous for his donations to charity except he always does them anonymously.
>>171 supervises these charity funds in order to prevent their misuse, and does so quite expert
>>175 understands that not all that glitters is gold.
>>176 realizes that his rose is ephemeral, and that snakes can send you home.
>>181 has the common courtesy to give someone the reacharound
>>182 lets the lady go first, except into a potentially dangerous situation
>>183 usually prevents dangerous situations from taking place, by his foresight and carefulness.
>>186 makes a thread legendary simply by posting in it.
>>187 would give me free tacos from taco bell if he were low enough to work there at all.
>>189 give haircuts to the bums at the Bowery every Sunday.
>>192 has such glorious mane of long flowing hair that noone dare cut it.
>>196 sticks to her diet, no matter how tempting those chocolate cakes may be.
>>202 bookmarks all pages of interest when he is done reading so others can skim.
>>204 Understands that GUI design isn't merely an afterthought.
>>206 lets his children have a taste of his drink when his wife isn't looking.
>>207 lets his friends have a taste of his children when his wife isn't looking.
>>208 Is obviously an advocate for making us aware of the dangers of abuse against children.
>>209 is allowed to sponsor messages like this because he is the chief of all of the police in the world.
>>210 always puts pennies into the bowl, never taking them.
>>213 supported Cuba's right to play baseball in the world championship.
>>214 didn't brag too much when Japan won the world championship.
>>215 kindly brought his family and co-workers along to the game
I don't know what >>216 is talking about, but its bound to be something remarkably more positive than it seems at first appearance.
>>219 is winter-kun, who gave us all the Friendly Community.
>>222 likes to go rabbit hunting, but sticks with blanks only in order not to hurt those little long eared humping herbivores.
>>225 is a danish cartoonist who decided not to join his kinsmen in their free speech folly.
>>228 likes to share his danish pastries with the poor.
>>229 found out about this during his daily volunteer job serving hot tea at the homeless shelter.
>>229 likes pastries, rainbows and happy mittens
>>231 has a true appreciation for a Guinness moustache.
>>233 knows his fine wines.
>>234 appreciates the fine produce of British Columbia.
>>237 does not settle for instant ramen.
>>238 won against 1 million sperms.
>>240 was injected with the cuddly kind of government nano-bots.
>>241 picks up dog crap like a good citizen.
>>242 figured out how to shot web all by himself on the first try!
>>244 never posted a shitty "I'm leaving the Internet FOREVER" topic.
>>250 properly celebrated International Spank Your Maid Month.
>>255 kept it real, while all the other suckas were just frontin'.
I actually know >>257 in real life, and the motherfucker actually drove ten miles down I-70 to bring some gas to my dead-ass car.
>>258 has head-explody powers, but choses NOT to use them.
>>260 probably has a good taste in music :)
>>262 walks the streets for money not caring if it's wrong or if it's right.
>>270 volunteers to spend time with lonely elderly people
>>273 can't stop fallin' in love. Tell him you will be true, forever baby.
>>274 will grow to love In The Groove, but NOT become an elitist bastard.
>>277 masterfully makes charming comments about his fellow posters' testicles.
>>278 correctly infers that posters who use the word "ballsy" are probably male, even if they are not speaking of themselves
>>279 has mastered both deduction AND intuition.
>>280 uses big words, this can only mean he is clever.
>>281 didn't laugh at all at the nick I entered
>>282 has always been ready to take a bullet for any one of us.
>>284 takes global warming and other issues about the long-term sustainability of materialism very seriously.
Works hard to keep the science community out of corruption.
>>287 doesn't really persecute anyone, but masterfully blends in with the community via his excellent grasp of current slang.
>>289 is a coffee blending genius rivalling that of Andrew Waltfeld
>>293 gives a perfect example of how not to jump to conclusions
Don't flatter yourself, >>295. That's my job. And I'm calling in sick.
>>296 gives us all a bit of mystery in our daily lives by letting us puzzle over whether or not he's on topic.
>>297 makes keen observations on other posters that delight the entire board.
>>298 touches the breasts of unknown sober women without them minding at all