Singles Rant Thread 2 (1000)

557 Name: Frigid Onanoko : 2007-10-22 22:39 ID:1aySjafD


Frigid Onanoko wanna say a lot but not know enough to justify telling you off. The situation not seem bad but FO worried about lack of pace. More important, the physical contact is not proportional to the amount of 'feeling' you have for this guy. It is obvious that you want to be physical with him, but don't give hugs and especially holding hands for free. He'll get spoiled. Spoiled boys walk away because they fail to see their benefactor as such. They no thankful! They betray the giving girls nyah!

So you still have him and he show increasing affection. Make sure to require some of his own effort. You can give him hints but he'll have to figure out on his own that he loves you. (Probably he doesn't know it yet - assuming you two match in the first place.) Since for you this seem the first time you begin to love, go at your own pace, as long as you do keep a pace.

FO suggest you find a song with some suggestive lyrics. Find song that properly give the proper hints and then find stuff about song. Google for history, of band or whatever. Say that it your favourite (if it has a message you agree with, that become really easy) and just have plenty of things to say about. The goal is that when you recommend it, you give it so much significance that it'll have to finally get through his dumb head that he should listen to it carefully. When it come to picking up signals, disposable coffee cups can be more receptive than many guys. Nobody ever told them what to listen to, that's the problem. So it not may work. Worst case is if he ask whether you 'intend to give some message to him.' Normal reaction is to get pissed and negate, just because he such an idiot. Better to leave it open. Tell him, 'I like the song, so if you think it has some special meaning, please tell me.' Or whatever. He will have to bring up the theme of some closer relationship, never you.

Maybe a month after he crushed you under his kisses, you might confide how you had a crush on him for a long time. His ego cannot handle such a thing beforehand. So spare him.

Wish you luck, FO say bye now!

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