WHY is this BBS so unlively compared to 2ch? (102)

1 Name: schoolboy 2005-09-18 08:14 ID:ysuDlYYt

It's like there's barely anyone around on this site. Say Hi if anyone is here.

85 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-11 17:52 ID:Heaven

>>76-84 is a fine example of serious internet business!

86 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-15 14:47 ID:Heaven

$10 says that >>85 is lolocaust

87 Name: celteen 2005-10-16 15:53 ID:Heaven


needs to be advertised more.

88 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-16 16:22 ID:Heaven

What gave me away?

89 Name: LOLOCAUST 2005-10-16 21:38 ID:Heaven

hi I'm lolocaust 2 guyz

90 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-16 22:56 ID:Bv95l2Lm

Your sarcastic yet snarkless tone, which I can't pin down exactly but is highly evident.

91 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-16 22:56 ID:Heaven

My ears are burning!

92 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-26 02:05 ID:phPuPTCS

>>52 teh emo!!!11!1

93 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-26 04:32 ID:Heaven

<copy-paste "how to use sage" goes here>

94 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-26 05:36 ID:Heaven

More liek sarcaustic amirite?

95 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-27 04:32 ID:Y2JQIeJw

I go to both 4-ch and world4ch, and on the surface it doesn't look like there's much difference in the posting rates. Is association with 4chan should give world4ch much more activity than it's seeing at least more compared to 4-ch. I think 4chan might be hindering world4ch's growth. I often find starting threads in /a with the intent of lengthy discussion while apparently ignoring the limitations of the image board format, throwing in an image as an afterthought. Of course, it barely lasts a day before it can't be bumped anymore and slips into oblivion. Had it been posted to the disscussion board, it would have had a chance to develop and grow, adding more attention and activity to the board.

96 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-27 14:25 ID:Heaven


My thoughts exactly. /b/-tards also do it. They are pretty dumb.

97 Name: Anonymous-san!Co7ArOTpLQ 2005-11-06 09:45 ID:Heaven


I know exactly what you mean. I suggested one day that maybe /b/ should have just been redirected to /vip/ for a day so people will get used to the idea of posting on a 2ch system; but unfortunately I get the feeling that most of them are there because they just want to make retarded image macros with mspaint and try to become internet celebrities. I do want world4ch to grow, however, because I think that it deserves to have more posters. The interesting thing to note is that almost all the posters who go there "get" the system due to the 4chan influence on the culture. I'll admit that if I'd found world4ch without knowing a thing about 4chan or 2ch it would have daunted me, not to mention the fact that I only found out about 2ch and the Japanese side of the internet through the time I've spent at 4chan. lol extra green onion pls im a vetran

98 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-11-10 15:35 ID:Y2JQIeJw

>almost all the posters who go there "get" the system due to the 4chan influence on the culture.

I'm not sure what you mean by a 4chan influence affecting acceptance of a certain format.

99 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-11-10 19:04 ID:Heaven

they already know what "sage" does?

100 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-11-10 19:54 ID:Heaven


101 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-11-10 21:11 ID:trCSAnI9

They know what it is, but I'll be damned if they know how to use it correctly.

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