I know what he meant.. but it was just fun to read it as an standalone sentence.
>And your example for originality (GAIA) is dumb. So they added some fancy graphical effects to their custom phpBB version. Whoopdeedoo, how is that original?
Not only that but you can buy stuff, trade? it has a nice interface and it is very easy to understand right away.
It's just like a minigame.
Yes, i think it is very unoriginal.. But what forum isn't?
The thing is.. users who dont know about 2channel +85% of the internets forum browsers, look at this site as a kind of shitty 1996/windows 95 forum (it looks like it)..
but for heavens sake dont change anything! Im just saying the first impression might scare noobs/good posters away.
Im all good with this as i stated in my first post.