Singles Rant Thread 2 (1000)

380 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-04-05 08:35 ID:O6HEyIc3

i'm 18 and i've never had a girlfriend in my life. sometimes i feel like i want one and that i want the company of a girl, but over time i've cared less and less. i haven't liked a girl or felt that i've met a girl that i wanted to be with in years. i just don't care anymore. i'd like to be with somebody, but i have pretty much no desire to be with any girl i meet. hell i don't really understand girls in general. most girls just seem weird, i can't even being to expain it. i generally don't even know what to talk to most girls about because of how little i feel like i have in common with them. i don't really know what to think anymore

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