[RANTS] Post your problems here (342)

1 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-20 23:51 ID:Heaven

Hello, 4-ch! I want to hear your troubles! Post what you're worried about.

Feel free to ridicule other posts. We're all just bored, spoiled souls.

157 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-03 17:39 ID:ZLGgaAXD

>>155 Exactly!
Having a goal is the single most important thing one can do to stave off depression.
It's really the only thing you can do. EVERYONE has a goal. If they don't, they become depressed and eventually suicide.

Keep in mind:
Only when you feel you have no control over your situation, does the urge to commit suicide overtake you.
It will seem to be the one thing you can do to take control over your life. It is logical.
Thus! to avoid committing suicide, give yourself control over your life in another way.

158 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-04 02:41 ID:rgUS72oH


159 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-04 06:30 ID:kOiKCVL0


> Having a goal is the single most important thing one can do to stave off depression.

Pfft. Trying is the first step towards failure. Everyone knows that.
(._. )

160 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-05 05:27 ID:2WsgX0QH

I'm 21. I'm in the kind of family where money comes in automatically every month by the virtue of the good business sense of my long-deceased grandfather.

I've spent about 3 years (non-consecutive) living the shut-in lifestyle, alone in a small apartment. My mother has lived the last 20 years that way.

I really want to do something with my life, getting better habits and all that, and I probably could gather the willpower to do just that, but I have no incentive, nothing to push me forward, and trying was to spark change suddenly don't work. I set objectives, but I procrastinate too much.

I don't have real friends and can't get help from my family (I'm in bad terms with my father and don't know him much, and the rest of my family has no authority at all over me, but I am in good terms with them).

I'm gonna move in to another house for various reason in about 4 months. I want to have better habits by then so that the new environment helps me to sustain more efforts, but I have not done much yet to improve myself :(.

161 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-05 15:00 ID:7y8CG/eF


You could always volunteer or help out some random community event around the place that you are going to. You don't have to go crazy thinking of an idea on how to become more active and other people will notice you by what you are doing. And since you have established that you aren't in a huge money crisis, it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

162 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-05 21:03 ID:Heaven

The problem is not really thinking any of this stuff out, it's getting my stupid lazy ass out to do stuff. What you said is right, I'm going for ~10 days in the city where I'll live in two weeks, I'll try to see what is organized there.

163 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-10 01:36 ID:omsRC+HX

I was going to post a long and emo rant but after reading some of your stories i don't feel the need anymore. THANKS
Also, i'm a very boring person and have no idea how to make friends or become an intresting and fun person

164 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-10 02:11 ID:R6yolyuD

my university semester has finished. people are starting to go home for christmas, and early next week i'll be going home too. the problem is i have no friends at home. i have no job, since i don't need money, because i don't have any friends and therefore don't go out. also i'm lazy. my life at uni isn't perfect by any means, but it's way better than what i used to have, and i really don't want to go back to it. i'll really miss certain people too (well, one in particular).

so, basically, i'll just spend the next 3 or so weeks feeling shitty like i did in the summer. by the end of that i was too depressed to do anything other than lie on the couch watching crappy stand-up or whichever channel happened to be showing an episode of scrubs.

i think it might have something to do with my parents splitting up as well. they never really got on for the past few years, so everyone's technically better off now they aren't together anymore, but they also kind of cancelled each other out. spending a lot of time with my mum just tends to depress me. but yeah, probably less to do with her in particular and more the lack of human interaction other than her and occasionally the guy in the petrol station if i run out of dr. pepper.

165 Name: T 2005-12-10 04:08 ID:cxapoTyW

Everyone has something to offer the world... I bet you have interesting knowledge or hobbies, but you just don't consider them to be interesting.
Well, as long as you are a reasonably nice person you have something to offer. Don't strive to be the best of the best or the greastest and most fun guy in the world, because maybe that just isn't your strong suit. Making friends is one of those things that can be difficult and awkward, but the best advice I could give is find a club or group of people that share your interests. Friendships come easily that way.

Yeah, take vitamins and EAT WELL. I don't think people realize how much diet and activity level has to do with happiness. Seriously. Physical hobbies will definitely help. Learn the bo staff or something!

166 Name: Karas 2005-12-30 18:14 ID:qOkomaW/

I'm on the same boat dude. Well maybe I don't feel as bad as you, but still I have tried to commit suicide few times. I was few years ago. I failed, though i think a part of me died that time - I feel so empty and void now, like zombie or something.

167 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-30 21:18 ID:Heaven

as cheesy as >>165san sounds, he's actually right. See i live in a country where our winters are all helladark, and due to irregular sleeping habits i go about two months with less than 5 hours of sun a week. This + not really moving a lot really really sucks.
But lately i've started going downtown on foot / skateboard (when it's dry enough) which is just plain awesome, skating 13km a day is so the happypill you wouldn't believe it.

168 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-31 00:16 ID:Heaven

I procrastrinate... a lot. It´s really bothersome.

169 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-31 00:54 ID:+NfkS66O

You need to put yourself into situations where you'll be forced to interact with new people. Like >>165 said, you could join a club at your uni. If you need motivation, you could give us a list of the clubs and we'll help you pick one out.

170 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-31 01:26 ID:A1OzWHb3

I just got Animal Crossing. Tom Nook's shop closes at 11. What the FUCK.

171 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-31 18:57 ID:Heaven


172 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-31 23:37 ID:1rX+Serj

Sooner or later we'll have to get a board for psychological problems. Some of you are whack.

173 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-24 05:00 ID:Jh5QcYC1

You know those times when the entire universe seems to be against you? I'm having one right now.

As backstory, my desktop's motherboard crapped out about two weeks ago. I finally got around to buying a new mb on ebay... get it in, hook everything up, things are good, right? Well, I get antsy and decide I want to take the old USB jacks out of the front of my case and throw in the extra USB2.0 jacks that came with the board. Of course, some custom work was involved... okay, power on, ERROR LOADING OS. OH SHI-

I should add that I currently have two HDDs, and I'm dual-booting Windows and LUNIX. So, okay, I'm tired of Fedora anyway, let's just get rid of it. Time to fix the MBR - well, I can't. My copy of XP isn't bootable, so I can't get to the recovery console. But that's okay, I've got the (6) XP boot floppys.... NO WAIT, THEY'RE CORRUPT. Okay, okay... I'll download a fresh copy.



It's wonderful when every single layer of your contingency plan fails miserably, lol.

174 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-24 15:52 ID:Heaven

I'm not surprised you're tired of Fedora. Try Ubuntu instead.

175 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-24 16:49 ID:vkgcIB2H

I slept funny and now my back hurts.

176 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-24 16:58 ID:CZMdDadY

I have failed my Japanese class. This is seriously affecting me. Now I have nothing to do but to quit college, pack my bags and go home. And even that is getting hard for me. I have nobody to talk to except my parents and girlfriend. And she lives far away from me. I miss her. ;__;

177 Name: 176 2006-01-24 19:13 ID:CZMdDadY

But then, I also will see her again. I will find a meaning in my life. I am not a teenager anymore. I will accept some responsibility.

178 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-25 03:40 ID:Heaven

Good job >>177, it's never the end of the world

179 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-26 20:28 ID:wcxJSMOL


180 Name: (´-`).。oO(おっぱい (. Y .) ) 2006-01-26 22:40 ID:Heaven

>>179 = Ganbatte ne? = Good luck/go for it/wish you well.

181 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-26 23:53 ID:Heaven

I don't think I did very well on that Network Security exam.

I don't think anyone did.

182 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-01-27 14:23 ID:omsRC+HX

This sounds like a girl in my class. I want to fuck her.

183 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-03 05:59 ID:1EE/+nSv


Dude, you sound like you're bored by yourself. Get up, get out, and do things. Really. If nothing else, it will increase the odds of running into someone else who likes you.

184 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-05 03:23 ID:Heaven

Ok seriously. I hate it when people have to study every single goddamn word you say to find A HIDDEN MESSAGE. NO I DON'T HATE YOU AND I THINK THE THINGS YOU DO ARE PERFECTLY FINE. STOP TRYING TO FIND WAYS TO SAY THAT I'M AGAINST YOU. Some people are way too goddamn pompous and think they know every single thing about all of the humans that move on this planet.

185 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-05 03:28 ID:Heaven


186 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-05 05:37 ID:3jNRFVLU


187 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-05 16:04 ID:+xKLQfZ9

what do you do when your personality changes everyday?
im not calling dr phil.

188 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-06 01:34 ID:Heaven

Do what you've always done~

189 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-06 06:29 ID:uk/6VdJY

The gameboy SP was really poorly designed:
-The buttons are too small
-Its too thin to provide a good grip
-The top screen moves the center of gravity so its even more uncomfortable to use
-Top screen really isn't neccesary at all
-The carts are needlessly small (easy to lose)
-The carts have exposed pins

190 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-06 11:16 ID:yDiO+TJU

roflcopter, thats mad random

191 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-06 14:29 ID:JAGYzPls


192 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-06 14:31 ID:JAGYzPls

i meant to post in the 'Thread for finding "DQN" or "VIP" in your ID' thread, but accidentally posted here instead.

193 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-06 15:17 ID:1+UookaD

That's a big problem. Tell us more about it.

194 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-06 18:04 ID:dYUxgJ/e

That woman was supposed to come look at my car today at lunch, but she never called or showed up. Doesn't she realize I have a test at 2:00?! :mad:

195 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-06 22:21 ID:Mohfl8CX

Bleh, her messenger had left a message with my family telling me to call back today. Not knowing that, I had called her about an hour later, and she told me I would receive a call today. Additionally, my teacher said he would call her to day (for me?)

So who's calling who?

196 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-07 17:52 ID:Jh5QcYC1


dunno, lol.

I wish those people would call me, though. They said they had to make sure they could get the loan... but they also said they would call me around 9:00am! It's almost noon now! I took off of work and everything... geez.

197 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-08 05:02 ID:ZnZZmt/E


198 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-09 01:21 ID:fomKyvtu

In Soviet Russia, Duke hates you!

199 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-09 06:11 ID:YZR/PDia

I lack attention span.
Some bus driver wanted to beat me up and get my car towed off by the police because I parked at a bus station. I drove away, now I fear that I might get in trouble with the police.
I have to face my ex-gf this spring/summer holiday.
I'm too lazy/have no good motivation to lose weight/exercising.
My next official work starts september, but I can't find a decent paying job to bridge me until then.
I can't get a decent sleep cycle, mostly I spleep at day because I got nothing decent to do (or actually are too lazy to do anything, like for example writing my novel), so I'm awake at night and trolling the internet.
I got some scratches in my 10.000€ car.
I'm a bitter virgin.
The guy whom I worked for until december doesn't want to pay me what he owes me.

Hm, yeah.

200 Name: 199 2006-02-09 07:02 ID:YZR/PDia


201 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-09 07:06 ID:oZrDsN7B

I feel a cold coming on.

202 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-09 08:49 ID:Heaven

Valentine's day is coming up...

203 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-09 20:31 ID:Heaven

that wouldn't be much of a problem if people didn't keep reminding me about it

204 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-10 00:15 ID:pWRyB0kO

I just found out that I've got to hurry up and take another shitty correspondence course if I want to graduate in May.


206 Name: 205 2006-02-11 02:25 ID:Heaven

wrong thread, sorry.

207 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-11 19:26 ID:Heaven

Are you sure it's the wrong thread?

208 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-13 05:26 ID:UHQdorHk

wtf is that shit, what thread were you trying to post that in?

209 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-13 07:52 ID:Heaven

is that a problem??

210 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-13 09:14 ID:Heaven

It's epson advertisement.

211 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-13 09:58 ID:Mohfl8CX

My problem:
I usually sleep in pajamas, however I decided to find out how it feels to sleep naked so I took everything off. It feels real good.

I decided to come here and post in the "post here if you're naked" thread, but I can't find it. :(

212 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-13 16:47 ID:JBS06o1a


I tried that occasionally. It's okay.

213 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-13 20:31 ID:Heaven

Sleeping naked is the best. That way you don't wake up with your pajamas surrounding you and shit, tangled and wrapped up in your legs when you toss and turn. It's the worst feeling ever!

214 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-14 02:05 ID:KJfRnbC4

no, sleeping in a nightie is the worst ever, because it rides up as it gets tangled during sleep, and you wake up with wrinkly pajamas smothering you up top, but totally uncovered from the waist down.

215 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-14 05:35 ID:Heaven

>>214 sounds liek a scene right out of an H game.

216 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-14 14:36 ID:Jh5QcYC1

It's Valentine's day.

No chocolates so far... :(

217 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-14 14:39 ID:Heaven

pics plz

218 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-14 17:15 ID:J2myOWoO


Fuck you dude, i'm in school and couldn't resist some konkon :(

hopefully administrators are H!P fans

219 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-14 17:24 ID:zi6wRwOe


220 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-14 17:45 ID:Heaven

konkon as in rorikon? huh?! My rant is that no one explained >>218 to me, and that >>219 is slightly confusing as well

221 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-14 19:14 ID:Fasr7ynd

>konkon as in rorikon?

Yes, being why it is a problem.

222 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-14 19:47 ID:zi6wRwOe

an American/European guy who sits alone on valentine's day, waiting for girls to shower him with chocolates = wapanese

223 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-14 20:06 ID:QRo9sg8l

224 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-15 00:06 ID:ZnZZmt/E

i need to move to japan, i spent like my entire pay check on my girl today. and what did i get in return? a kiss and a smile.

225 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-15 01:48 ID:PBMBXTMv

thats worth more than anything in the world, at least to me, or mabye its not. least you got a girl though =P, i think thats good enough

226 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-15 02:09 ID:iU7THYm/


227 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-15 02:20 ID:Heaven


228 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-15 02:41 ID:Heaven

My problem is I can't figure out where >>205 was trying to post.

229 Name: 224 2006-02-15 07:00 ID:PN1RYMrr


yeah you are right, i kinda bitter when i wrote that because i i had to write a paper and couldnt a lot of time with my girl.

230 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-15 17:04 ID:Heaven

I have a problem: there have been no new posts in this thread since I last checked.

231 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-15 17:21 ID:Heaven

Reminds me of my middle school days.

232 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-15 17:51 ID:Heaven

School jobs are piling up over me and I haven´t got the attention span to deal with them.
Also; I´m starting to run out of money.
Also; I´m trying to do techno, but I suck at compression.
Also; my friend keeps beating me at Go.

233 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-15 18:53 ID:IKk9Hex4

I went to the school cafeteria, got my food, prepared to pay... and they said 'we can't take credit cards today.' And I didn't have any cash.

I had to throw away perfectly good food.


234 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-17 03:06 ID:CVrM1C6A

tell /music/ about your compression woes. we're here to help.

235 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-17 18:01 ID:08Lf3yIf

I've got a scab in my right nostril.

236 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-17 18:11 ID:Heaven

237 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-17 18:15 ID:Heaven

My computer is electrified. I get small electric shocks from touching it and I constantly hear a buzzing sound in my earphones. I don´t know what to do about it and I currently can´t afford to have it repaired.

238 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-17 19:51 ID:/OPcqXtp

Don't worry about it. My computer "shocks" me too. Usually its because the outlets in your place don't have a third prong for grounding. You also might want to check the connection between your PC and headphones. The just might be some dirt in there...at least that's what I think.
....Now where was I. Ahh, yes, my problems. Where do I begin?

239 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-18 01:22 ID:1+UookaD

Everytime I write something on 2ch, I get this heart warming welcome message as a reply: いい加減にしろ

I guess no one takes me seriously.. orz

240 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-18 22:21 ID:4Hq/iNox

My job does not pay anywhere near what I am worth.

241 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-20 05:24 ID:Jh5QcYC1

Why is it that so much fanfic sucks?

And why is it that when you finally find a good story, the author never gets around to finishing it?

There's nothing more depressing than seeing an epic, multi-part series that was last updated in 2002... :(

242 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-21 10:10 ID:Ro8HMk4u

::::::::: :.::. . . Λ_Λ . . . .: ::::::::
:::::::: :.: . . /彡ミ゛ヽ;)ヽ、. ::: : ::  
::::::: :.: . . / :::/:: ヽ、ヽ、i . .:: :.: :::
 ̄ ̄ ̄(_,ノ  ̄ ̄ヽ、_ノ

243 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-21 11:32 ID:Heaven

Dude, you read fanfic. You have bigger problems than the one you mentioned.

244 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-21 14:08 ID:8h/i9E+t

i'm drinking bad coffee

245 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-21 20:53 ID:Heaven

i'm drinking too much coffee

246 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-21 21:18 ID:Heaven

Or maybe the converse: you're not worth anything near what your job pays?
Thank your god you're not a starving African!

247 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-22 01:51 ID:qZaRuhC8

i'm not drinking coffee

248 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-22 02:47 ID:BXzUlHCY

i need to drink coffee to keep up in my classes.

249 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-22 04:02 ID:ZnZZmt/E

i cant focus on my history paper

250 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-22 06:12 ID:YPchnirl

im drinking pirukuru. it's tera good.

251 Name: Not 249 2006-02-22 18:42 ID:Heaven

I can´t seem to focus on my paper.

252 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-23 23:38 ID:Heaven

It´s too late.

253 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-25 02:10 ID:Heaven

I can't find the Crappa Mikey topic

254 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-25 20:00 ID:vkgcIB2H

I'm fucking sick.

A few nights ago I had diarrhea, after that I just didn't feel good. Today I had to go to the hospital and get an IV because I was dehydrated. I still feel sick but it really helped.

Such fun.

255 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-26 01:36 ID:yfDzT8qv

i dont go out anymore cuz everyone i know is a cunthead

256 Name: Random Anonymous 2006-02-26 01:55 ID:bAow+zM6

I have a big zit on my cheek. Does anybody know any quick remedies for deflating pimples?

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