South Korean demand that....... (186)

1 Name: Unverified Source 2005-12-02 16:10 ID:ri80zFML

 South Korean demand that U.S. must compensate to South korea for damages of North Korean inhabitants slaughter which was
caused by U.S. soldiers at Korean war.

Are they crazy?

2 Name: Unverified Source 2005-12-03 02:35 ID:Heaven

God, these people want apology juice from everyone. I say give it up and stop bitching.

3 Name: Unverified Source 2005-12-03 14:12 ID:Heaven

"Apology and compensation" is a favorite phrase of patients of Hwa-Byung.
Just ignore them till they die by the disease.

4 Name: Unverified Source 2005-12-07 20:06 ID:Heaven

they're extortionists posing the "victim"
they're pathological compulsive liars too

5 Name: Unverified Source 2005-12-09 06:43 ID:Ebh18gPQ

those dumbasses need to STFU... there wouldn't be a south korea today if it wasn't for us saving their sorry asses!

6 Name: Mad Scientist 2005-12-09 11:33 ID:Heaven

Just read the link at:

Their 화병 is real mob psychosis.
Will they burn American flags on the street next
or demand apology and reparations as always?

Another one,

7 Name: Unverified Source 2005-12-11 18:58 ID:6xJBtmUa


        ∧__∧   ________  
      <丶`∀´>/ ̄/ ̄/ 
      ( 二二二つ / と) 
      |    /  /  /   
       |      ̄| ̄   

8 Name: BENOIST 2005-12-11 21:18 ID:QUuqAzbl

sips "Apology Juice"

9 Name: Unverified Source 2006-01-05 03:02 ID:+SObnAS3

Why do jews get their apology and money, but koreans not?

Answer: The usa are run by zionists and their puppets.

10 Name: Zugo 2006-01-27 19:51 ID:0Lr35nyQ

if all korean have to offer is キムチ then they not deserve apology

11 Name: Loki 2006-02-05 13:46 ID:+MyOr0wV

They come out of the woodwork demanding apologies for things that happened over 50 years ago. The jews got their apology within 5 years of WWII. I think there should be an international issue statute of limitations. 50 years? Oh, Im sorry. Too late.

12 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-09 04:25 ID:uhELm//k

fuck it lets just take over south korea, use the tax revenue we earn from their booming economy to pay them back

13 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-09 04:52 ID:gNnUGS30


Go apology juice! :P

14 Post deleted by moderator.

15 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-20 19:26 ID:ii76s6zK

⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃
     |    /       boon
      ( ヽノ
  三  レレ

16 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-20 20:11 ID:xOrIBjTw

They must be joking or fool.

17 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-20 20:42 ID:7wwcFILB


Those sad, sad, poor, misguided South Koreans.

If I were president I'd remove all US troops, all US landmines and let the North Koreans run in and freaking PILLAGE the place and then when the (former) Republic of Korean whined about "Helps us America! Help Us! We don't want to be communist!" I'd laugh and hang up the phone.

The USSR is GONE and South Korea no longer matters. In fact with NO US troops there all the whorehouses, stores, and everything else would LOSE MONEY.

American stations in S. Korea lost all relevance after the USSR collapsed. I say nay.

18 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-21 02:57 ID:IDp89zAU

oh, what is "apology juice" ? sounds funny.

It's their nature and what they do often to Japan,
but finally they DIDI this to even the u.s.!
should be crazy.

19 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-21 02:58 ID:IDp89zAU

oh, what is "apology juice" ? sounds funny.

It's their nature and what they do often to Japan,
but finally they DIDI this to even the u.s.!
should be crazy.

20 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-21 04:04 ID:fakEhUXT

I think that Vietnum must demand that south Korea must compensate to Vietnum …

21 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-21 20:12 ID:1K3pNO0R

from wiki:

In April 2001, a sit-in demonstration was held in front of the Japanese Diet, protesting an alleged whitewashing of Japanese history textbooks. Kim Yeong-jin, a member of the National Assembly (the South Korean parliament), attended, holding a placard which said Nippon wa hanseishiru (日本は反省しる), which is nonsensical but can be rendered in English as Apolojuice, Japan!. The placard was meant to say Nihon wa hanseishiro (日本は反省しろ, or Apologize, Japan!); the kana for ro has obviously been miscopied, being very similar to the one for ru (compare る ru and ろ ro.) A photo was taken and published on the webpage of the Korean newspaper Dong-A Ilbo[2]. Many members of 2channel found this quite amusing, and attaching shiru to the end of sentences is now quite common on threads concerning Korea. On American Internet forums such as the phrase is often rendered as "apology juice."

lol apology juice

22 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-21 20:48 ID:a0fjJQXI

 South korea!Come on!Hurry up!

  ∧∧       I am a balancer of East Asia!
 ./ C\    
 ( `八´)∧N ∧       
 ( \ > <、´Д`>    ∧S∧   __ Hey South korea!
 /`┐ノ、( \>    ヽ<`∀´, >ノ  | US | You Damn it!!
 ` 丶 、  `┐ノ、     (   )  _☆☆☆_
      丶 、  丶 、/ └i  .(´⊂_`;)∧J∧
          ` 丶 ◎ ` 丶 、ミ </ ) (´Д`;) Oh No…
             | .| 丶 、  ノ┌、   </ )
             | .|     丶 、 . ノ┌、
             | .|         ` 丶 、/. }}
             | .|             ノノ  …
             | .|
 ゙`゙゙´~~~``´゙`゙゙´´ ~~~´~~゙゙´```´゙`゙゙´´ ~~``゙`゙゙´

23 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-21 20:51 ID:a0fjJQXI

    AIYAーヽ l //AIGO‐
    〃 ――* * *―――
  ノヽ  〃  // | ヽ
  \ \ ./ ./ ..|  ヽ
  〃\ \ ./ . |
 .〃〃 .\ \
  〃   \ \        .__
        \ \      | US |
          `◎\    _☆☆☆_ ヾ
          | .ト、 \   (  ; ) ))
          | .| \ \ </ /∧J∧ヾ
          | .|   \ ×へノ (  ; ) ))
          | .|    \ \ </ /
          | .|      \ ×へノ  Gwam!
          | .|     Σ \ノ =3
゙`゙゙´~~~``゙゙´´ ~~~´~~゙゙´```´゙`゙゙´´ ~~``゙`゙゙´

24 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-22 18:41 ID:WdTJKdpI

Where is Taiwan?

25 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-06-29 21:32 ID:sOBvykqc


26 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-06-30 15:04 ID:m2tIM40u

27 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-07-02 04:44 ID:sOBvykqc


28 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-07-02 06:01 ID:3sQfd2df


29 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-07-10 16:31 ID:sOBvykqc

<ヽ`∀´> I demand apology juice for that injustice nida!

30 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-07-11 03:25 ID:20kwRGKW

Do you wapanese people even know the difference between "-shiru" and "-shiro" ? I don't understand how that translates into apology juice.

31 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-07-11 11:38 ID:yLWqe/n3

weeaboo faggots itt.

32 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-07-11 11:39 ID:Heaven

汁【しる】[shiru] = juice, sap, soup, broth.

33 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-07-11 11:52 ID:Heaven


The joke is that some Korean misspelled it, genius.

34 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-07-14 12:46 ID:Heaven

Sea of Japan - A Globally Established Name

35 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-07-16 09:18 ID:1MDBb4me

       ( 《(    ) 》
       ( (   ノ ノ∠
    /((       ミ   ヽ\
   《 ( ( ミ   丿 )  )) 》
   ゝ  ゞ  丿/ノ  丿 丿              __   
         ∥|┃│                 │  |   NIDA This is present for you.      
          | | ┃                _☆☆☆_
         │┃∥                 ( ´_⊃`)  
         ∥| ∥                 (  ∞ つ ュ POM
   ゞ (⌒⌒=|  ∥⌒⌒)ノ;;;::)            | | |  .|. ̄|
   ((⌒≡=    =≡⌒)丿ノ            (__)_) L .」

36 Name: Unverified Source : 2006-07-16 17:38 ID:IfQ4WzWg

The opinion of South Korea about North Korea missile launching.
9.July "It's unnecessary to fuss over like Japan before dawn."(Executive office of the President)
10.July "One-sided resolution promotion (by Japan) is not preferable. "

  • "North Korea missile hasn't any target contry, it's a TRAINING" (Executive office of the President)

11.July "To show an aggressive policy inclination, I can't help strongly watching it."

  • against the Japanese cabinet ministers'"Validity of preemptive strike" remarks. (Blue House)

12.July "We expect china to use refusal, we never agree Japanese Plan." (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
13.July Korea try to void the resolution of the Security Council, Korea opposes to apply the chapter 7.
14.July "The punishment resolution to the north by the Japan initiation is a clear aggressive policy." (43 Diet members)

  • "It is necessary six country conference qualification to reexamine Japan." (Pan Gimun - Foren Minister)
  • "Punishment to the north is the one like the Iraq attack. " (Nom Hyon - President)
  • "The missile launch in the north is a political act of demanding a concession from the United States" (Nom Hyon - President)

15.July "If Japan fuels the north, there is the possibility to attack the missile. But North Korea
doesn't have any missile to attack the South Korea, and they never say to attack us." (Kim Wonum - Diet Member)

  • "It is necessary to exclude Japan from six country conference. because

Japan cause the trouble for the conference advancement. " (Kim Wonum - Diet Member)

>>> The Security Council demanded Saturday that North Korea suspend its ballistic missile program.

16.July "Up to now, the South Korea government has done a strict warning to the missile
launch of North Korea with the international society. " (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

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