"Trainman" (Densha Otoko), a story born on the net, adapted into manga by 4 competing magazines. (229)

67 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 2005-08-22 16:41 ID:eff/5gly

Apparently, poor Yamada drowned from being out in the rain so long. Or something...?

>>64: No, Yamada has yet to yank one out over some asshole bitch's broken and unconscious body. When he reaches that level, maybe I'll agree with you.

>>66: Densha Otoko is fairly void of any entertainment value at this point, and morbid curiosity along with the curious merriment I get from observing the otaku sub-species in action/inaction is what's keeping me watching it at this point.

(The astute in our audience will notice that I am trolling.) (w ror =^_^;;=V

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