Whether life is worth living or not. You be the judge. (50)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-04 10:42 ID:N0DR5Lp5

Emo or not, I can't deny that life is cruel to me. Ever since I was born i was being treated unfairly and bullied. Whenever people encounter I always get shafted and treated to be the inferior, always getting the end of the stick, its like I'm deserved to be put down. I'm really sick of it. Sometimes I want to kill people, I've been wanting to do this. If I ever come to that and decide to act on this. I probably would kill thousands, I 'm really bitter and angry about the society. its like a bad stigma is attached to me when I meet others. It's bullshit, people automatically disliking me as soon as they meet me. Do people have the same problem?

It's like they look at me like a retard. I'm not trolling or anything. I know it gives me impression that I 'm looking for bad responses from this, and it is really uncommon to self-defeat myself or rather hating myself. Its not that I want to say that.. but from experiences that is how I have concluded they are looking at me. People don't take me seriously nor do they want to talk to me. They think I'm stupid and automatically make them the right to mistreat me or behave towards me in a way offending by belittling me. I want to tell them not to treat me the way they are treating me and be a bit respecting directly in serious tone .. but if I do it I get the cold shoulder and it definitely end me being shafted even further and heing hated by everyone in the group.. thats why I want to kill them all before they do this to me.... I really sick and tired of enduring this. I want to end my life.. or if not become insane,, which already am.. . i can go further by dissociating human morals and conscience and make myself the worst human enemy. I don't derserve this treatment. If I ever think of killing myself, I can't do it,, there is just something preventing me.. also killing others i can't do that ,, i still have my parents....but if they are gone one day, maybe that'll change and i don't have any physical connections. If i were to choose murdering others, i have leave my parent away to the outside world by myself or i have to kill my own parents so that i don't have anymore connections,. that'll make me do whatever i want without responsibility and duties bound with my parents.

What do think and have to say about this?

Am I the only to have this thought?

I'm really bitter the society. Who wouldn't be bitter if they are treated like that in their whole life?

Please come out and say something.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-04 11:20 ID:AD6SAmCO


also ( ´ω`)⊃ http://4-ch.net/personal/

3 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-04 12:59 ID:Heaven



4 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-04 20:46 ID:rZ2tOB3B


I dunno, can you write or draw?

Most artists start out at the hate teh world level. Then they express themselves and sometimes the art they make is beautiful.

Can't hurt to try.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-05 02:34 ID:F1kVYq0g

sorry, but there is something either misleading, or wrong about how oyu look at you life.

i'll do a very lame example which kinda describes your situation, sorry, since i made it up my self its kinda stupid, BUT , just take a look at:
Mr. A comes home in a boaring day and tries to connect to the internet. it doesn't connect, because his LAN card is broken, but you know what, he is like : FUCK THIS INTERSHIT, ALL THE FUCKING SITES HAVE BANNED ME AND THEY DON'T LET ME TROUGH, AUUUGH, WHY EVERY ONE HATES ME?!!?!!!11!!1!

dude, if you are being put down all your life, then work against it instead of justifying it by hating others. in other words, if you hate the world, your wrong.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-05 10:48 ID:BFfFCE92

you know killing yourself and other will not solve anything, because if u kill someone then u will end up hating yourself more, all that guilt will build up and u will start to go insane, you no just go find someone u trust and talk with them they will listen to u they will also help u with your problem you know just talk to them.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-06 23:31 ID:r7ZxdbFJ

That! That! That, or just anything that you like.

I mean, you must like something! Got a hobby? Maybe become a mad scientist and blow up the world. It's something to do, at least. Far better than just being another person who is born, lives, and just dies without doing anything at all.

Plus, if you do something well known with your hobby, society will like you more. Famous~

8 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-07 13:55 ID:Heaven



I'm actually considering that also, I mean I had that in mind when I was a kid.

Since you suggested this, do you happen to be one yourself or are you in the process of becoming one?


You're right, why I live a life like the rest on the norm do?

But what if you are alone and have no friends and opportunity is hard to come by?

Talk is easy, but you need to find like minded people who have the same interest as you do, a lot of people I find are not common with me.

We just need to find the right type and minded people who have the same interests. Where I live, none is to be found. People are not trustworthy, either they don't care or don't understand.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-10 01:20 ID:eefrYKau

Look, if you choose to kill yourself, that's your choice and even if you do, know that life moves on for everyone else. People will get over you and your death will mean nothing to them.

And if you choose to kill others, well you're just taking away lives for your own selfishness and lack of self control over your emotions. Pathetic, really.

And for the fact that everyone hates you, what if they do? Who fucking cares. The world is cruel. Get over it. Live life they way you WANT it to, not the way THEY want you to.
The fact of the matter is, you are in control of your own happiness. Don't rely on friends or whatever to make you happy. If you want to make friends, then first build yourself some self-esteem and self-confidence. Second, don't automatically assume people hate you. If you do, it is only natural that they will begin to avoid you.

The bottom line is, life sucks, sure. But that shouldn't stop you from living the way you want to.

10 Name: imperfect : 2006-11-07 12:15 ID:dFuWCKId

its true that there is a lot of pride and arrogance in the world today because most people generally are self serving one eyed individuals full of pride everyone wants to be the coolest according to that vain i do more than you do philosophy especially young people, i understand what you are saying you just need a revelation a new way of looking at life in god eyes the outcasts of society are worth more to him than the restas jesus said in the book of john ''blessed is he who mourns for he shall be happy and blessed is he who has a poor spirit for he shall see god, these people are blind and not worth the energy of thinking about them if they focus your thoughts on god for he is real read the bible and pray and if you really do with a real conviction he will hear you and answer you anyone can go to god it dosnt matter who you are or what youve done god loves and forgives all who humble themselves before him, god will not leave you even if you smoke pot or drink you just have to care about him,dont take your anger out on people for god says in his word that ''vengence is mine saith the lord''good luck

11 Name: Berserker : 2006-11-07 20:35 ID:g2EC01ON

Anyone desperate enough for suicide...should be desperate enough to go to creative extremes to solve problems: elope at midnight, stow away on the boat to New Zealand and start over, do what they always wanted to do but were afraid to try

12 Name: Down and Out : 2006-11-17 02:13 ID:vVfisnxP

Hey OP, I so know how you probably feel. Yeah, I think I have the same problem where people who do look at me often have this look that says "who the f are you and which hole you crawled out of". Plus the fact they ignore you when you try to do something to make friends just because you hardly socialised with them b4. Not to mention the fact that people rather hear and believe rumors and gossip about you on certain stuff and events rather than hear it straight from the horse's mouth. It's maddenly frustrating that I can understand.
Know how you feel about wanting to turn "Game of Life"'s restart button on, you wanna but something just won't let you.
It sucks when everything seems to be beyond your control and you can't even go out of control because the only thing you could control is yourself.
I'm so making no sense...

13 Name: ^______________^ : 2006-11-17 08:13 ID:d4XfKPrS

I wanna do that. Except I'd swap New Zealand to Japan..

14 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-20 06:57 ID:WkOx+HZY

u would cause others pain if u kill others. u would hurt their friends and family. if u hate your pain, u would not wish it on others, right?

if u kill yourself u would cause pain to your family and friends. if u hate your pain, u would not wish this on them.

i think u r depressed. u show signs of depression. it is a common thing so please do not feel upset that i suggest this.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-21 13:34 ID:Heaven

yes, life is worth living because you only live once.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-22 05:04 ID:BZ5uBLar

You can't be sure of that, though. You may have been re-incarnated a few times and just don't know.

...But I guess you would count that as not being "you."

Well, hmm... what if you were re-incarnated as an ant, but lost all of your memories? No one would ever know. That might be possible.

17 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-25 06:05 ID:Heaven

>>16 Then it wouldn't matter at all.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2006-12-28 21:36 ID:CeYwr1wg

I agree with whoever said to make things. I'm working through some stuff right now and the biggest help has been my video work. check it out- maybe it'll give you some ideas.


19 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-03 01:31 ID:hBnQCkNZ

Protip: Life is NOT fair. Do not expect it to be. Be grateful for the good things, and embrace and encourage them. Don't focus on the bad things, don't constantly expect bad things to happen, because that will only promote you acting in ways that will attract bad stuff. (Constantly act defensively and as if people are bad, and others will feel that you are a very unpleasant person, and will not behave in a way that will contradict the pattern you keep being focused on)

20 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-03 10:44 ID:xvgtd4Pw

life is always worth it, i found about this truth when I died in a plane crash. Of course I just closed my eyes and imagined the crash with all its detail, the black after it was just too empty.

21 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-03 20:48 ID:sTOFHS94

Have you read this book titled "The Positive Power of Negative Thinking"?
It's encouraging "negative" thinking as a kind of shield against bad things coming your way.
Essentially pessimists always expect the worst to happen, but why not try imagine all the possible scenarios and when you recognize one or more of them; prevent them from happening?
It worked for me :)

22 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-04 05:34 ID:XK52WiTa

Wow this is very heavy. I am sorry for the way people have treated you. You however have all full rights and authority to correct people when they try to treat you like crap. It isnt the world that is the problem it is the few jerks you run into to. I understand about not being taken seriously. It used to grate my nerves. I almost threw hot coking oil on a guy because he pissed me off laughing in my face basically calling me a liar when I was being serious and honest with him.

You are going to have to curb your negative thoughts because they are borderline destructive. How dare you want to kill other people because of your pain. Killing them spreads more pain, more angst and more screwed up lives. You dont like how things are? MOVE. CHANGE. DO SOMETHING POSITIVE. But talk about killing people off especially your parents. Do they even know what you are going thru? You need to talk to someone NOW about how you are feeling. If you dare kill a person you will be forever sorry . You brainstorm about how to change things in your life. You learn how to make people respect you more---and dont think that you know exactly what each person thinks about you. only God knows those thoughts. When you walk in negativity you attract negativity.

23 Name: fart man : 2007-01-04 11:06 ID:RRf7f/zT

well, in a way, i can understand u want to kill them, but it wont be a slution to the problem. i guess u know that. so its better for u to find another way to solve the problem, for sure.

what about learning karate?? kicking and punching is surely sounds better than stabbing. and maybe one day, u will become the karate champion, and pple will treat u nicely.

24 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-04 20:15 ID:Heaven

Being well prepared and fully aware of that things may go awry is not the same as constantly drowning yourself in negative thoughts. It's fully possible to view life in a positive way but still be aware of the bad things. When I say positive thinking, I do not mean idiotic desperate hope, hiding from life via looking at everything through thick pink glasses and trying to pretend that everything will go your way and that the bad things never happened, that's as catastrophically bad as constantly drowning yourself in negative thoughts.

25 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-10 20:29 ID:UN0sRqfU

Be glad you have food in your fucking selfish little stomach and a roof over your ignorant, ungrateful head. Life is fucking sweet if you stop bitching about it, just be glad you're not rotting on the side of the street with maggots crawling through your legs.

Think of everything you have that so many people don't. Judging from the fact that you can afford a computer and an internet connection, you are blessed. Seriously though, life can be tough, and we all bitch and moan from time to time, but having a shitty attitude is a sure-fire way to not enjoy yourself.


26 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-12 19:39 ID:Heaven

You fucking asshole, i cant come up with a good enough sentence that would describe how i feel about you.
People are dying, eating shit from the streets and pissing blood while egos like you just walk by them thinking about themselves.

I have something to tell you my friend, you are not alone, life isn't easy, it never was easy and never will be. You either shuve that up your ass or you shuve that up your ass.

I see alot of emo drama on the internet, posts like this one comming from spoiled little brats who think everyone is against them.
I have had so much shit happen to me that you would not begin to understand, i could easly make posts about how my best friend took suicide and then three months later another friend of mine hanged himself, my mother and father beat me when i was a kid, threatening me with knives and draging me on the floor with my hair, and that i have no friends, everyone is treting me like some kind of shit, but i aint.. and guess why??

Because everyone else have their own problems with life and being emo about it and killing others is NOT going to change that.
Fucking pathetic.

27 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-13 00:31 ID:Heaven


How do you know he is suffering any less than you?

How can you fucken know he got it easier than you?!

All you fucken doing is assuming he is a emo kid like the rest of the stereotypical emo kiddy crowd who actually have much better life compared to him!

Look, at least you can go outside not be in so much fear! I can't because I was born different! I'm the ugly ducking, the black sheep, the flying dumbo, the beast from beauty and the beast, and the monster from frakenstein! Don't fucken try to use the word "pathetic"! You don't know about me! You simply fucken assume I was the stereotypical emo kid!

28 Name: fart man : 2007-01-18 14:24 ID:RRf7f/zT


>Because everyone else have their own problems with life and being emo

dont get so upset man. >>1 has his onw problem with life and just being too emo too, like u say. he does know killing his parents wont solve the problem i guess.

29 Name: Newoz : 2007-01-19 06:12 ID:gBt9CLkK

Seems like I'm looking at a mirror
( ._.) {from the past, I mean...)

Say, you were brought to this world, a savage, hungry, bitter and melancholic world. The world is as filled with bad things as it is overflowing with good things. Humans are sensible, true, they normally (by default?) percieve things that make them think negative things. But the mind, a super dangerous and profit-making tool, can shift, twist, smash or blend those images that make your life sad. Sometimes, you just need to look behind that wall, either walking behind it or moving it.

Dear friend, I, as well as many of us 4-chers, 2-chers and the whole humanity, have desired feeling death's sharp scythe rolling through my neck. The thing is, when jumping across that border, into the cold and strange darkness, you lose everything. Your life, your memories (being good or bad), your friends, your family, your projects, your ideas, your dreams, you lose them all. Life is fragile, your body and soul too. You cannot continue living like this, my friend, because you will lose. Still, life is no game, but it is a great stage where you will perform your existance. You may fly through the air in triumphant happiness, or smash through the floor.



30 Name: Newoz : 2007-01-19 06:13 ID:gBt9CLkK

Sincerely, where are you? Pardon, lets go back from 0: who are you? Have you thought that before? Where do you stand in life? No, do not add any negative responses!!!!! NOOO!! Firstly, with all the last drops of hope you have, track your spot in the world. Where are you, physically, in your parents' hearts, in your friends' hearts, in a stranger's heart, in your memories, in school, in your job, anywhere? What is what you have? Do you have a body? Do you believe in God? Do you have memories? Do you have happy memories? Those memories in which your father or mother will tickle you with kisses and your spirit would vibrate from laughter, and the bottom pit of your soul will become enlightened? Those memories in which your friends picked you up from the ground, making sure you were OK amongst the cloud of dust and the blasting sun? Those memories where you would dear and crave to be in again, those in which you could be happy? Where are they? Did you even have happiness in your life, that which would build up the human you are????????


(;_;) {Really, life is too precious that not even multiplying

  |the world's money by Avogadro's number will even reach
|the cost of life.

Destroying people is not a smart thing to do. Do not make yourself the hand that draws fire with a magnifying glass over ants on a sunny Sunday morning. Just destroying will make more space in your hollow body to fill in with more hate, tears and anger. You can, still, liberate the anger within with expressing. ART!!!!! Make music, write a poem, record a video, draw a painting, assist concerts, go to galleries, listen to baroque music, read classics and contemporary books, etc. SPORT!!!! Join a team, go to a gym, take early morning walks or jogs at your nearby park, park your car away from your jobs' building's entrance, quit smoking, etc. SOCIETY!!!! Present something to the public, perform on the streets, go to parties, talk with people, SMILE!!!!, contribute to discussions and debates (correctly), get a gf/bf, help the local community, etc. Really, there are many ways in which you can vomit the poison that is being brewed inside.


31 Name: Newoz : 2007-01-19 06:14 ID:gBt9CLkK

Sir, the only way to go through your problems is solving them. You can firstly change your point of view, to the people and to yourself. Change your clothes, empty your closet or your room to remove unnecessary things, change your hairstyle, change your mental dictionary, change your habits, smile at people!!, smile when talking to the phone, etc. At the same time, you can talk to people about your problems: friends, family, psyquiatrists, etc.

I don't know what else to say, really (._. )

If destroying makes you happy, stop on your tracks and place a mirror. Observe the hole that is forming on your chest. Fill it in with anything negative, it is gonna become wider. Fill it with good things, it will become smaller and then become light, which will enlighten your life and the life of others. But, you have to work on it. You cannot fix your situation if you don't want to, if you are not willing to do anything for it, if you refuse to acknoledge that the only cause of your problems is YOU. Well, people can be another factor, but, DO WE EVEN CARE WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK OF US?????!!!! The hell with them, I say! People might think that you are a creep, a bastard that came to this world with the only purpose of dying in a neverending series of pain, tears and blood. But, their eyeglasses hide the real person, the real being in the human. People don't often take those glasses off when they come upon your way, but, certainly, there is a bunch of light inside everybody that can beat the sun's light radiation. You have to take those eyeglasses off, too, and discover the real you. Humans have a lot of potential: we made it to space! In this planet, what is that thing that you can do to contribute, give, to the people? People only expect the best of others, true, but some may have to tolerate with everybody else's nature. What is that, hidden in your soul, that can create a sculpture, a song, a painting, a poem, a performance, so wonderful that will fill other people's eyes with liquid hope and happinness and complement the vast gaps in their souls??????


32 Name: Newoz : 2007-01-19 06:15 ID:gBt9CLkK

Before you die, before I die, before everybody dies, we must develop something that will live further than our expiring dates. A heritage, a masterpiece, a prize, something, anything that will make an imprint in humanity's many sides.

Sir, you have a long way to go. If you want to have a better life, I beg you to really think all of those things you have just read, and all of those that will appear in the previous and following posts.

But, for now, I have to say goodbye, and good luck.

(°U°) {GANBARE!!)

33 Name: Newoz : 2007-01-19 06:16 ID:gBt9CLkK

And yes!!!!!1oneeleven11
Life is worth living when you want it to be!!!!

In the end, how you live is up to you.

34 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-20 12:30 ID:Heaven

>>33 more liek 3% is up to you. 93% is outside influences, mature people know this.

35 Name: fart man : 2007-01-25 08:41 ID:RRf7f/zT


>In the end, how you live is up to you.

its so funny to see this after i read such an impressive post u made in >>31

36 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-27 01:29 ID:yc5Uz7hX

As a percentage of all the matter in the entire universe, do you realize how infinitely insignificant everything that you call "you" is? Your body, your mind, the arrangement of atoms that is YOU statistically shouldn't have happened. You could be a dust cloud in space, or a drop of frozen water on a comet. But you, among ALL of the matter in the universe cobbled together something called sentience. Do you realize how lucky you are? You won the greatest lottery in the entire history of EXISTENCE. That alone is cause for celebration. And you, feeling what I'm sure you think is a cruel and unfair punishment would cut that down after only 20-30 short years? Madness. You're alive, that's more than the rocks, the dirt, the dust cloud, the ice cubes, and all the other atoms floating around get. You're more lucky than you know.

Enjoy it, whatever it happens to be, while you can; because that's all there is and ever will be.

37 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-28 10:24 ID:Heaven

if someone reads the post you made, there is a 100% chance that they exist and are sentient

38 Name: A : 2007-02-06 19:28 ID:iVShRSd9

Life sucks. (Period)

39 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-06 21:44 ID:wfEE+I7Y

I believe there was a Webcomic back then that wasn't so bad.
Their slogan was "Life sucks. Make fun of it."
I always thought they were fuckin' right.

40 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-08 16:29 ID:3Sl0eh9B

"I used to think every day I woke up and didn't gargle a few rounds from a revolver was a victory, but little 'golden' moments like this make me wonder, 'A victory for who?'"

Davan McIntyre, "Something Positive"

41 Name: Kira : 2007-02-10 08:06 ID:GqK7b+HR

Well life is like that you know... There are many bad days and good days or not so many of them... But life is like a battle... Killing yourself would end the battle... Within your self (Ok that sounded like BS but trust me...). I was like you before... Wanting to kill others (Although... it's prob. because I thought humans are garbage, boredom, etc.) but think about it... People only live once anyways... Don't you want people to live to their fullest? Ask yourself. We are all same human being. Also you getting bullied could be a prob. so you need to have more confidence in yourself (protect ur self by training mentally and physically). Besides if you think that people don't care about you.... They do care... Look at the strangers giving you advises in this forum. I mean strangers who doesn't know much about you are helping you. So you should be thankful. And think deep and well about ur self. Well that's all the advice I can give it to you... I just hope that you will be a good person and make right choices... And remember... You are an author of your story, your life. So you can write it how you like... Therefore theconclusion of your stroy depends all on you...

42 Name: Mackai : 2007-02-18 02:12 ID:VZq75WF1

I suggest you do things to make you feel alive, for me, when I was feeling like you I did things that where on the edge. Like things that makes your body think its in a life or death situation, like when you rock climb or something. I suggest hang-gliding or something. It will make you feel alive and stuff. Or you could cut yourself like everybody else...then you would have scars on your arms and legs though.

43 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-18 02:46 ID:sN3844Ys

i gotta wonder. if people really want to kill themselves, and i mean really - not for attention, not because they are incredibly depressed over some one thing (job loss, market crash, breakup) but really, really just want to kill themselves, should they simply be allowed to?
which is more important, freedom or life?

44 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-18 04:59 ID:e7gBzYOn

Suicide, in the USA, at least constitutes a form of murder.

As a citizen under normal circumstances, you do not have the right to kill anyone. Period.


If you believe in the infinity of time and human experience, killing yourself won't end your pain. You cannot destroy reality just because you can kill yourself. Pain and suffering, joy, and enlightenment, human experience, are things you can't destroy. If nothing else, your experiences will loop after your death, although you probably won't know it. These considerations, based on the meaninglessness of linear time, are expressed in the Buddhist and Hindu concepts of reincarnation, albeit in a more literal, distorted form.

The only pleasures to be had are in the here and now, the joy of breathing, immediate experience. If you try to catch happiness, it escapes you, whether you do this with money, self-empowerment, or a handgun.

If on the other hand you feel obligated and view suicide as the only socially-responsible thing you can do (very few of us ever find ourselves in this kind of extreme situation) do some research on suicide, methods of suicide, and the motivations behind it. I find it's a very effective turn-off from suicidal thoughts.

45 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-20 03:37 ID:MElrx9Hn

The Myth of Sisyphus by Camus.

Read it.

Basically, life may suck, but you can't do anything about being dead, you can still do shit in life, so you may as well take from it what you can. You'll be dead soon enough anyway.

46 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-20 04:00 ID:lsPSfPO1


I have seen hardships as discouraging as yours and was driven into solitude and isolation, and to an important degree this solitude remained the backbone of my life for almost twentyfive years.

In the solitude I found peace and a life worth living.

Now that I emerge, however, I am being met by a world that still is harsh, though the despair has gone.

I am NOT recommending that you get lost in solitude, but it would be good to find yourself.

Trust me: life is worth living. Right now you are blinded by despair but this too shall pass. Do not give up on the only thing you have. Stay with us.

47 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-22 07:24 ID:1ZwEi1uj

Buddy,, life is harsh in general. Just make the best out of it. This is not a joke but i think a trip to a strip club will help you out. also sex is great if you are feeling like shit..

48 Name: Nox Puss : 2007-02-22 10:57 ID:k0OVvoPr

Taking your own life is just cowardice. It's letting the bastards win. Life may be gving you a hard time, but you have to stick with it. Don't give up, ignore the arseholes who think you aren't good enough and have some fun. Most people are pretty much just stupid, predujiced lumps of bone and muscle taking up the air and space that should belong to smarter people, but that isn't going to change. Not everyone's like that, though- keep trying and you'll find someone who can appreciate you.

49 Name: Anonymous : 2007-03-11 09:17 ID:SyFOiGTc

>>1 please read your subject line. A lot.

What answer to you get?

50 Name: Anonymous : 2007-04-01 12:38 ID:yZbEyuPr


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