Ironically, I am at school posting this.
However we do not need no education.
It is all about money nowadays anyway.
College is different though. There you actually learn.
Everything important I have learned is from books, movies, video games, the internet, my parents, and my conscience. The only thing I have learned from education is arithmetic. How important is that? I tought myself to read. History textbooks lie. Science is an excuse for the natural way. School itself may be a good idea- the social aspects. I have learned at school about social things and by talking with friends. Teachers may give little tidbits here and there as well. But a structured education system is dumb. This is more of a stab at administrators and school boards and all that bullcrap.
I do not know, maybe there are some strong believers out there supporting education. If it matters, I have gone to public schools all my life, so I do not know much about private schools. Please share your opinions.
Have a nice day.
so instead of, "we do not need no education" maybe it's better to say, "we do not need no high school education" HMMMMMMMMMMMMM?
Although you do learn, the primary goal is not to learn, but to get the grade and graduate.
Academic education is important. If you want to become an engineer, then you better know your calculus. If not, simple arithmetic will help you pay the correct amount of taxes. History textbooks may spin the facts to their twisted desire, but they don't lie. I don't know what you mean by "the natural way", but the systemically rigid process of forming a hypothesis, conducting a controlled experiment, and evaluating the results proves its own legitimacy. You may not need all the subjects you learn, but you will definitely need them, even to sustain casual conversations with your buddies.
In the end, it really is all about money. People need money to buy food and pay the bills. The current state of the economy makes it difficult to find jobs. It is about money, but that doesn't necessarily mean we're blinded by greed.
Perhaps you mean that our high school education system is retarded, not the education itself?
>I tought myself to read
What you say is all true. However I am not going to become an engineer, so I do not really need to worry about calculus :P. I exaggerated in saying that history textbooks lie, but as an example, Christopher Columbus is overrated and most likely did not discover North America et cetera...
What I meant by "the natural way" is nature itself... science is just for people who love to have everything explained and figure out how everything works. There is nothing wrong with this, but some people do not need it nor care, so is it essential? The scientific method is great, if you do scientific things. What I meant in this argument is that you do not need these things.
"In the end, it really is all about money." Exactly. That is where my argument roots from. I do not like the concept of money and the structure of Western society in that we all must go to school, get a diploma, get further education, and get a job just to pay off bills. What is truly accomplished in this system? You may receive education and be able to perform a job, but it is all just to pay off taxes and mortgage.
Yes, the high school education system is retarded. Education is not retarded, because sharing knowledge and wisdom is the best thing someone can do basically. I come from a quite conservative area, with a stupid school system all about money and standardized testing with constant class-cuts and good teachers being fired.
I believe in the traditional Eastern customs of having non-materialistic lives without money and hate. Best described as Taoism or Buddhism, or to some people, "a derty hippie".
"Uneducated" and "educated" are determined by society. I live in the United States, I assume most of you do too, if not Europe.
If you have read Nineteen Eighty-Four, you may understand this concept of doublethink and the novel's other themes.
If no one is educated, who is educated? The answer is everyone. If no one has gone to school, why would it matter if you know what 2 + 2 is? Nobody would know anyway. If you were taught that 2 + 2 = 5 in school, and absolutely nobody said it equalled 4, what would you believe, society or common sense?
Of course, there would be the capitalist type of person who could not stand not knowing as much as someone else, and would have to learn what 2 + 2 is. These are the type of people that started science and mathematics way back in the good old days.
So, ideally, if nobody would worry about knowing more than the next guy, or having more money than everyone else, we would not need no education.
Call me a "commie" or a "socialist", but I do not associate with groups. Once again, people that must define everything must categorize people into groups like "Democrat" or "Republican", for example. Either way, we are all humans, and no one is better than anyone else. Truly, deeply think about it.
The reason I keep using the phrase "We do not need no education" is not to act cool by using a double-negative to rebel against education, it is just lyrics from a Pink Floyd song.
Thanks for reading and have a nice day.
> College is different though. There you actually learn.
„There is too much education altogether, especially in American Schools.“
„What we call education is nothing but domestication of the human being.“
„Academia was created by business, religion and government as an enclosure for intelligent, altruistic people to keep them occupied and feeling important, and distracted from exposing corruption and working for change. Fortunately, this strategy hasn't always succeeded.“
for the first one: Einstein, Albert. (1931). "The World As I See It."
that's all you get for free.
the only thing im getting from this thread is a precocious high schooler who thinks he's got the world all figured out. luckily, he'll probably grow out of this so called enlightened phase
As someone who dropped out of highschool, trust me.. You need to stay in school.
I'm not saying you'll get any actual education out of it, but you will absolutely need the paperwork.
It's ridiculously difficul to get any job you'd call decent without it.
High school offers you a critical lesson in tolerating bullshit.
If you think that once you start working for a living the level of bullshit you have to deal with on a daily basis will be reduced, you're in for a big shocker.
it's damn near impossible to get any job at all these days anyway.
fucking socialism.
I do not think you guys have realized what I am saying, except maybe >>7, you tell me.
I am saying this system is stupid, and most of you are saying I will receive a rude awakening after I step out of high school.
That is the whole point... I do not care about jobs and the economy or any of this crap... say I am naive all you want, but I know that none of this money stuff is important in reality. Reality is not the United States job system. Reality is that we are simple creatures living on a planet in the middle of an enormous Solar system. That solar system is a part of an unfathomably gigantic Universe. Who cares about pieces of paper with "value"? Do you know how insignificant we all are compared to the immensely vast universe?
When you are at your deathbed, who cares if you graduated high school? Who cares if you had a job? Who cares how much money you made? When you die, none of that matters, it becomes dust.
So, what am I going to do? I am going to live. I do not need to money live. I will live in the woods for all I care. Yes, food usually has to be bought, but if I am broke, I would eat leaves before I let myself starve. And until a government taxes air or some silly way in that you had to pay to simply live, I would let myself die. We should not have to pay to live, come on.
I hold no hatred or anger at you guys. I do not want arguments here, I just simply wanted to see if anyone else knew how lame structured education is. Let us end this here, because my post has obviously spun into something I did not want it to.
Thanks and have a nice day.
Well, good luck with that.
When you are at your deathbed in your cabin in the middle of the woods all alone, you will wish you had gradiated high school, had a job, made money, had a family, became dust. But only the animals will remember you after they eat you.
> I will live in the woods for all I care.
I wish I knew you in real life so I could laugh at you when you walk into the woods and come back an hour later with a poison oak rash all over your body.
As it stands, I'll just award you Platinum-Rank Troll, Five Stars.
Dudes, i agree with >>14, aka OP, and i'm a teacher myself. I'm not an "American" teacher, yet the educational system here is almost the same thing; It's a pile of sheer political bullshit, and its sole point is to recreate the same rigid social structure endlessly.
But, i think that maybe you will find this interesting;
Mass education was designed to turn independent farmers into docile, passive tools of production. That was its primary purpose. And don't think people didn't know it. They knew it and they fought against it. There was a lot of resistance to mass education for exactly that reason. It was also understood by the elites. Emerson once said something about how we're educating them to keep them from our throats. If you don't educate them, what we call "education," they're going to take control -- "they" being what Alexander Hamilton called the "great beast," namely the people. The anti-democratic thrust of opinion in what are called democratic societies is really ferocious. And for good reason. Because the freer the society gets, the more dangerous the great beast becomes and the more you have to be careful to cage it somehow.
* Chomsky, Class Warfare, 1995
That's Mr. Chomsky for you. Yeah. Highschool is already a waste of time. My advice for you is to spend your time outside your school preparing yourself for either college or university. Because that's where the smart people are, that's where you may find people who are not obsessed with being the ultimate consumer, and hopefully, you might be able to drag more people out of that mindset. But, if you just desire to live in the woods, isolated, you'll be just running away, you'll be no better than a junkie smoking crack in some lost alley. That's simply evasion. I became a teacher with the hope of slapping my students so hard in their faces with reality, that they'll have no chance but to wake up and start taking care of themselves, as citizens.
BTW, I know my english is far from perfect, i'm not an english native speaker. You will have to excuse me if i make any grammar mistakes or anything.
Ps; I think my point above might have not been very clear; I was cooking, and i was unable to pay full attention to this.
Sorry, my stomach is first XD
Why does the OP and supporters of the OP think the rest of us can't understand their point of view? Yes, we understand that the American high school system is crap. Yes, we understand that it originated so that we can be awesome factory workers and live our lives according managed by bells. However, we also understand that rejecting all of this and going to be a hermit is in itself retarded as hell. It'll accomplish nothing useful and will only leave you feeling alone and miserable. In the end, we aren't blind to the problems of mass education, we instead understand the value that society has placed on such an arduous task such as completing high and we bear it because we realize that it's a stepping stone towards what we want to accomplish and get out of life and an opportunity for us to grow socially (well most of us.
But then, who cares, since this is obviously not reality but instead figments of this macrocosm's imagination. At least, according to the OP
And for anyone who was wondering, I was not seriously saying I would move to the woods. I was saying that I do not need to have a house to survive.
I am looking forward to college and it will most likely be a nice experience for me.
It is too bad that some of you took this thread a little to seriously, I think >>7 and >>19 are the only ones who understood. All I meant is that structured education is not needed.
When I was told that I needed education, I resisted and continued into a philosophical view of how we are just little humans in a vast universe (not figments of imagination, >>22 ;P ).
Basically, you know we do not need school to survive, which is my whole point. Maybe we need to go to school to get a job to pay bills, but that is not essential to living. As in you do not really need money to eat, breathe, sleep, do your business...
So let us all be friends and find a common ground. As OP I take responsibility.
Dear OP.
Please grow up. Your thoughts are nowhere near to anything original.
Yeah, they are not very original, and those thoughts have crossed the minds of millios of teenagers. But they are a starting point.
Y'know, it's not because people do not agree with you that they do not understand you.
>If you think that once you start working for a living the level of bullshit you have to deal with on a daily basis will be reduced, you're in for a big shocker.
Ah, that depends on where you start working for a living.
Let this thread end with this post please, because we will only continue into side arguments totally deviating from my original post.
I will no longer read any posts after this one, but if you want to, I guess you can continue telling me how immature I am.
Anyway, have a nice day.
OP must slowly realize how immature he is him self, in order to become mature.
Anyway, enjoy being american, we in europe don't always know shit it there.
Protip; Move to Canada.
It solves almost everything!
We don't need your permission to tell you how immature you are.
Good day to you too, and good luck on learning how to fish from World of Warcraft.
I love when debates end with "don't bother posting, I won't read it anyways"