Singles Rant Thread 2 (1000)

866 Name: Effin Annoyed : 2008-08-20 07:50 ID:3p7ZNnA5

i just dont get it.
I am 20, considered pretty by a lot of my friends, i am outgoing, upbeat, love music and learning, have a good sense of humor and am also overweight.
for the longest time i figured it was my weight that was stopping guys from asking me out, but then i am talking with one of my other friends, she's got about... 50 lb more then me, and a personality that i can find somewhat obnoxious sometimes. but SHE has a boy friend!!!

WTF do i just scare them away???
i mean i am 20 and have NEVER been asked out even once... unless we are going to count some ass hole in high school who did it was a practicle joke.

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