Here's a list of eroge that we can translate thanks to ONScripter.
Let's pick one and translate.
We will need a Japanese native speaker with a lot of time on his hands.
Anyone up for it?
Somehow I just can't see anyone helping out foreigners translating their domestic masturbation material.
Good luck, anyway! がんばれ!
Well, we don't have to do an erotic eroge, although that seems a contradiction in terms.
Maybe I should say "visual novel" instead.
Here are some small, free ones:
but if you could translate lines, who act the part of girls?
We don't need to translate the voice ('-`)
What's the voice?
I recommend you to study Japanese.
companies making eroge is very small.
so if you are a fan of eroge, please buy it.
i've flown in from 'english question' thread.
are you going to do all the dialogue in that game?!
i don't know what kind of game it is, or how much lines they have there, but i'm sure that would be a LOT of work indeed...
I'm not sure if i'm capable.
On purpose, I've chosen one of the smallest games-- only 164KB of text.
But this is still way too much and I don't understand a lot.
In this passage, the Japanese zero-pronoun mocks my feeble attempts at translation:
bg "sun.jpg",4
Who's doing the き立っていた and so forth? I don't even know if this makes sense in Japanese!
(Er, I meant 立っていた)
lol, 164kb of text file is a LOT to me :D
anyway, i've downloaded the game and seen those lines.
To be honest, >>12 it's obvious that there's two persons here,
but i'm not sure who is who.
the line start with "..." is the dialog and other lines are like, um, stage directions(not the dialog but people's actions).
My guess is the people who were 立っていた(standing) and talking here are, two people, YOU(player of the game) and the girl.
...this introduction gives me an idea of bad(unhappy) ending...;_;
zero-pronoun = ?
So do you want us to translate it? I'll give it a try,
Close your eyes
Intake the snow's sound, a limpid voice that is near.
Back then, (he/she was) standing over there.
The final touches (last straw?) were told, a gun was placed up to the forehead.
Eh? What're you going to do?
Now you don't need to use your imagination, says a high voice.
It's all right, it won't hurt.
(You) said (something like this).
So, close your eyes.
That pupil in innocence rationalized. [I have no clue]
Because it's a request.
It was said with all one's might. [I assume it refers back to "お願いだから"]
And both eyes were shut simultaneously.
That time (that the) cheek was able to produce polkadots [it's odd in wording, is it just blushing?] is symbolized everything, I think.
Do a (large) deep breath. [most likely "take a big sigh"]
From then on (you) drank [what is 飲み込んだ?] everything.
Don!! [Gong sound, or is it sound of a bullet?]
An innorganic sound [無機質な音] in a snowscape [銀世界]without anything else in it [何もない aka empty] is heard. [響いた = what is this verb?]
Everything is alright.
From this point on there's nothing.
At the time that was said, the cheek that was able to turn polkadot was frozen [=dead in the snow, face getting cold]
OK: I don't know if I translated that correct, but I guess this translation is better than none at all. I'm an English native studying Japanese. It is difficult to do the Japanese→English translation and make it sound nice! I can understand things like ・・・大丈夫だよ "Everything is allright" but it's hard to make them sound elegant.
>...this introduction gives me an idea of bad(unhappy) ending...;_;
^ I probably made a mistake in my Japanese grammar, so I'll say in English as well ^^;
Suicide right?
Maybe, it isn't 2 people at all. To me, it kinda gives the impression of 1 person. It gives me the impressions of a monologue. What do you think?
そこにあのとき立っていた。= narration / narrative
・・・大丈夫だよ。\ =
the suicider's thoughts/emotions
Now that I put some time into this thread, let's try to keep it alive :P
Alright, 4-ch translation project! With your help, here's what I've got so far:
bg black,4
play "bgm04.mid"
wait 1500
`A vision.@
`A dream, for all I know.@
`Whatever it is, it's out of place.@
`But I'm here.\
`Forever cold,
`the ground is buried by the tiny white shuttlecocks, drifting down from the sky.@
`A pristine winter wonderland.@
`A world without anything.\
`...I close my eyes...\
`In the midst of the sound of snow, the clear voice slowly resounded across the vicinity.@
`X had been standing there.@
`Hearing (?????), X puts a gun to X's forehead.\
`...huh?@ What am I doing?\
`Now, says a high-pitched voice, it's not your imagination.\
`'s alright, though. It won't hurt.@
`Like you said.\
`, I close my eyes.\
`無邪気に言うその瞳。(if it's two people, "Her eyes speak innocence to me.")\
`...because, I want...
`It was the hardest thing to say.\
`And X shut both eyes at once.@
`The spots on X's cheeks then spoke volumes.@
`X inhaled deeply and choked.@
`X understood everything.\
bg "sun.jpg",4
`An unnatural noise resounded in the empty winter wonderland.\
`...I'm okay.\
`...from this point on, it's over.\
`...there's nothing.\
`When X said this, the spots on X's cheeks froze solid...\
bg black,4
Just for fun, some additional confusing lines!
この雛っちはクラスの女のコの中では一番仲がいいと思う。\ (This Hinacchi thinks she is the best friend of all the girls in our class. ...what?!)
「いつもあたしの邪魔するから朝のうちに言っておこうと思って。」\ (Since you're always goofing off/being annoying, I thought I'd...)
Ohh, your wording is very elegant, and helps me to understand :)
>この雛っちはクラスの女のコの中では一番仲がいいと思う。\ (This Hinacchi thinks she is the best friend of all the girls in our class. ...what?!)
雛 【ひな(P); ひよこ(P)】 (n) young bird; chick; doll
雛っち therefore is chick (kinda slang because of っち, like "young'un")
= This young'un thinks that it's good to be the best of the girls in her class.
I'm pretty sure this is 99% correct.
>「いつもあたしの邪魔するから朝のうちに言っておこうと思って。」\ (Since you're always goofing off/being annoying, I thought I'd...)
家 【うち】 (n) house (one's own); (P)
汚行 【おこう】 (n) scandalous conduct
For confusing lines, sometimes I have to write down in a rough form so I don't forget:
Always my hindrance (を)する because, morningのone's own にspeak is scandalous I think.
Because I'm always [a hindrance/doing hindering things], speaking to me in the morning (like this(?)) is scandalous.
To talk to me this morning is almost scandalous, as I'm always hindering you.
Because of my constant interruptions, talking to [this morning's self/myself] is scandalous, I think.
I think that 「あたしの邪魔する」= "my causing a hindrance (to you)" because the phrase お邪魔します means "excuse me for disturbing (interrupting) you", but I feel so uncertain about the second confusing line :(
Her name is 川瀬雛乃, though. :) It's a pun, maybe.
And the full context is:
「今日はちゃんと、授業受けてよ。」 "Do the classwork properly today."\
「なにが?」 "What?!"\
「邪魔なんていつもしてねーよ。」I'm/It's not a 邪魔!!\
細い目で見られる。 I watch her in the corner of my eye. (?)
とにかく肯いておいた方がよさそうだ。 (no idea)\
「わかったよ。」 "Alright."
Good try, you two! amazing :)
hm.. i still insist that there are two people there...
he's pointing his gun at her and telling her, "it'll be okay, won't hurt, so close your eyes, please."
and she is saying "why? what are you doing?"
and then he finally shoots her and talks to himself, "it's over now. everything will be alright now. nothing happend"
and he was standing there for a long time after he shot her that his tear shedding over his cheek got frozen.
i insist there must be two people, because he's still talking to himself after the gunshot, so i believe he must have shot the other person, not himself...^^;
okay, mine version here :)
"Close your eyes"
They say "snow absorb sounds(it has Good try, you two!
hm.. i still insist that there are two people there...
he's pointing his gun at her and telling her, "it'll be okay, won't hurt, so close your eyes, please."
and she is saying "why? what are you doing?"
and then he finally shoots her and talks to himself, "it's over now. everything will be alright now. nothing happend"
and he was standing there for a long time after he shot her that his tear shedding over his cheek got frozen.
i insist there must be two people, because he's still talking to himself after the gunshot, so i believe he must have shot the other person, not himself...^^;
okay, mine version here :)
"Close your eyes"
They say "snow absorb sounds(snow has sound absorption)", and yet my(her) clear voice was slowly resonant.
There, we were standing.
I persuade myself to place the gun to her forehead, as the finishing touch.
"oh, what are you doing?"
High tone of voice that i can't imagine now.
"It'll be alright. It won't hurt."
Said I./I said so.
"So, close your eyes now"
Asked with inocent eyes.(literally, "said innocently with those eyes")
"just please do"
That was all i can say.
and then i closed my eyes.
(he closed his eyes as he finished with his sentense, or at the same time he said it)
it makes me think now, that the drop of water being formed on my cheek at that time represented/symbolized all.
(i believe he's saying that "this tear expressed everything")
I took a deep breath.
And that enabled me to swallow everying.
(he took a deep breath and swallowed everything; ie, his words, hesitations or his feeling, my guess)
And then....
bg "sun.jpg",4
a mechanical-sounding(cold, impassive) noise resounded in this empty snowy world.
"It'll be alright"
"Now everything and anything"
"has never happend"
When i said this, the drop of water on my cheeks has icily gone frozen...
how does it sound? make any sense??
my 3 hours of working. めっちゃ疲れた〜 :D
again, there's no subject specified nor even hinted here
so i might got them wrong. ^^;
and >>16
>This Hinacchi thinks she is the best friend of all the girls
>in our class. ...what?!)
I think this girl, Hinacchi, i get along with the best of all the other girls in class.//i can get along with her the most of all the other girls in class.
> (Since you're always goofing off/being annoying, I thought I'd...)
Since you always disturb/interupt me, i just thought i should tell you not to.
oh, while i was working on them, more postings!
a little addition.
'hina-cchi' is just a nick name of hinano. like hina-tan.
and "朝のうちに言っておこう" is like
"i'd better tell/remind you this, during morining"
she get's disturbed or interrupted by him often so she thinks that it's beter tell you not to, then she can have a peaceful time all day today.
`"Look, do your classwork properly for once today, you hear?"
`"The hell?"
;「いつもあたしの邪魔するから朝のうちに言っておこうと 。」
; Be careful here:
; いつもあたしの邪魔するから ->
; since you're always being a bother to me
; 朝のうちに言っておこう ->
; "I'm going to tell him/her/it, first thing in the morning"
; 思って ->
; to think, to feel. So, to put it together:
`"I thought I'd warn you off first thing in the morning, seeing as you ALWAYS end up bothering me like crazy."
`"I am NOT bothering you all the time!"
; Be careful. See that られる。? Passive construction.
; Also, 細い目 -> narrowed eyes
; So, to put things together --
`"She looks at me with narrowed eyes"
; とにかく - in any case
; 肯いておいた方 - "to have nodded in agreement"
; よさそうだ - "seems easier"
; So, to put things together --
`Eh, whatever, it'll probably be better just to agree with her on this one. For now.
Anyway, I'm only going to be able to check in infrequently. Good luck.
"With a mukutto(?), I gathered my senses."
"Doing the dam payment with glee(?!), Shark began to take attendance."
(I can only assume this means "noting the delinquents with glee")
Something about how he was about to borrow the needle and thread but it was forgotten because he lost (his apron).
This is a ridiculous lie about a cat stealing his apron which I don't quite fully grasp.
It's after 11 now, more tomorrow if I'm lucky.
-i sit up abruptly.
-Shark(teacher's nick, just in case) began to take attendance after "hemming".<he did "ahem"
that's wrong kanji. it should be 咳払い. ^^
-if it were sewing set (that i forgot to bring), then it could've been settled by borrowing needle and thread,
but there's nothing i can do about this when it is the apron.
he can't borrow apron because usually students bring only one apron each.
-"...because the cat 'Mantarou' said to me that he wanted to see it".
Thank you, that's great! I guess this game should have been better proofread.
Still, it's been amusing to translate so far. I'll continue this evening.
Alright, for your consideration, here is my translation so far:
And here is the full Japanese script:
(Out of folly, I deleted the Japanese lines after translating, rather than commenting them out)
Please post any changes here. orz
If you make significant changes, you can use
Confusing lines...
If anyone wants to help me out with the actual translation... orz
Is it okay if I try? I'm not Japanese either, though, but anyways.
"About that thing, I'll let you borrow it", she said.
...or should I rather say, heavy.
Yeah, but isn't that "Shakoujirei", I've just thought...
("社交辞令"="Shakoujirei"="a polite or diplomatic way of putting things" -EDICT. Another typo in the script?)
Though I've never seen (him/her/it) being summoned nor attacked by someone other than me.
I'll tell the teacher, so 公欠に... (I've no idea what's "公欠"...)
approved absence
I will be unable to work on this for a week or maybe more. But I will still try to finish it before september 30 (eh... kind of impossible). stick around
Alright, I'm doing a much shorter project for the deadline-- I will finish the other one in my own free time.
But, I need to finish it by tomorrow! And I don't want any mess-ups in the dialogue.
These passages confuse me:
`A Santa Claus fetish?\
`"Your face doesn't believe me!"\
`"I really am Santa Claus! @まだ見習いですが、@ちゃんと免許も持ってますよ!!」\
`"Y, you still don't believe me!"\
`"PLEASE believe me!"
`A foreigner?!\
I managed to finish off most of those lines.
I'll send in my product now: