South Korean demand that....... (186)

1 Name: Unverified Source 2005-12-02 16:10 ID:ri80zFML

 South Korean demand that U.S. must compensate to South korea for damages of North Korean inhabitants slaughter which was
caused by U.S. soldiers at Korean war.

Are they crazy?

2 Name: Unverified Source 2005-12-03 02:35 ID:Heaven

God, these people want apology juice from everyone. I say give it up and stop bitching.

3 Name: Unverified Source 2005-12-03 14:12 ID:Heaven

"Apology and compensation" is a favorite phrase of patients of Hwa-Byung.
Just ignore them till they die by the disease.

4 Name: Unverified Source 2005-12-07 20:06 ID:Heaven

they're extortionists posing the "victim"
they're pathological compulsive liars too

5 Name: Unverified Source 2005-12-09 06:43 ID:Ebh18gPQ

those dumbasses need to STFU... there wouldn't be a south korea today if it wasn't for us saving their sorry asses!

6 Name: Mad Scientist 2005-12-09 11:33 ID:Heaven

Just read the link at:

Their 화병 is real mob psychosis.
Will they burn American flags on the street next
or demand apology and reparations as always?

Another one,

7 Name: Unverified Source 2005-12-11 18:58 ID:6xJBtmUa


        ∧__∧   ________  
      <丶`∀´>/ ̄/ ̄/ 
      ( 二二二つ / と) 
      |    /  /  /   
       |      ̄| ̄   

8 Name: BENOIST 2005-12-11 21:18 ID:QUuqAzbl

sips "Apology Juice"

9 Name: Unverified Source 2006-01-05 03:02 ID:+SObnAS3

Why do jews get their apology and money, but koreans not?

Answer: The usa are run by zionists and their puppets.

10 Name: Zugo 2006-01-27 19:51 ID:0Lr35nyQ

if all korean have to offer is キムチ then they not deserve apology

11 Name: Loki 2006-02-05 13:46 ID:+MyOr0wV

They come out of the woodwork demanding apologies for things that happened over 50 years ago. The jews got their apology within 5 years of WWII. I think there should be an international issue statute of limitations. 50 years? Oh, Im sorry. Too late.

12 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-09 04:25 ID:uhELm//k

fuck it lets just take over south korea, use the tax revenue we earn from their booming economy to pay them back

13 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-09 04:52 ID:gNnUGS30


Go apology juice! :P

14 Post deleted by moderator.

15 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-20 19:26 ID:ii76s6zK

⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃
     |    /       boon
      ( ヽノ
  三  レレ

16 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-20 20:11 ID:xOrIBjTw

They must be joking or fool.

17 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-20 20:42 ID:7wwcFILB


Those sad, sad, poor, misguided South Koreans.

If I were president I'd remove all US troops, all US landmines and let the North Koreans run in and freaking PILLAGE the place and then when the (former) Republic of Korean whined about "Helps us America! Help Us! We don't want to be communist!" I'd laugh and hang up the phone.

The USSR is GONE and South Korea no longer matters. In fact with NO US troops there all the whorehouses, stores, and everything else would LOSE MONEY.

American stations in S. Korea lost all relevance after the USSR collapsed. I say nay.

18 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-21 02:57 ID:IDp89zAU

oh, what is "apology juice" ? sounds funny.

It's their nature and what they do often to Japan,
but finally they DIDI this to even the u.s.!
should be crazy.

19 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-21 02:58 ID:IDp89zAU

oh, what is "apology juice" ? sounds funny.

It's their nature and what they do often to Japan,
but finally they DIDI this to even the u.s.!
should be crazy.

20 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-21 04:04 ID:fakEhUXT

I think that Vietnum must demand that south Korea must compensate to Vietnum …

21 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-21 20:12 ID:1K3pNO0R

from wiki:

In April 2001, a sit-in demonstration was held in front of the Japanese Diet, protesting an alleged whitewashing of Japanese history textbooks. Kim Yeong-jin, a member of the National Assembly (the South Korean parliament), attended, holding a placard which said Nippon wa hanseishiru (日本は反省しる), which is nonsensical but can be rendered in English as Apolojuice, Japan!. The placard was meant to say Nihon wa hanseishiro (日本は反省しろ, or Apologize, Japan!); the kana for ro has obviously been miscopied, being very similar to the one for ru (compare る ru and ろ ro.) A photo was taken and published on the webpage of the Korean newspaper Dong-A Ilbo[2]. Many members of 2channel found this quite amusing, and attaching shiru to the end of sentences is now quite common on threads concerning Korea. On American Internet forums such as the phrase is often rendered as "apology juice."

lol apology juice

22 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-21 20:48 ID:a0fjJQXI

 South korea!Come on!Hurry up!

  ∧∧       I am a balancer of East Asia!
 ./ C\    
 ( `八´)∧N ∧       
 ( \ > <、´Д`>    ∧S∧   __ Hey South korea!
 /`┐ノ、( \>    ヽ<`∀´, >ノ  | US | You Damn it!!
 ` 丶 、  `┐ノ、     (   )  _☆☆☆_
      丶 、  丶 、/ └i  .(´⊂_`;)∧J∧
          ` 丶 ◎ ` 丶 、ミ </ ) (´Д`;) Oh No…
             | .| 丶 、  ノ┌、   </ )
             | .|     丶 、 . ノ┌、
             | .|         ` 丶 、/. }}
             | .|             ノノ  …
             | .|
 ゙`゙゙´~~~``´゙`゙゙´´ ~~~´~~゙゙´```´゙`゙゙´´ ~~``゙`゙゙´

23 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-21 20:51 ID:a0fjJQXI

    AIYAーヽ l //AIGO‐
    〃 ――* * *―――
  ノヽ  〃  // | ヽ
  \ \ ./ ./ ..|  ヽ
  〃\ \ ./ . |
 .〃〃 .\ \
  〃   \ \        .__
        \ \      | US |
          `◎\    _☆☆☆_ ヾ
          | .ト、 \   (  ; ) ))
          | .| \ \ </ /∧J∧ヾ
          | .|   \ ×へノ (  ; ) ))
          | .|    \ \ </ /
          | .|      \ ×へノ  Gwam!
          | .|     Σ \ノ =3
゙`゙゙´~~~``゙゙´´ ~~~´~~゙゙´```´゙`゙゙´´ ~~``゙`゙゙´

24 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-22 18:41 ID:WdTJKdpI

Where is Taiwan?

25 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-06-29 21:32 ID:sOBvykqc


26 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-06-30 15:04 ID:m2tIM40u

27 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-07-02 04:44 ID:sOBvykqc


28 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-07-02 06:01 ID:3sQfd2df


29 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-07-10 16:31 ID:sOBvykqc

<ヽ`∀´> I demand apology juice for that injustice nida!

30 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-07-11 03:25 ID:20kwRGKW

Do you wapanese people even know the difference between "-shiru" and "-shiro" ? I don't understand how that translates into apology juice.

31 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-07-11 11:38 ID:yLWqe/n3

weeaboo faggots itt.

32 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-07-11 11:39 ID:Heaven

汁【しる】[shiru] = juice, sap, soup, broth.

33 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-07-11 11:52 ID:Heaven


The joke is that some Korean misspelled it, genius.

34 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-07-14 12:46 ID:Heaven

Sea of Japan - A Globally Established Name

35 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-07-16 09:18 ID:1MDBb4me

       ( 《(    ) 》
       ( (   ノ ノ∠
    /((       ミ   ヽ\
   《 ( ( ミ   丿 )  )) 》
   ゝ  ゞ  丿/ノ  丿 丿              __   
         ∥|┃│                 │  |   NIDA This is present for you.      
          | | ┃                _☆☆☆_
         │┃∥                 ( ´_⊃`)  
         ∥| ∥                 (  ∞ つ ュ POM
   ゞ (⌒⌒=|  ∥⌒⌒)ノ;;;::)            | | |  .|. ̄|
   ((⌒≡=    =≡⌒)丿ノ            (__)_) L .」

36 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-07-16 17:38 ID:IfQ4WzWg

The opinion of South Korea about North Korea missile launching.
9.July "It's unnecessary to fuss over like Japan before dawn."(Executive office of the President)
10.July "One-sided resolution promotion (by Japan) is not preferable. "

  • "North Korea missile hasn't any target contry, it's a TRAINING" (Executive office of the President)

11.July "To show an aggressive policy inclination, I can't help strongly watching it."

  • against the Japanese cabinet ministers'"Validity of preemptive strike" remarks. (Blue House)

12.July "We expect china to use refusal, we never agree Japanese Plan." (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
13.July Korea try to void the resolution of the Security Council, Korea opposes to apply the chapter 7.
14.July "The punishment resolution to the north by the Japan initiation is a clear aggressive policy." (43 Diet members)

  • "It is necessary six country conference qualification to reexamine Japan." (Pan Gimun - Foren Minister)
  • "Punishment to the north is the one like the Iraq attack. " (Nom Hyon - President)
  • "The missile launch in the north is a political act of demanding a concession from the United States" (Nom Hyon - President)

15.July "If Japan fuels the north, there is the possibility to attack the missile. But North Korea
doesn't have any missile to attack the South Korea, and they never say to attack us." (Kim Wonum - Diet Member)

  • "It is necessary to exclude Japan from six country conference. because

Japan cause the trouble for the conference advancement. " (Kim Wonum - Diet Member)

>>> The Security Council demanded Saturday that North Korea suspend its ballistic missile program.

16.July "Up to now, the South Korea government has done a strict warning to the missile
launch of North Korea with the international society. " (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

37 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-07-18 23:48 ID:wvomMylX


38 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-10-19 08:44 ID:x2xtqPM6

South Korean says,

"America gave money to our brother North Korea for searching dead-soldiers of Korean war"
"Therefore our South Korean economic support to North Korea is not too bad compared with America!nida!"
"And responsibility of development of nuclear weapon by North Korea do not owe to us. It owe to only USA!nida"

Koreans are ultimate fool....

39 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-10-21 06:26 ID:x2xtqPM6

Now, crazy Korean is well known to the world.

40 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-10-22 00:52 ID:OH6nmYP7

I'm American, and I can say that I for one find the whole of the Korean peninsula full of naive/whiny or megalomaniacal/insane bastards. I'm sick and tired of being S. Korea's "ally", especially when they actively thwart our diplomatic initiatives against the North.

I say we leave, let them suffer a ridiculously huge and costly war, and let the Japanese re-seize control of the peninsula. There, motherfuckers, PROBLEM SOLVED.

41 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-10-23 15:07 ID:4KQS52h+

      )、._人_人__,.イ.、._人_人_人 _人 人 _人
   <The reason for all is that the U.S. emperorNIDA!>
    ⌒ v'⌒ヽr -、_  ,r v'⌒ヽr ' ⌒ ヽr ⌒ ヽrヽr ' ⌒
// // ///:: <   _,ノ`' 、ヽ、_ ノ  ;;;ヽ  //
///// /::::      \ `ヽ) ( ´ /     ;;|  /
// ///:::     ( ( /    ヽ) )+     ;| /
/ / /:::    +  ) )|~ ̄ ̄~.|( (       ;\// ////
//::        ( (||||! i: |||! !| |) )   .   ;;;;\// ///
/\::::     +   U | |||| !! !!||| :U     ;;; ;;;/ ///
///\:::::       | |!!||l ll|| !! !!| |    ;;;;;;/////
// / ヽ:::::       | ! || | ||!!|    ;;;;;;/// //
// // ゝ:::::::: :   | `ー-----' |__////

42 Name: south? or north? : 2006-10-25 02:03 ID:U59b+G/D

43 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-11-03 14:52 ID:OW3HQOU/

i guess south :(

44 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-11-10 07:59 ID:G6NNp5Ie

As a Japanese, i am really sorry but we never want to take care of Korea anymore.
someday they will demand apology juice.
China , Rusia or UN will take care them.

fortunately new UN's leader is a s-Korean.
i wonder Korean can demand apology juice to him.

45 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-11-11 17:58 ID:yYn36Doo

I agree with #44.
I am a Japanese too and never want to see Japan take care of Korea again. Korea is now such a big country to stand on their foot without help from other countries.

46 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-11-16 02:44 ID:OH6nmYP7

...Okay, then...Maybe we can simply let the two Koreas destroy each other?

47 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-11-16 11:17 ID:G6NNp5Ie

Do you know the sunshine policy which started from the ex-president Kim Dae-jung's regime?
the policy says that let's have friendship with N-Korea and send money and make less the economic gap both of the two Koreas,that will make Korean peninsula less endagerous then the two counties will get reunited slowly.
the policy seemed to be effective at first and he could meet Kim Jon ill 2000, then the Nobel peace prize was send Kim Dea jung.
2002 before the president election, an accident which 2 young S-Korean girls were wandering in an American base and they were hit by a tunk caused huge Anti-American movement and President Roh Moo was chosen.
the sunshine policy was continued by the new president and S-Korea has been sending food , money and the other things and the police was effected for S-Korean economy.
for example, Hyunde group promotes sightseeing business and Samsung has an industrial area in N-korea and paying very cheap payment for N-Korean employees(it means the products can win in the international competition and N-Korea can get dollars). Even the examination for a nuclear bomb could not stop the businesses and it show those businesses are necessary for S-Korean ecomomy. dispite of the S-Korean feeling to reunite the two Koreas, N-Korea seems to think S-Korea is just an ATM and those incomes are used for militarize N-Korea. recently many S-Korean people are friendly for N-Korea and the S-Korean President's supporters are Anti-America. the diplomacy is always for N-Korea to prevent from restarting Korean War again.
So I don't see what N-Korea is thinking but I expect the two Koreas won't destroy each other so easily.
I think N-Korea is just earning time and they are trying to make nuclear missile but bomb gaining momey from S-korea.
if the UN's sanction is too hard and the system of N-Korea has get the limited point, the country will not continue anymore and
the regime will change.
I really hope the moment. I'd like to see the abductees can meet their parents. N-Korean people are just slaves for S-Korean companies and the center of N-Korea, if this situation continues.
Also we don't need to feel any responsibility for S-Korean fate.
they are choosing who are enemies and friends with people's will.

48 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-11-16 15:49 ID:d2iYVy1P

Do you know what a wild animal does when it's cornered? It lashes out violently. If these sanctions work the way they're supposed to, then Kim Jong Il will react to protect his own survival. Exactly how a caged animal would.

Ultimately, it will be S-Korea that will suffer from this. Not to mention 40,000 American troops.

49 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-11-16 16:54 ID:G6NNp5Ie

if the animal is too hungry, it cannot move anymore and just stare the hunter closely.
anyway Kim Jong ill loves beautiful women and delicious food.
Do you think such a man will choose losing war which will surely give him death penalty?
i might be too positive but i think he is waiting until the nuclear missile is completed which will secure his country or he will ask China to escape another country.

50 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-11-27 18:51 ID:oOoHDv4X

EXCELLENT IDEA! We import McDonalds to N. Korea and give Kim Jong Il a massive heart failure from too many Big Macs!

51 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-12-03 08:25 ID:nMT9BWrt

The invasion and integration are always repeated between surrounding large countries.
It tries to replace it with an own inferiority complex by desperately a pitiful race's to whom an original history was able also to construct even the culture in the country where only the slave and poor people exist envying prospering Japan, and abusing, and giving Japan the extensive damage mimetic.
However, Japan also has already exceeded each endurance.
The enjoyment after half a year now ..whether become it...
I will look idly while laughing dropping of South Korea to life like the slave age before.

52 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-12-14 10:24 ID:x2xtqPM6

"I feel sick by damn English and beat you!!"

Shit! Korean hate English speaker!!!
They beat English speaker on a bus.

53 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-12-20 15:21 ID:2MrZtNi5

Title: Korean threats

As a humble Japanese citizen, I would like to tell you what is happening
in Japan. We are suffering a cultural harassment from those Koreans living
in Japan. Our national religion, Shinto, is considered as one of the most
important traditions in Japan. Recently, some Koreans threatened the chief
priest of the shrine in the Maizuru city and registered themselves as a staff
and added further three Koreans as a new staff for the purpose of tax evasion.
After they have taken control of the shrine, they destroyed the main gate
and left it in rubble. Odd thing is that the location of this shrine is right behind
where the JMSDF keeps ammo and only 7km away from the nearest nuclear
power plant in Takahama. There are many shrines in Japan, why would this
group of Koreans choose this particlar one for a tax evasion?
Imagine some ignorants takes control of a Church or a Mosque and damage
its properties. Imagine the place happened to be an ideal place to observe
military activities and also happened to be close to a nuclear power plant.
How would you feel?
Japanese media sees any crimes comitted by Koreans as a taboo and do not want touch them.
They are afraid of being accused of broadcasting racial attacks on Korean people.

Please help us protect Japan

54 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-12-20 17:24 ID:OH6nmYP7

Japan is suffering just as every great nation does, when immigrants hostile to its culture and traditions arrive on its shores, intent on establishing their own culture of sloth and poverty. They are often politically extreme, either extreme naitonalists, or simpering, miserable socialists. They are the criminal element which will plague the great nation until something is done.

55 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-12-21 23:38 ID:A6bUAJtm


COREA! Corea is the own all you!From Vietnam to Russia and Mongolia...Long Live COREA!

56 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-12-22 00:55 ID:OH6nmYP7

Yeah, good luck with that...

57 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-12-22 09:59 ID:VPjfzfAz

North Korea thinks that I sell a nuclear weapon to Islam radical group from lack of funds at last

58 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-12-24 00:26 ID:yEXPRDIk

Korean oo7 to the rescue.

It's Silmido man.

Faster than a Kim il Jong at eating Kimchi.
Can drink more Soju than Kim il Sung.

Look up in the sky! It's a bird. It's a plane.
No! It's Silmido man

59 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-12-27 02:55 ID:x2xtqPM6


Who is that?

60 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-12-27 12:08 ID:WsgM9aIb

Look up Silmido in Wikipedia.

It's an island off South Korea, famous for an incident that occurred there in the 1960's. The S Koreans trained some nefarious characters on the island to assasinate Kim il Sung. The hit, however, was never done and the trained agents were quietly knocked off.

It is quite common for North and South Korean soldiers and spys to occasionally do reconosence in their counter-parts territories.

Having used to live in SK, i found it interesting that on the trains there would be advertisements telling S koreans to rat on North Korean spies if they suspected someone of being one.

61 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-12-31 09:55 ID:VPjfzfAz

It seems to be Korean common sense

Jesus Christ is a Korean

Tom Cruise is a Korean

Carl Lewis is a Korean

Michael Jordan is a Korean

Queen Elizabeth is a Korean

American ancestors are Koreans

A Korean forges it

62 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-12-31 18:56 ID:J+rGlbtm

well they demand compensation everywhere, but never compensate to Vietnam

63 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-06 20:16 ID:cPU8CpE/

Lots of racist japs in this topic. Are you still angry that the Koreans won the war and you got two nukes rammed up your ass?

64 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-07 20:34 ID:CYZjvkS/


What war did you win? The USA was the one who did the atom-ramming. At least we had the good sense to make friends with Japan afterwards.

S. Korea is like a black politician; always moaning about racism, always demanding the government subsidise his "people", never allowing criticism of his constituency.

S. Korea is pathetic. America saved your ass from Juche communism a half century ago and yet you still insist on licking North Korea's puckered asshole, like an eager, cock-hungry faggot.

65 Name: Pkeod : 2007-01-09 12:30 ID:ReOCX+yI


It was made into a movie too...

Spoilers: everyone dies.

66 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-13 17:10 ID:h+XAEhsl


Korean delusions?lol

67 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-13 22:02 ID:9YIHydqr

Are you a Korean? Please do not say a terrible thing.

68 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-15 06:04 ID:WRWZlkTa

Sweet Jesus, which Korea was this again?

69 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-16 08:35 ID:x2xtqPM6

Korean say, "Hey, We defeated CIA!!"

CIA accepted the Korean demand.
And they rewrited their website to satisfy Korean historical demand.

The Korean demand will escalate, because of their misunderstand of situation.

China must become an ancient Korean territory in your history textbook.
Russia also must become an ancient Korean territory in your history textbook.
I don't have to say about Japan.

Hmm, do you know they claim "Ancestor of English people is Korean"?
Perhaps, this theory is justice in our historical text book in the near future.

It is real wonder that the passion of Korean for history forgery.

I sympathize deeply with Japan and China as the main targets of Korean history forgery.

70 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-16 15:47 ID:h+XAEhsl

I see recently,

Korean are completely liar!

Do they have 5000 years history?

Where we can find the pyramid in the cheap Korea?

Stop the lie! Korean!!!

71 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-16 17:13 ID:Heaven

Indian! </Goodness Gracious Me>

72 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-16 20:03 ID:Heaven

Hey they make good in-betweeners you know.

73 Name: disgusted : 2007-01-17 04:54 ID:x2xtqPM6

"We are annoyed at it being written the truth."

In the Korea, Korean rapes many young Japanese girls( children ) and enjoys a murderous dead to
the remaining Japanese people after Japan was defeated in World War II..

The truth of history that written in a historical text book which uses in the U.S. "so far from the bamboo grove".

For this historical fact that witnessed by one Japanese girl at the process of escaping from Korea, Korean who tend to forge the history are angry madly.

They claim "Our folks, complete justice people were not possible to do that terrible things!!"

The Korean who looks down on people in the world except themselves insists on a complete victim.

What name can we give to this funny Clown art?( w

74 Name: fart man : 2007-01-19 18:56 ID:J+rGlbtm

korea always try to steal money so harsh from other countries, but never pays to vietnam. why is that?

id like koreans here to answer my question.

75 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-19 22:29 ID:stIOcMAT

76 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-20 10:51 ID:WRWZlkTa

The Bamboo Grove reminded me of the idiocy surrounding Hotaru no Haka and Untergang. They're both movies that display the "other side" of WWII as human beings who suffer (ok, so Hitler is the main character in Untergang, whereas the protagonists in Hotaru no Haka are little kids...). They both got one-star reviews by professional movie critics who claim that there was a "bias" to the films. After all, both films omitted the horrible sins committed by Axis powers. To these people, the starving homeless kids had it coming because they were born in an evil country. Portraying the enemy as a human being, to their mind, is irresponsible and taboo.

I can't believe we let these morons vote.

77 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-21 23:58 ID:abW3Askr

Korea is terrible

78 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-25 20:43 ID:Heaven

no, your country is as terrible as N&S korea, but in different ways

79 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-27 23:48 ID:8jAMjtLV

South Korean soldier accused of assaulting American

  • quote -

CAMP RED CLOUD, South Korea — A South Korean soldier faces trial in a military court, accused of sexually assaulting a female U.S. soldier at Camp Casey on Dec. 19, 2nd Infantry Division and Ministry of National Defense officials confirmed this week.

  • quote end -

80 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-02-03 15:09 ID:BYu4aPBD

I wouldn't be surprised at such news, I mean, I'm much used to their lies. One thing is for sure; no matter how many times you appologize, they'll ask for more. That is, one lie leads to another lie which leads to another... Meanwhile, they will become not able to even understand what the truth is.

According to the recent article I read (in Japanese, so I better not put the link here), the president of the south korea made a speech in the UN council as if he represented North Korea, tring to justify what N.K did. Horrible...

81 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-02-15 08:04 ID:x2xtqPM6



is this right?

82 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-02-23 15:21 ID:Heaven

Economic crisis closing in on South Korea
By Jephraim P Gundzik

South Korea's short-term external debt stock nearly doubled in 2006 on the back of prolific yen-borrowing by commercial banks.

This injection of foreign capital did little to stabilize South Korea's deflation-gripped economy. While savvy Korean investors sent record sums of money abroad in 2006, foreign investors, apparently unaware of the country's weak and deteriorating political, social and economic fundamentals, continued to load up on Korean assets.

Yen appreciation against most currencies in 2007 will provoke widespread defaults in South Korea, reversing short-term foreign-capital flows. This could prompt the devaluation of the won and a correction in the stock market of 50% or more.

Asian crisis redux
The 1997 Asian financial crisis, with its epicenter in Thailand, erupted suddenly and viciously after the revelation that many countries in the region had built unsustainably large piles of short-term external debt. International banks played a key role in this debt buildup by recklessly lending huge sums of money to domestic banks in Thailand, South Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia. This reckless lending was supported by the world's largest central banks, which compressed investment risk with overly loose monetary policies.


Last year, the surge of short-term external debt was engineered by South Korea's commercial banks, which were anxious to increase profits by borrowing yen to expand domestic household credit. In many instances, Koreans used very low-interest yen credit offered by South Korea's commercial banks to finance speculative mortgages in the country's real-estate market. This has left Korean households with large unhedged exposure to the Japanese yen and South Korean banks facing the prospect of widespread mortgage default in the event of the yen's reversal. South Korea's commercial banks also have enormous unhedged exposure to the yen through massive carry trades on their own balance sheets.

83 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-02-28 12:26 ID:MPt1QME4

i just knew this now..
how terrible.. can't imagine.

84 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-03-10 09:42 ID:5MSw5WpM

Now in Japan almost prostitution business owner are Korean(zainishi),then many prostitute are coming to Japan illegally from Korea.They do not care law, moral, and another person.

At The World War 2, Korean engaged same business.
So no one related in Japanese about prostitute business.
Korean prostitute got more than 30 yen (much higher than Japanese soldier at The War Land.)
All Korean prostitutes are hired by Korean, and Korean Government also issued ad to hire Korean prostitutes.

At The World War 2, Japan invaded to China, but Japan did not invade to Korea.Korea hoped to be Japan instead of to prevent invaded by China or Russia. Even if Ito Hirobumi (first prime minister) opposed it.(He was killed Korean terrorist, that's why from this idea).So he was assassinated.

This problem was made Japanese ASAHI MEDIA at first, this company is controlled by Korean (ZAINICHI).(Most media have been controlled by Korean.)These medias forcibly broadcast what seems all Japanese must like and respect to Korean TV star, Korean singer, Korean Idea ...anything about Korean every day in Japan.

If you are company owner strongly recommend about [Do not hire Korean in your company]Your company may occupied and controlled by Korean like in Japan.

And please understand about Japan is not going to radical nationalist.We dislike only Korean, North Korean, Chinese(not all)behavior. There is many problem with them in Japan, but Japanese Maida and police always hide away their problems.

For example,

When English girl was killed in Japan, At first Japanese police dose not movie.(Lucie Blackman)

At that time, everybody think about it must be done by Korean, but nobody say anything.

Pachinko and Casino (Yokohama area) they are not arrested by their illegal.

Also yakuza, many cult religions ( SOUKA is biggest religion in Japan and control koumei political party.)Political party, (koumei , Shyamin ) Shyamin political party also is controlled by Korean. ( NIHONSEKIGUN radical Korean terrorist)

RENTAL MONEY BUSINESS (Officially regale business, actually they do not care kill person or makePeople going to suicide for money. )

They are so dangerous.

85 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-03-10 14:29 ID:W0h+07AI


High-rise hookers
AT $240 an hour, these Korean sex workers could have worked off their fines before dinner yesterday,
after appearing in a Southport court for illegal prostitution.
The ad identified the sex workers as a 'uni party girl, just 18, Japanese, natural 36D, perfect backside'.
The detectives, part of the Prostitution Enforcement Taskforce, arranged to meet the women for sex
at apartments in the Artique and Q1 high-rise towers after responding to a classified advertisement in The Gold Coast Bulletin on February 9.

86 Name: person : 2007-03-13 09:54 ID:GLSAU5+M

You guys understand nothing. I am a Korean/canadian. But I lived in Korea before.
Korea did suffer a lot from Japan, USA, and Russia.
Japan for te war, USA and Russia for spliting the 2 koreas apart.
Yes we are victims but I think this generation is slowly forgiving everything.
Remember people... We are all humans and we all make mistakes. But mistakes can be forgiven so I hope that every countries can be forgiven.
And yeah Korea went in to a debt problem because of the communist north korea attacking us... But hey it's not our fault that the Korea was split in 2 which started this.
But hopefully everyone will realize that the people in earth should be counted as a whole.

87 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-03-13 13:10 ID:HtimfMTK

a lot of korean emigration to fucking run away their millitaly service.suck

>>Korea did suffer a lot from Japan, USA, and Russia.

who up your country literacy rate 3-90 those days? who created your country road?who up average life span 25-40? why korean people so racist to japan? i hope bamg korea on world map.poacher!!!! thet don`t even know how to sports

88 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-03-13 13:21 ID:HtimfMTK

i`m a italy/japan. and korean racism are sucks.
they are most worst people i think

89 Name: person : 2007-03-14 01:54 ID:GLSAU5+M

87 ummmm Not all Korean people are racist to japan... Like me. I am Korean but I love japan. I respect their culture, I love their animes and media, and I want to visit japan as well. I mean of course there will be racists in the world... Like some older koreans or some hate japan because of warand such... And some japanese hate korean... For some weird reason.
The new generations are doing better but still.. I just hope that we all can get along soon... Because we are all asians and humans after all.

90 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-03-14 11:33 ID:K+loP5Dl

91 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-03-15 13:44 ID:BXYU98va

I'll show you the real Korean liar.
Look at the contradictory statement made by the comfort woman, Lee Yong-soo.

contradiction: age/ situation of going of the house
CNN: 14/ soldiers took her from her home
US house of representative: 16/ I tip towed out of the house

Lee Yong-soo, 78, a South Korean who was interviewed during a recent trip to Tokyo,
said she was 14 when Japanese soldiers took her from her home in 1944 to work
as a sex slave in Taiwan.

U.S. House of Representatives: Statement of Lee Yong-soo
In the autumn of 1944, when I was 16 years old, my friend, Kim Punsun, and I were
collecting shellfish at the riverside when we noticed an elderly man and a Japanese man
looking down at us form the hillside......
A few days later, Punsun knocked on my window early in the morning,
and whispered to me to follow her quietly. I tip-toed out of the house after her.

92 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-03-18 16:26 ID:13XPAF+F

There seems to be a shift from demanding apologies, now to a more vocal claim that Korean culture is the source of everything in Asia. A Los Angeles Japanese food restaurant called "Ginza Sushi" is owned and operated by Koreans. (Most Japanese food places in America are run by Koreans and Chinese) He made a statement that sushi is actually Korean, and has been eaten in Korea for "over 1000 years". He also claimed that Japanese have only eaten sushi since World War II, getting it from the Koreans.

Even more radical Koreans claim that Japanese and well as Chinese (the new surge of nationalism finds bitterness over China seizing Manchuria in the distant past as well) culture is really all derived from Korea.

93 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-04-16 11:40 ID:RiFNR0Yt

I am Japanese. We learn history from text books including advices from Korea and China. So I have been feeling guilty about the WW2. Some japanese people being racial but most of Japanese are living with the guilty.

When my Chinese room mate was out, her boyfriend entered with the spare key gotten from my room mate and tryed to rape me. I rejected him and as soon as he left, I called my room mate and talked about what happened and also not to give him a spare key anymore. Then my room mate said "Everything is your fault because all boys think Japanese girls are slut. And my boyfriend hates Japs because of the pat" I could not say anything.

And now I have a fiance whose ex is korean. The korean ex told and sent letters to his family that "Japanese girls have venereal disease. Should not let them date." "You need to know how Japanese were bad during WW2" and so on, even I had not even met her at the moment. So when I had a chance to talk with her. I asked why she had to do that to me. Then she said "I hate Japs. You Jap deserved it. Think about the history."

What they said is not wrong. I understand that they must have predjudice against Japanese from the history. But the problem is I hesitate always because of the past. I don't want to hesitate when I say my opinion, but I do really hesitate.

We must need to live with the guilty but also I want people to know many japanese people struggle for the guilty.

94 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-04-16 11:45 ID:RiFNR0Yt

I also have to say that I have good Korean and Chinese friends. And I don't want to say bad about the room mate and my fiance's ex also. They both are respectable in society just they hates me because of the past. I believe they don't want to have such past too.

95 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-04-18 09:55 ID:sg9Qt5ze

96 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-04-18 11:08 ID:clF/0fFq

97 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-04-18 11:16 ID:clF/0fFq

98 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-04-18 11:46 ID:Gk5UA8r9

The following is an article of Korean newspaper, Japanese edition. According to the article, one Korean student in VA Tech said in a telephone interview "Because of the massacre, we will have to conceal outr nationality. If somebody asked me, I'm going to say that I'm Chinese or Japanese."

If you want to read more, just translate the article Japanese to English.

This, attributing their fault to other innocent people, is an characteristic of Korea.

99 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-04-18 12:14 ID:g1KOvud+

I convey a condolence about a case of this university heartily from Japan

100 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-04-18 12:23 ID:4uqZo5cw

Fuck Korea!!!

Community site in Japan and South Korea

From "enjoykorea"

List of satire picture of national newspaper of South Korea

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